SBHA Meeting Minutes May 13, 2015


May 13, 2015 

Web Site – We cannot get in touch with Heather, the lady that designed the website and has rights to it.  We may need to start over where Stonebrook owns the website – Chris will research

Chicken Complaint – Karen Gokey emailed Rick with a complaint regarding chickens at a residence on Nathan Circle.  The city ordinance says 6 chickens are OK, but no rooster.  However, the covenants for Stonebrook state that you cannot have poultry.  Rick will look into this further and discuss it with the homeowner.

Stone repair on the fence – There was a complaint regarding stone repair to the fence.  Rick is having the homeowner check with the city.

Annual Meeting – The annual Stonebrook HOA meeting will be held August 19, 2015 @ 7 p.m. at Sunnyside elementary.  They are waiving the fee.  We will need to get a newsletter and door hangers.  Will discuss further at the next meeting.

Garage Sale – Chris is getting with signature signs to see how much a large banner would be for next year.  It is too late for this year and we’ll have to do with the small signs.

High School – It has been heard from Penny Peterson in Cantebury that the school district is thinking about making Taylor View Middle School the Idaho Falls High school.  There was a flyer that she had with information.  We would like to get more information and be able to pass this along to the Stonebrook homeowners to education them at the annual meeting.  Rick will check with Penny and see what information she has and what they’ve done to address it.

Checking Acct. – Cindy and Rick will find a time to go to Rudd and Company to see what needs to be done to add Rick to the checking account.

New move-ins – We are not sure how we are notified of new move ins.  Chris will get with Jennifer and Rudd and Company and report back.


In Attendance:  Rick Beem, Ted Heckathorn, Chris Sweetland

Stonebrook annual garage sale: Will be May 16.  Chris updated on where we are in the process. 

  • The Facebook page was updated with information

  • Newsletter had been sent out on Tuesday, April 21, and should be arriving within a couple of days. 

  • Locate the signs at the storage unit and put them up the Tuesday before the sale

  • Call the Post Register and place an ad.

Website:  The website is down. 

To-do: Rick set up on checking account. Call Rudd and CO. and possibly the bank to see what needs to be done.

Enforcing the covenants:  It was brought up how we enforce the covenants (such as dirt pile and chickens).  It was suggested that we get a copy of the covenants out to the homeowners with reminders of what the covenants are (i.e. chickens; trailers; dirt pile etc.).  It was decided that the covenants would be on the website and we could refer homeowners to that once it is back up and running.

Statements / Dues:  Call Rudd and Co. and ask for a list of homeowners and where we are on the dues and what reports we will get.

Tree Trimming concerns.

Ted talked with a new homeowners.

Annual Meeting:  It was decided we would have the annual meeting on Wednesday, August 19 @ 7p.m. 

NEXT MEETING – July 15, 2015 @ 7 p.m. – Rick’s house. 

SBHA Meeting Minutes November 6, 2014

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting

November 6, 2014 

In Attendance:  Rick Beem, Cindy Garrity, Chris Sweetland, Angela Cochran

The need to get a newsletter out with names of the new board members and positions was discussed.  Rick will work on getting a newsletter put together and send to Chris.  Chris will contact Jennifer at Rudd and Company to understand the procedure to get it out and mailed when it is typed up and ready to go.  It was determined that this needs to be a priority and done as soon as possible

A discussion was held regarding the Stonebrook website and the need to change the information on it.  Cindy had an email from NVDesign, but their exact role is not known.  Chris will contact Russ Thompson and get contact information for someone who maintains the website and determine what we need to do to change the information there.

Banking signatures need to be changed.  Cindy will get with Rudd and Company and have the names changed to Rick and Cindy.

Rick is going to contact the city of Idaho Falls to see what the guidelines are for tree trimming.  He will determine what happens if the homeowners don’t trim their own trees (does the city do it and if so, what will the charge be).  This information will be in the newsletter as well.

Cindy brought up the need to remind homeowners to make sure sidewalks are shoveled this winter with children going to and from school and for the safety of everyone.  It was discussed that this should be in the newsletter as well.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2015 @ Rick Beem’s residence



SBHA Meeting Minutes April 9, 2014

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting

April 9, 2014 

In Attendance:  Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson, Cindy Garrity,  Sheri Lewis

Meeting was called to order and the minutes from the January 15, 2014 meeting were read.

Update on the sign repair at the entrance:  All work has been completed on the sign.  We received a bill from Wheeler Electric for $334.10 for the rewiring of the lights.  Cindy will get the check issued from Rudd & Co. Carrie will follow up to see if it was covered by the original payment from State  Farm.

Sheri got bids from a few local sign companies for new yard sale and meeting signs. We decided to go with Signature Signs.  Pricing for the signs is $57.95 for single sided 24x48; $89.95 for double sided 24x48; $19.95 for single sided 18x24; $27.00 for double sided 18x24.  Signature Signs will update the dates on the signs for $5 each.  We decided to go with large signs for all the entry ways.  Sheri will check on the cost of having one side of the sign for the yard sale and one side for the meeting.  We will also get a small sign to put near the school for the meeting.

Russ will be following up with Vic and Sue regarding the houses with trees in violation of the city code.  Letters will be mailed out with a deadline of May 31st.  Russ will respond to the request from a 12 year old neighbor regarding her request for Chickens.  We decided we could not bend the rules for anyone, even if it is a child J

The UPS box will close out on April 17th.  It was decided by the board to not have mail held or forwarded due to the additional costs involved.  Carrie will verify with Rudd & Co. if we should be using the PO Box or street address for our mailing address. 

Cindy went over the financial statement from Rudd & Co.  She will talk to them about getting a more detailed ledger each month.  They have started scanning the bills which has been working out better.  We will keep an eye on things to make sure bills are being paid on time.

Newsletter ideas: update on tree trimming, repeated requests for chickens, trailers behind fences, etc. 

Upcoming dates:

Next Meeting: July 16 at Cindy’s house

Neighborhood Garage Sale:  May 17

Annual Meeting: August 20th 7 PM Sunnyside Elementary Library

Move to adjourn the meeting by Sherri; 2nd by Cindy

SBHA Meeting Minutes January 15, 2014 

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting January 15, 2014 

In Attendance:  Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson, Cindy Garrity, Ted Heckathorne, Qun  Shi, Sheri Lewis

Meeting was called to order and the minutes from the November 20, 2013 meeting were read.

Update on the sign repair at the entrance:  The sign has been reinstalled, the lights are back up, but cannot be wired back in until the weather warms up.  State Farm has paid the claim, so any additional charges for the electrician will be submitted to State Farm for reimbursement.

Website has been updated to reflect new board and changed around a little.  One possible recommendation for the website was maybe a classifieds section where people could list events, items for sale or looking for things, etc.  We are looking into having signs made with the website address to try to get more homeowners looking at the website.

The next newsletter will go out right after the April meeting.  Carrie will verify the city code for the tree trimming. If it was incorrect in the last newsletter, we will run the correction next time.  We also mentioned putting a welcome to new homeowners in there as well.  Email Carrie any ideas for the newsletter.

Carrie will be contacting Sunnyside Elementary about the  possibility of having our annual meeting there and also trying to get some calendar of events from the school so we can include them in our newsletter as well. 

Sherri will be checking on the price of new signs for the annual yard sale, meeting and for the website.  We are hoping to go with the style used for the political signs.

Rudd & Co will be scanning the bills for review by Russ and Cindy before going in to sign the checks.  We will verify that Rudd & Co. is updating homeowner information as it is provided by title companies.  

Upcoming dates:

Next Meeting: April 9th at Sherri’s house: 277 Brookside

Neighborhood Garage Sale:  May 17

Move to adjourn the meeting by Sherri; 2nd by Cindy



SBHA Meeting Minutes November 20, 2013

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Meeting 11/20/13 7 PM 

In attendance:  Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson

Minutes Reviewed

Eva Rivera has chosen not to be on the board

We will be putting a newsletter out shortly.  Send Carrie any ideas you have.   We are going to check with Rudd & Co to see about having them print it instead of having to go through the UPS store

Russ will be setting up a meeting with Doug from Rudd & Co. to clarify some of their duties for our association. 

Website will be updated with new board information and newsletter once it is prepared

Carrie will contact Sunnyside Elementary about having the annual meeting there next year.  We thought maybe a smaller venue and more centrally located in our subdivision would be a better choice.

The sign repair at the entrance is near completion.  At this point, we are working to get all of the information to State Farm so that we can get it all reinstalled.

Next meeting will be Jan. 15, 2014 at 7 pm

SBHA Meeting Minutes October 2, 2013

Stonebrook Homeowner’s Association

Board Meeting 10/2/13 

In attendance:  Cindy Garrity, Qun Shi, Vic Jacobson, Maris Cukurs, Sheri Lewis, Kelley Hart, Russ Thompson, Carrie Madden

 Russ presented an update on the wall repair at the entrance.  The city is having the wall pieces made.  They will be installed when HK work on the roads slows down.  We need to check on salvaging the lights & wiring.  We will contact Wheeler Electric.  Russ will check with the city engineer to get another update and to see if it can be arranged to have our sign removed at the same time so it won’t damage anything.  Carrie will contact the insurance to make sure the repair of our sign and any cost involved with removal and putting it back up will be covered.

Maris mentioned the change of address needed to be filed with the state. Russ signed the form and it will be mailed on 10/3/13.

 Vic had concerns with violators and trees.  It was recommended that the city be contacted this regarding the trees near the streets and sidewalks. Trees need to be trimmed 12 ft. above the street and 7 ft. above the sidewalk.

Current violations:

*** Haven – boat

*** Brookside – dirt pile – is under citation with the city

**** Nathan – RV in driveway

*** Harvest Run – Trailer – Vic will call the city

***  Stonebrook – trees block stop sign

There was no financial report this month. Rudd & Co. did not provide the update as requested.  Carrie will follow up with this.  We also discussed setting up the online banking so the treasurer could double check the information presented by Rudd & Co.

Russ will check with Richard Cullison to see if he is still interested in helping with the entry ways.

Website will be updated with new officers, blurb about Stonebrook, etc.


President: Russ Thompson

Secretary:   Carrie Madden

Treasurer: Cindy Garrity

Board Member: Qun Shi, Sherri Lewis, Ted Heckathorne, Eva Rivera, Richard Cullison (entry way only)

Russ made the nominations; Carrie seconds them.  We will talk to absent board members to see if either are interested in VP position

Meeting Adjourned 



OCT. 3, 2013 

Russ Thompson                 

Carrie Madden                    

Cindy Garrity                     

Qun Shi                                    

Sheri Lewis                           

Ted Heckathorne              

Eva Rivera                             


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SBHA Meeting Minutes August 21, 2013

SBHA Annual Meeting Minutes August 21, 2013

Attendees Victor Jacobson, Sue Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Sharon Lewis, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson and ~ 16 attendees

  1. Russ - Introduction

  1. Carrie - Financial Summary

    1. $19, 798 in checking; $23,166 in savings; anticipated payout of ~$7,000 for sprinkler system

  1. Russ

    1. New website at

    2. New sprinkler system to replace 30+ year old system

    3. Working with police on details for the accident that occurred at main entrance. 

  1. Maris

    1. Discussed home values and sales in the neighborhood

                               i.   Last year at this time there were 13 properties on the market, this year there are 6

                              ii.   Sales have been steady over the past 4 years

                             iii.   Overall Bonneville County has seen some improvement, inventory down and sales up slightly.

                             iv.   More higher priced homes sold last year.

                              v.   Maris discussed homeowners exeption and how that works.

  1. Sharon

    1. Discussed painting snow on the mountains on the entrance sign. 

  1. Q&A

    1. One owner expressed concern over number of rentals. A homeowner can do what they want with their home, rent it, live it in, leave it empty. Bylaws cannot dictate what an owner does to the vacancy of the home.

    2. Questioned about the cash flows and normal income and expenditures per year 

  1. Nominations for Board

Steve Bright;

Eva Rivera; 522-9400;

Cindy Garrity;

Ted Heckathorne;

Qun Shi;




SBHA Entrance Sign

Eagle Rock Fabrications

2117 W. Omni
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Office 208-552-5080

State Farm Insurance

Wendy Hoovel


  The quote you requested for claim # 12-23mo-877 is for the metal sign on the entrance to Stone Brook Estates. We were able to save most of the parts other than the main Stainless Steel piece that lines the back which will need to be replaced.  For labor and material to reinstall sign it would be $2,855.00. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call.

Thank you,

SBHA Meeting Minutes July 24, 2013

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting July 24, 2013 

In attendance: Maris, Carrie, Russ, Sheri, Kelley

Richard has contacted All American to award them the sprinkler repair job which should be underway and will hopefully have the entrance looking better in no time.

Annual homeowners meeting will be August 21, 2013 at 7 pm at Taylorview Middle School in the auditorium.  Carrie will have the UPS store make the postcards which will be mailed out at least 2 weeks prior with the agenda:

Russ – Oversee meeting; present on projects this year: website, sprinklers, etc.

Carrie – financial overview

Maris – Home Values & Elections

Mike – City Council (10 minutes) – Kelley will invite him

Sherri – entrance signs (temporary snow will be put on one set of the mountains on the entrance sign and we will take the homeowners opinions when we send out the newsletter in the fall

Open Floor Questions

Estimated Cost for the post cards which includes printing, prepping and mailing them is $183

We will email all board members to see who is planning to stay on the board next year so we will know how many openings we have. 

The extreme amount of work by Vic & Sue this past year was recognized. Thank you for all of the extra effort you both put into getting things back on track for the board.

Has Vic spoke with Doug to see if he is willing to be the registered agent for the homeowners association. The registration needs to be filled out and filed with the state. Maris has an application.

Mailbox update: We were going to close the box at the UPS store in October since we are now using the PO Box of Rudd & Co.  Apparently everyone who pays their dues by bill pay through their bank had the old address saved and several checks have been received there.  We will keep the box open through the time it’s paid up (I believe April) I will confirm when I take the post card order in.


A few updates need to be made. Any recommendations for the website need to be mailed to Russ ASAP so he can have the appropriate changes implemented.  The ones that were mentioned were not having the board on the home page; instead of dues, using the term assessment; adding something about tree trimming, etc; adding to the links; limiting the list of board members to the actual positions and not listing members who aren’t really active; having the current newsletter on the site. Russ will provide each member who will have an email address through the website the information on how to get that set up.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Carrie.  Russ second the motion

Next meeting will be the annual meeting on August 21, 7 PM. 


SBHA Meeting Minutes June 12, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes June 12, 2013

Attendees Victor Jacobson, Sue Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson.

  1. Review meeting minutes

    1. Carrie read through last meeting minutes.

    2. Meeting minutes were accepted.


  1. Financial Summary

    1. 6 houses still need to pay past dues, 5 of which are rentals.

    2. Didn’t need to file taxes


  1. Review Old Business

    1. Newsletter was sent out.

    2. Chicken owner was talked to re: chickens not allowed in stonebrook

    3. Website – Russ has seen proof of website. Working on picture of entrance.

                                               i.     We start paying once everything has been uploaded

                                             ii.     Need new mailing address of HOA

                                            iii.     Projected will be complete end of June.


    1. Discussed Talbot and process for writing checks. Agreed he will write them and get them ready and then call when the checks need to be signed by board member.

                                               i.     Will ask for quarterly reports.


  1. New business

    1. Discussed annual homeowners meeting and that it “shall” be in the month of August.

                                               i.     Carrie will call Taylorview to see if we can use on August 21.

                                             ii.     Need agenda with time allotment for each topic so we do not go over and extend the meeting for too long.

                                            iii.     Maybe have a master gardener come talk at the next meeting?

    1. Sprinklers – old metal pipes, 20-30 years old and we are getting lots of dry spots. Should we put in a new system?

                                               i.     Agreed to get 3 bids

    1. 420 Woodhaven shell parked in front all winter. 105 Harvest Run has 5th wheel. 2049 Georgetown Court vacant lot with piles of rock and trash (city issue also).

    2. Should annual dues be raised? Need to get bids on new sprinkler and then determine what annual dues should be to help alleviate the cost.




Next meeting – July 10, 2013 @ 7:00pm @ 3929 Nathan

 Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasurer Report May 14 , 2013- June 12, 2013


Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:            $13,777.54

                  Deposit (dues):                     $720.00

                  Disbursements:                   $25.72   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                        $280.00  All American Yards

Ending balance:                                     $ $14,191.82


Savings Account                                    $23,160.57 (previous month) All paperwork has been given to Doug at

this time so I didn’t have the statement to reference.


SBHA Accounting Firm Bid Comparisons for Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Accounting Firm Bid Comparisons

for Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Bell Group

Option 2 annual cost

·       $185 X 11 + $250 = $2,285 + postage, paper, envelopes, etc (est $400) for first year = $2,685

·       $185 X 12 = $2,220 + postage, paper, envelopes, etc (est $400) for subsequent years = $2,620

Option 1 annual cost (includes tax preparation)

·       $225 X 11 + $250 = $2,725 + postage, paper, envelopes, etc (est $400) for first year = $3,125

·       $225 X 12 = $2,700 + postage, paper, envelopes, etc (est $400) for subsequent years = $3,100

Doug Talbot (Rudd & Company)

·       $125 X 11 + $600 + $500 = $2,475 first year + $200 tax preparation = $2675

·       $125 X 11 + $600 = $1,975 subsequent years + $200 tax preparation = $2,175

Lisa Moss

·       $3,600 this year

·       $2,875 subsequent years

In addition each year we would save about $200 on the post office box rental (except we would probably keep the post office box if we use Lisa) plus about $300 to send out our annual dues.

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SBHA Meeting Minutes May 13, 2013

Stonebrook Homeowners Association Treasury Report April 10, 2013 to May 13, 2013


Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:         $13,281.62

                  Deposits (dues):  $1,350.00 

                  Disbursements:                           $25.88   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                              $360.00   All American Yards

                                                                              $443.20   UPS Store Annual PO Box Rental & Spring newsletter

                                                                             $25.00   Post Register – Annual Sale Ad

                  Ending balance:                   $13,777.54


****$240.00 dues to be deposited tomorrow******


Savings Account                                    $23,160.57

SBHA Meeting Minutes April 10, 2013

 Minutes : Stonebrook HOA Meeting April 10, 2013 

In attendance:  Vic & Sue Jacobson, Carrie Madden, Maris Cukurs, Kelley Hart, Russ Thompson

Review of minutes from March meeting: Accepted by Maris; 2nd by Vic

Update on dues:

40 homeowners left to pay

Vic started calling those who haven’t paid – 11 of them said they would be paying

Maris will try to get current phone numbers for those who Vic couldn’t get ahold of

Approximately $3000 in delinquent dues

Vic will be sending out another notice to those who haven’t paid. If not paid within a month of that letter, a $50 fee will be assessed; next letter will give another due date and another $50 fee assessed.  Third letter will inform homeowner that a lien will be placed on the property

Billing letters will be mailed out the end of May with 2013 dues


Financial update:

Board was happy to receive the monthly update each month before the meeting for review and would like to keep that going

UPS bill will be paid for 1 year for $168


Russ is currently working on editing the content that was pulled from the old website

Hopefully it will be up and running soon & all board members will be notified by email with any updates or questions


Russ has an appointment before April 15 to verify whether we need to file taxes or not


The board decided the newsletter needs to go out ASAP since the yard sale is coming up.  Carrie will get the updates to Loretta and Vic will get Loretta the current name/address list so she can provide all that to the UPS store for printing.  Carrie will go to UPS store this weekend and get money put into the account to cover the printing and mailing

Meetings are being set up with different firms regarding managing our subdivision dues, etc.  Those most likely won’t be until mid-May due to tax season

New Business:

Maris has received questions regarding having chickens in our neighborhood since the city recently started allowing them.  Our covenants do not allow for them – they only allow for domestic cats and dogs

A homeowner questioned whether they need to get board approval to put in a pool.  That is not addressed in our HOA and it was decided that is something that is regulated by the city and there would be city codes to abide by

A homeowner questioned whether they could install a satellite dish or not.  It was decided that the modern Dish or Direct TV type satellite dishes are ok. 

Upcoming yard sale will be May 18th

Kelley will arrange for the ad in the paper; Carrie will take a check to the Post Register

Vic will put up the signs at least a week prior; Russ will take down the signs

Maris moved to adjourn the meeting; Russ 2nd that motion

Next Meeting: June 12th 7 PM at Kelley’s house

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasury Report March 6, 2013 to April 9, 2013


Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:         $12,137.50

                  Deposits (dues):  $1,290.00 

                  Disbursements:                           $25.88   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                              $120.00   All American Yards – Snow Removal

                  Ending balance:                   $13,281.62


Savings Account                                    $23,160.57

SBHA Meeting Mintues March 6, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes March 6, 2013

Attendees: Maris Cukurs, Victor Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson.

         Special Attendee Lisa Moss

  1. Review meeting minutes

    1. Loreta read through meeting minutes and each item was discussed as read.

    2. Meeting minutes were accepted.

  2. Financial Summary

    1. 107 letters were sent out heard from 37 people.

  3. Review Old Business

    1. Correction from last meeting minutes: 316 houses in Stonebrook, 107 owe dues, 71 owe dues for 1 or 2 years, 36 owe for 3 or more years.

      1. Letters were sent out to delinquent accounts holders. Only 1 letter was returned, renter promised to get the letter to the owner. Still quite a few who owe and several for 5 years or more. Action: Letters will be hand carried to the homes.

      2. Maris checked with Title One and they have the post office box address. They do have a phone number but no one knows whom the number belongs to.

    1. Website – Russ continued working on the website with the developer. He should be sending a link out soon to the prototype.

      1. Heather (developer) is going to find several domain names and then the board will pick one.

      2. Russ is locating .pdfs of the bylaws, covenants and other pertinent documents.

Lisa Moss attended the meeting to discuss her findings of the accounting review of the homeowners association. Her biggest concern is that the organization is being run like a non-profit/volunteer organization rather than a business; that all the members are employed for free. She discussed her viewpoint that the board members should be making decisions and then should hire/contract someone to do the actual work, i.e. hire someone to send out and collect homeowners association fees; treasurer should be doing forecasts for future needs, not bookkeeping.

 Discussed hiring an accounting firm to administer the collections and bookkeeping for the association.

  1. Person who deposits money into account should not have authority to write checks.

  2. Association dues should be sent out as a bill rather than included as an item in the newsletter.

Agreed that we should investigate the option of hiring a management service for our bookkeeping and then determine a budget. If it causes an increase in the association dues then should consider an incremental increase over the next several years.

Agreed that the biggest benefit of securing an outside firm to manage the bookkeeping is that it will establish continuity from year to year, board to board.

  1. New business

    1. Maris alerted the board that the registered agent for Stonebrook is Bob Utterbeck who is deceased.

      1. Registered agent needs to be updated with an actual person

      2. Street address, cannot be P.O. Box

      3. Discussed that possibly the registered agent should be the person/firm that provides bookkeeping for the association.

    2. The association needs access to a lawyer to run legal questions by.

    3. Carrie mentioned that we have a $120 bill from All American for snow removal. She will be paying the bill.

    4. Carrie talked to assessor’s office and they can provide a mailing list for Stonebrook Homes, they need a few hours to generate the list. 

Next meeting – April 10, 2013 @ 7:00pm @ Russ’ house 107 Cobblestone

Stonebrook Homeowners Association Treasury Report March 6, 2013 to April 9, 2013 

Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:         $12,137.50

                  Deposits (dues):  $1,290.00 

                  Disbursements:                           $25.88   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                              $120.00   All American Yards – Snow Removal

                  Ending balance:                   $13,281.62

 Savings Account                                    $23,160.57

The Stonebrook Homeowners Association (SBHA) of Idaho Falls

Duties to be performed by an accounting firm:

1.     Produce and send annual bills to SBHA members - SBHA fiscal year is July 1 of current year to June 30 of following year (Stonebrook has 316 homes).

2.     Deposit collected funds in the SBHA account. 

3.     Track payments and follow established collection procedures if no payment is received (including filing liens if necessary).

4.     Continuously update records (homeowner change information is usually received from Title Companies) with an annual homeowner and address verification with county records.   Transmit a copy of each change to a designated member of the SBHA Board. 

5.     Prepare checks for signature by association officers to pay bills received. (The average is one or two bills per month.)

6.     Send biannual newsletter.  If the service provider has a bulk mailing permit, they should be used for sending, however the SBHA Board will originate the newsletter.

7.     Send standard covenant violation letters as board deems necessary.  (The average has been between five and ten per year.)

8.     Prepare and transmit to the board for review a quarterly report and an annual report (for annual meeting).

9.      Receive mail for the SBHA.

10.  Answer requests from title companies, as needed, regarding homeowner assessment payments.

11.  Prepare and file an annual tax return, if required.

12.  Act as the Registered Agent for the SBHA 


SBHA Meeting Minutes February 6, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2013

Attendees: Maris Cukurs, Kelley, Hart, Georgia Haynes, Victor and Susan Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Sheri Lewis, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson

  1. Review meeting minutes

    1. Loreta read through meeting minutes and each item was discussed as read.

    2. Meeting minutes were accepted.

  2. Financial Summary

    1. Financial summary will be emailed before each SBHA meeting for review prior to the meeting.

  3. Review Old Business

    1. 314 houses in Stonebrook, 107 owe dues, 81 owe dues for 1 or 2 years, 36 owe for 3 or more years.

                                               i.     Maris reviewed the assessment plan that had been written in previous years. All agreed that there was never an update to the plan. Agreed that the plan is still valid.

                                             ii.     All members agreed that the board needs to continue aggressively collecting outstanding homeowners dues and not wait until the next billing cycle.

                                            iii.     Vic and Sue will work on updating the letters that will be issued to delinquent homeowners. The assessment policy will be included in the notice.

                                            iv.     Process to put lien on a home is for an attorney to file the lien. The attorney costs are assessed to the homeowner. Board prefers not to go this route.

                                             v.     Title One needs to update their contact for Stonebrook Homeowners Association – Maris will follow up.

                                            vi.     In the next newsletter an explanation of dues will be included.

    1. SBHA is a non-profit corporation. Income that is earned from interest on HOA fees must be reported. Have we filed taxes? Have papers been filed with Secretary of State?

                                               i.     No member was aware of the status of taxes being filed.

                                             ii.     Russ will investigate.


    1. Liability insurance has been paid - Vic and Sue have the insurance binder. Insurance is through Falls Insurance Center – Connie Carlson.

    1. All American Yards provided a proposal for spring maintenance (lawn mowing and summer & fall fertilizer). If we prepay the cost will be $423. All members agreed to prepay.

    1. Agreed that Sheri should be reimbursed for garland purchased for main entrance. Sheri received check at the meeting.

    1. Discussion on welcome committee/package. Decided to hold off on this effort until more of the action items we are currently undertaking have been completed.

    1. Website – Maris stated that he was not impressed with the sample webpage, which opened a discussion on what the board wants to include in the webpage and what features are desired.

                                               i.     Address suggestion was to secure,, and – all were available according to Go Daddy.

                                             ii.     All agreed to keep it simple, easy navigation, soothing colors, look good when printed, use of white space (not crowded content).

                                            iii.     Ideas for items to be included in webpage

1.     Covenants

2.    Dues assessment plan and explanation of what dues are used for.

3.    Newsletter

4.    Announcements

5.    Services within the neighborhood and vendors could advertise

6.    Calendar of events

7.    Members’ classified ads

8.    Email for board members

9.    FAQ

10.  Store all SBHA documents

11.   Contact numbers for city of IF, animal control, etc.

                                            iv.     Content on the webpage belongs to SBHA.

                                             v.     What is obligation with provider Russ recommended?

1.     $750 to build website and secure address.

2.    Will take 1 month from agreement in place to launch website.

3.    $40 per month fee 

    1. Verified that we are paying for only one electricity meter at front entrance. Last bill was $26.

    1. Front entrance sign – Sheri will clean when the weather warms up and will add snow to the mountaintops.

  1. New business

    1. Following items were discussed for inclusion in Newsletters:

                                               i.     6 month listing of upcoming events, i.e. Garage Sale

                                             ii.     Board member contact information

                                            iii.     President’s note

                                            iv.     Seasonal reminders (shovel, tree trimming, city ordinance for trees, etc)

                                             v.     Sunnyside school events

                                            vi.     Discussion on dues

                                          vii.     Suggested to send newsletter to home address and to out of state homeowners.

    1. Georgia will contact tree trimming services and ask for a bid for tree trimming with discounts if X number of homes hire the service at the same time. Suggested to contact All American since we have a contract in place with them for lawn care. Mike Roberts at Roberts & Sons was also recommended.

    1. Kelley will send Russ the Stonebrook letterhead for a consistent look to all correspondence.

    1. Vic will email Russ with current convenient violations.

                                               i.     Discussed that we need to begin keeping a list of violations and when the homeowner/renter was contacted and how. The same is true for unpaid homeowners dues. By keeping a history the board will have records and be able to make decisions on what future actions to take

    1. Russ contacted the city police in regards to neighborhood watch program. The signs are still up in the neighborhood.

                                               i.     Citizens watch patrol can tag cars that are in violation. This is a citywide position, not just for stonebrook and you must take training from the police and attend 2 meetings per month.

                                             ii.     Joelyn Hansen can attend one of the SBHA meetings to discuss the neighborhood watch program.

                                            iii.     FYI – – enter your address and you can view what police reports have been filed in your area. You can also sign up for email alerts

Next meeting – March 6, 2013 @ 7:00pm @ Maris’s house 193 West Stone Run Lane

Stonebrook Homeowners Association Treasury Report Feb. 9, 2013 to March 5, 2013 

Checking Account

                  Beginning balance: $10708.54

                  Deposits (dues): $1455.00 

                  Disbursements: $26.04   City of Idaho Falls

                  Ending balance: $12.137.50

Savings Account                                    $23,160.57 

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasury Report Jan 1, 2012 to Feb 8,2013


Checking Account

Beginning Balance                                                                                                       $15,259.04

Receipts                                                                                                                               $8,244.80


City of Idaho Falls Utilities                                                  $329.28

Lawn Care & Snow Removal                                              $3,418.20

Entryway Stump Removal & Landscaping                 $1,800.00

Entryway Sign Lights, Paint, & Garland                      $4,648.20

Storage Unit                                                                                $264.00

SBHA  Insurance 2012 & 2013                                         $1,017.00

Mailings & Postage                                                                  $568.62

Website Setup                                                                            $750.00

                                                                                          Total                         $12,795.30

Ending Balance                                                                                                              $10,708.54


Savings Account                                                                                                                  $23,160.57


Total Delinquent Dues                                                                                                $6,900

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SBHA Meeting Minutes January 9, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes Wednesday January 9, 2013 

Attendees:   Maris Cukurs, Sheri Lewis and Russ Thompson

1.     Review meeting minutes

a.     Russ read previous meeting minutes.

b.     Moved to accept by Maris and seconded by Russ.

2.     Financial summary

a.     Vic, Sue and Georgia were unavailable. Update pending

3.     Review old business

a.     Discussed homeowner dues and need an update from Treasurers.

b.     Discussed taxes and our status. Update needed on status.

c.      Discussed liability insurance. We need the specific info regarding where the policy is located and the status.

d.     Discussed All American Yards and the snow clearing contract is in place.

e.     Discussed entryway sign. The powder coating is complete and the sign installed. Possibly we could add some detail to the sign such as snowcaps to the mountains. Sheri will discuss further in the next meeting.

f.      An update is needed regarding the newsletter from Loreta and Georgia.

g.     Further discussion regarding the welcome package. We would like more input from the complete board for the next meeting. One idea is to make candle holders with etched art. More ideas are needed. Also discussed the process of triggering a gift. Maris suggested the Treasurer should alert the board there is a new family in Stonebrook. He also stated there used to be two board members, one East and one West, to deliver welcome gifts and greet the new families.

h.     Discussed the website. Russ has obtained a quote to create and maintain a quality website. Initial upfront cost is $750.00 and the monthly maintenance is $40.00. This includes domain, hosting and quarterly content updates. The thought is to have a third party involved so when the offices change, the website will still be updated. Russ will forward an example of a working website for the board to review. We will need more indepth discussion to choose a domain name, content and a logo.

i.       Discussed the entryway lighting meters. Sheri stated we should only be charged for one meter. Vic to advise if the billing concurs.

4.     Discuss new business and issues

a.     Sheri bought new lighted garland for the front entrance and storage containers. She will forward the receipts to Tresurers for accounting and reimbursement.

b.     Russ suggested we explore starting a Neighborhood Watch program in Stonebrook. Maris stated there was one previously and that we had signs posted at one time. Russ will look into what it will take to bring back the program.

c.      Russ brought up a Christmas decorating contest. We discussed that a contest would probably not be the best thing however, encouraging homeowners to decorate and then sending a letter of appreciation may be the best course. More discussion is needed.

d.     Russ suggested we meet again in February to continue our recovery. Dates mentioned were February 6th and 13th. Russ will contact the board members for consensus and schedule the meeting. Reminders will be sent also.

5.     Russ moved to adjourn and Sheri seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.

SBHA Meeting Minutes Nov 28, 2012

SBHA Meeting Minutes Wed Nov 28, 2012 

Attendees:   Kelly Hart, Maris Cukurs, Victor Jacobson, Susan Jacobson, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson


1.     Discussed homeowner dues – There are 316 homes is Stonebrook, 202 are paid in full, 47 owe 1 yr, 28 -2 yrs, 26  -3 yrs 9 -4 yrs, 5 -5 yrs.  We agreed as a board to send  two different notices about January 1st as follows:

a.     A reminder to all who owe for just one or two years.

b.     A letter to all who owe for 3 or more years asking them to pay by March 1st or pay a $50 penalty.  Also if they do not pay by May 1st we reserve the right to place a lien on their property, assign their bill to a collection agency, or take other appropriate measures for collecting.  We will also note that if they can provide documentation that they have paid, we will correct our records.

2.     Proposed that the format for future meetings include the following:

a.     Review meeting minutes

b.     Have a financial summary

c.     Review old business

d.     Discuss new business and issues

3.     Reviewed board responsibilities

a.     Board has 7 members who serve for two years - there can be more depending upon need and agreement of the board.  Member terms should be staggered so that no more than 4 are new in any year. 

b.     The president calls and presides over meetings.  Kelly said that his main responsibility is to field complaints on covenant violations.

c.     A summary of the board responsibilities and positions is in the BY-LAWS

4.     Discussed that the SBHA has liability insurance on the entryway and for the board.

5.     Selected seven board positions for 2013 as follows:

a.     President – Russ Thompson (Kelly Hart will be available for consultation)

b.     Vice President – Maris Cukurs to assist Russ

c.     Secretary – Loreta Koriwski

d.     Assistant Secretary - Georgia Haynes

e.     VP over the entryway – Richard Cullison

f.      Treasurer – Carrie Madden (Sue & Vic Jacobson will continue serving while Carrie learns) 

g.     Board Member - Sheri Lewis to finalize entry sign painting and assist on special projects

6.     Discussed and decided the following:

a.     Entryway Sign –
Kelly will send an e-mail to Sheri and instruct her to go ahead with having the Stonebrook name on the entryway sign powder coated.

b.     News Letter -
Loretta and Georgia will publish the SBHA News Letter with the new board member names and contact information.  The letter will also include season’s greetings and reminders on homeowner responsibilities – sidewalk cleaning, tree trimming, RVs not in front of homes, etc.

c.     Title Companies -
Vic and Sue will make certain that all title companies in Idaho Falls have their names and contact information to ensure that SBHA is contacted on all Stonebrook home sales or refinancing.  Title companies identified are:

                                               i.     Title One Corporation

                                             ii.     Alliance Title

                                            iii.     First American

                                            iv.     Mountain West

                                              v.     Amerititle

d.     Dues –

                                               i.     The timeline for sending dues notices is:

·      Before June – Obtain Stonebrook homeowner address updates from Bonneville County and update our list. (Maris will determine who to contact at Bonneville County for the list.  Carrie said that she will also investigate who to contact.)

·      By July – Send out the homeowner dues letters

                                             ii.     The annual dues billing cycle is July 1st to June 30th   

e.     Welcome Package -
Maris and Russ will look into developing a welcome package for new Stonebrook homeowners and finding someone to do it.

f.      Website –
Russ will setup the Stonebrook website.  Vic Jacobson will forward Barbara Kimmitt’s contact information so Russ can ask her what was done previously.

g.     FYI-  (Nov 6, 2012 Bank Statement)

                                               i.     Balance in checking  $14,222

                                             ii.     Balance in savings     $23,155

                                            iii.     Entryway light installation was paid in October