SBHA Meeting Minutes June 12, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes June 12, 2013

Attendees Victor Jacobson, Sue Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson.

  1. Review meeting minutes

    1. Carrie read through last meeting minutes.

    2. Meeting minutes were accepted.


  1. Financial Summary

    1. 6 houses still need to pay past dues, 5 of which are rentals.

    2. Didn’t need to file taxes


  1. Review Old Business

    1. Newsletter was sent out.

    2. Chicken owner was talked to re: chickens not allowed in stonebrook

    3. Website – Russ has seen proof of website. Working on picture of entrance.

                                               i.     We start paying once everything has been uploaded

                                             ii.     Need new mailing address of HOA

                                            iii.     Projected will be complete end of June.


    1. Discussed Talbot and process for writing checks. Agreed he will write them and get them ready and then call when the checks need to be signed by board member.

                                               i.     Will ask for quarterly reports.


  1. New business

    1. Discussed annual homeowners meeting and that it “shall” be in the month of August.

                                               i.     Carrie will call Taylorview to see if we can use on August 21.

                                             ii.     Need agenda with time allotment for each topic so we do not go over and extend the meeting for too long.

                                            iii.     Maybe have a master gardener come talk at the next meeting?

    1. Sprinklers – old metal pipes, 20-30 years old and we are getting lots of dry spots. Should we put in a new system?

                                               i.     Agreed to get 3 bids

    1. 420 Woodhaven shell parked in front all winter. 105 Harvest Run has 5th wheel. 2049 Georgetown Court vacant lot with piles of rock and trash (city issue also).

    2. Should annual dues be raised? Need to get bids on new sprinkler and then determine what annual dues should be to help alleviate the cost.




Next meeting – July 10, 2013 @ 7:00pm @ 3929 Nathan

 Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasurer Report May 14 , 2013- June 12, 2013


Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:            $13,777.54

                  Deposit (dues):                     $720.00

                  Disbursements:                   $25.72   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                        $280.00  All American Yards

Ending balance:                                     $ $14,191.82


Savings Account                                    $23,160.57 (previous month) All paperwork has been given to Doug at

this time so I didn’t have the statement to reference.