SBHA Meeting Minutes February 6, 2013

SBHA Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2013

Attendees: Maris Cukurs, Kelley, Hart, Georgia Haynes, Victor and Susan Jacobson, Loreta Kurkowski, Sheri Lewis, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson

  1. Review meeting minutes

    1. Loreta read through meeting minutes and each item was discussed as read.

    2. Meeting minutes were accepted.

  2. Financial Summary

    1. Financial summary will be emailed before each SBHA meeting for review prior to the meeting.

  3. Review Old Business

    1. 314 houses in Stonebrook, 107 owe dues, 81 owe dues for 1 or 2 years, 36 owe for 3 or more years.

                                               i.     Maris reviewed the assessment plan that had been written in previous years. All agreed that there was never an update to the plan. Agreed that the plan is still valid.

                                             ii.     All members agreed that the board needs to continue aggressively collecting outstanding homeowners dues and not wait until the next billing cycle.

                                            iii.     Vic and Sue will work on updating the letters that will be issued to delinquent homeowners. The assessment policy will be included in the notice.

                                            iv.     Process to put lien on a home is for an attorney to file the lien. The attorney costs are assessed to the homeowner. Board prefers not to go this route.

                                             v.     Title One needs to update their contact for Stonebrook Homeowners Association – Maris will follow up.

                                            vi.     In the next newsletter an explanation of dues will be included.

    1. SBHA is a non-profit corporation. Income that is earned from interest on HOA fees must be reported. Have we filed taxes? Have papers been filed with Secretary of State?

                                               i.     No member was aware of the status of taxes being filed.

                                             ii.     Russ will investigate.


    1. Liability insurance has been paid - Vic and Sue have the insurance binder. Insurance is through Falls Insurance Center – Connie Carlson.

    1. All American Yards provided a proposal for spring maintenance (lawn mowing and summer & fall fertilizer). If we prepay the cost will be $423. All members agreed to prepay.

    1. Agreed that Sheri should be reimbursed for garland purchased for main entrance. Sheri received check at the meeting.

    1. Discussion on welcome committee/package. Decided to hold off on this effort until more of the action items we are currently undertaking have been completed.

    1. Website – Maris stated that he was not impressed with the sample webpage, which opened a discussion on what the board wants to include in the webpage and what features are desired.

                                               i.     Address suggestion was to secure,, and – all were available according to Go Daddy.

                                             ii.     All agreed to keep it simple, easy navigation, soothing colors, look good when printed, use of white space (not crowded content).

                                            iii.     Ideas for items to be included in webpage

1.     Covenants

2.    Dues assessment plan and explanation of what dues are used for.

3.    Newsletter

4.    Announcements

5.    Services within the neighborhood and vendors could advertise

6.    Calendar of events

7.    Members’ classified ads

8.    Email for board members

9.    FAQ

10.  Store all SBHA documents

11.   Contact numbers for city of IF, animal control, etc.

                                            iv.     Content on the webpage belongs to SBHA.

                                             v.     What is obligation with provider Russ recommended?

1.     $750 to build website and secure address.

2.    Will take 1 month from agreement in place to launch website.

3.    $40 per month fee 

    1. Verified that we are paying for only one electricity meter at front entrance. Last bill was $26.

    1. Front entrance sign – Sheri will clean when the weather warms up and will add snow to the mountaintops.

  1. New business

    1. Following items were discussed for inclusion in Newsletters:

                                               i.     6 month listing of upcoming events, i.e. Garage Sale

                                             ii.     Board member contact information

                                            iii.     President’s note

                                            iv.     Seasonal reminders (shovel, tree trimming, city ordinance for trees, etc)

                                             v.     Sunnyside school events

                                            vi.     Discussion on dues

                                          vii.     Suggested to send newsletter to home address and to out of state homeowners.

    1. Georgia will contact tree trimming services and ask for a bid for tree trimming with discounts if X number of homes hire the service at the same time. Suggested to contact All American since we have a contract in place with them for lawn care. Mike Roberts at Roberts & Sons was also recommended.

    1. Kelley will send Russ the Stonebrook letterhead for a consistent look to all correspondence.

    1. Vic will email Russ with current convenient violations.

                                               i.     Discussed that we need to begin keeping a list of violations and when the homeowner/renter was contacted and how. The same is true for unpaid homeowners dues. By keeping a history the board will have records and be able to make decisions on what future actions to take

    1. Russ contacted the city police in regards to neighborhood watch program. The signs are still up in the neighborhood.

                                               i.     Citizens watch patrol can tag cars that are in violation. This is a citywide position, not just for stonebrook and you must take training from the police and attend 2 meetings per month.

                                             ii.     Joelyn Hansen can attend one of the SBHA meetings to discuss the neighborhood watch program.

                                            iii.     FYI – – enter your address and you can view what police reports have been filed in your area. You can also sign up for email alerts

Next meeting – March 6, 2013 @ 7:00pm @ Maris’s house 193 West Stone Run Lane

Stonebrook Homeowners Association Treasury Report Feb. 9, 2013 to March 5, 2013 

Checking Account

                  Beginning balance: $10708.54

                  Deposits (dues): $1455.00 

                  Disbursements: $26.04   City of Idaho Falls

                  Ending balance: $12.137.50

Savings Account                                    $23,160.57 

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasury Report Jan 1, 2012 to Feb 8,2013


Checking Account

Beginning Balance                                                                                                       $15,259.04

Receipts                                                                                                                               $8,244.80


City of Idaho Falls Utilities                                                  $329.28

Lawn Care & Snow Removal                                              $3,418.20

Entryway Stump Removal & Landscaping                 $1,800.00

Entryway Sign Lights, Paint, & Garland                      $4,648.20

Storage Unit                                                                                $264.00

SBHA  Insurance 2012 & 2013                                         $1,017.00

Mailings & Postage                                                                  $568.62

Website Setup                                                                            $750.00

                                                                                          Total                         $12,795.30

Ending Balance                                                                                                              $10,708.54


Savings Account                                                                                                                  $23,160.57


Total Delinquent Dues                                                                                                $6,900

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