SBHA Meeting Minutes April 10, 2013

 Minutes : Stonebrook HOA Meeting April 10, 2013 

In attendance:  Vic & Sue Jacobson, Carrie Madden, Maris Cukurs, Kelley Hart, Russ Thompson

Review of minutes from March meeting: Accepted by Maris; 2nd by Vic

Update on dues:

40 homeowners left to pay

Vic started calling those who haven’t paid – 11 of them said they would be paying

Maris will try to get current phone numbers for those who Vic couldn’t get ahold of

Approximately $3000 in delinquent dues

Vic will be sending out another notice to those who haven’t paid. If not paid within a month of that letter, a $50 fee will be assessed; next letter will give another due date and another $50 fee assessed.  Third letter will inform homeowner that a lien will be placed on the property

Billing letters will be mailed out the end of May with 2013 dues


Financial update:

Board was happy to receive the monthly update each month before the meeting for review and would like to keep that going

UPS bill will be paid for 1 year for $168


Russ is currently working on editing the content that was pulled from the old website

Hopefully it will be up and running soon & all board members will be notified by email with any updates or questions


Russ has an appointment before April 15 to verify whether we need to file taxes or not


The board decided the newsletter needs to go out ASAP since the yard sale is coming up.  Carrie will get the updates to Loretta and Vic will get Loretta the current name/address list so she can provide all that to the UPS store for printing.  Carrie will go to UPS store this weekend and get money put into the account to cover the printing and mailing

Meetings are being set up with different firms regarding managing our subdivision dues, etc.  Those most likely won’t be until mid-May due to tax season

New Business:

Maris has received questions regarding having chickens in our neighborhood since the city recently started allowing them.  Our covenants do not allow for them – they only allow for domestic cats and dogs

A homeowner questioned whether they need to get board approval to put in a pool.  That is not addressed in our HOA and it was decided that is something that is regulated by the city and there would be city codes to abide by

A homeowner questioned whether they could install a satellite dish or not.  It was decided that the modern Dish or Direct TV type satellite dishes are ok. 

Upcoming yard sale will be May 18th

Kelley will arrange for the ad in the paper; Carrie will take a check to the Post Register

Vic will put up the signs at least a week prior; Russ will take down the signs

Maris moved to adjourn the meeting; Russ 2nd that motion

Next Meeting: June 12th 7 PM at Kelley’s house

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Treasury Report March 6, 2013 to April 9, 2013


Checking Account

                  Beginning balance:         $12,137.50

                  Deposits (dues):  $1,290.00 

                  Disbursements:                           $25.88   City of Idaho Falls

                                                                              $120.00   All American Yards – Snow Removal

                  Ending balance:                   $13,281.62


Savings Account                                    $23,160.57