SBHA Meeting Minutes April 9, 2014

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting

April 9, 2014 

In Attendance:  Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson, Cindy Garrity,  Sheri Lewis

Meeting was called to order and the minutes from the January 15, 2014 meeting were read.

Update on the sign repair at the entrance:  All work has been completed on the sign.  We received a bill from Wheeler Electric for $334.10 for the rewiring of the lights.  Cindy will get the check issued from Rudd & Co. Carrie will follow up to see if it was covered by the original payment from State  Farm.

Sheri got bids from a few local sign companies for new yard sale and meeting signs. We decided to go with Signature Signs.  Pricing for the signs is $57.95 for single sided 24x48; $89.95 for double sided 24x48; $19.95 for single sided 18x24; $27.00 for double sided 18x24.  Signature Signs will update the dates on the signs for $5 each.  We decided to go with large signs for all the entry ways.  Sheri will check on the cost of having one side of the sign for the yard sale and one side for the meeting.  We will also get a small sign to put near the school for the meeting.

Russ will be following up with Vic and Sue regarding the houses with trees in violation of the city code.  Letters will be mailed out with a deadline of May 31st.  Russ will respond to the request from a 12 year old neighbor regarding her request for Chickens.  We decided we could not bend the rules for anyone, even if it is a child J

The UPS box will close out on April 17th.  It was decided by the board to not have mail held or forwarded due to the additional costs involved.  Carrie will verify with Rudd & Co. if we should be using the PO Box or street address for our mailing address. 

Cindy went over the financial statement from Rudd & Co.  She will talk to them about getting a more detailed ledger each month.  They have started scanning the bills which has been working out better.  We will keep an eye on things to make sure bills are being paid on time.

Newsletter ideas: update on tree trimming, repeated requests for chickens, trailers behind fences, etc. 

Upcoming dates:

Next Meeting: July 16 at Cindy’s house

Neighborhood Garage Sale:  May 17

Annual Meeting: August 20th 7 PM Sunnyside Elementary Library

Move to adjourn the meeting by Sherri; 2nd by Cindy