SBHA Meeting Minutes January 15, 2014 

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting January 15, 2014 

In Attendance:  Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson, Cindy Garrity, Ted Heckathorne, Qun  Shi, Sheri Lewis

Meeting was called to order and the minutes from the November 20, 2013 meeting were read.

Update on the sign repair at the entrance:  The sign has been reinstalled, the lights are back up, but cannot be wired back in until the weather warms up.  State Farm has paid the claim, so any additional charges for the electrician will be submitted to State Farm for reimbursement.

Website has been updated to reflect new board and changed around a little.  One possible recommendation for the website was maybe a classifieds section where people could list events, items for sale or looking for things, etc.  We are looking into having signs made with the website address to try to get more homeowners looking at the website.

The next newsletter will go out right after the April meeting.  Carrie will verify the city code for the tree trimming. If it was incorrect in the last newsletter, we will run the correction next time.  We also mentioned putting a welcome to new homeowners in there as well.  Email Carrie any ideas for the newsletter.

Carrie will be contacting Sunnyside Elementary about the  possibility of having our annual meeting there and also trying to get some calendar of events from the school so we can include them in our newsletter as well. 

Sherri will be checking on the price of new signs for the annual yard sale, meeting and for the website.  We are hoping to go with the style used for the political signs.

Rudd & Co will be scanning the bills for review by Russ and Cindy before going in to sign the checks.  We will verify that Rudd & Co. is updating homeowner information as it is provided by title companies.  

Upcoming dates:

Next Meeting: April 9th at Sherri’s house: 277 Brookside

Neighborhood Garage Sale:  May 17

Move to adjourn the meeting by Sherri; 2nd by Cindy