SBHA Meeting Minutes July 24, 2013

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting July 24, 2013 

In attendance: Maris, Carrie, Russ, Sheri, Kelley

Richard has contacted All American to award them the sprinkler repair job which should be underway and will hopefully have the entrance looking better in no time.

Annual homeowners meeting will be August 21, 2013 at 7 pm at Taylorview Middle School in the auditorium.  Carrie will have the UPS store make the postcards which will be mailed out at least 2 weeks prior with the agenda:

Russ – Oversee meeting; present on projects this year: website, sprinklers, etc.

Carrie – financial overview

Maris – Home Values & Elections

Mike – City Council (10 minutes) – Kelley will invite him

Sherri – entrance signs (temporary snow will be put on one set of the mountains on the entrance sign and we will take the homeowners opinions when we send out the newsletter in the fall

Open Floor Questions

Estimated Cost for the post cards which includes printing, prepping and mailing them is $183

We will email all board members to see who is planning to stay on the board next year so we will know how many openings we have. 

The extreme amount of work by Vic & Sue this past year was recognized. Thank you for all of the extra effort you both put into getting things back on track for the board.

Has Vic spoke with Doug to see if he is willing to be the registered agent for the homeowners association. The registration needs to be filled out and filed with the state. Maris has an application.

Mailbox update: We were going to close the box at the UPS store in October since we are now using the PO Box of Rudd & Co.  Apparently everyone who pays their dues by bill pay through their bank had the old address saved and several checks have been received there.  We will keep the box open through the time it’s paid up (I believe April) I will confirm when I take the post card order in.


A few updates need to be made. Any recommendations for the website need to be mailed to Russ ASAP so he can have the appropriate changes implemented.  The ones that were mentioned were not having the board on the home page; instead of dues, using the term assessment; adding something about tree trimming, etc; adding to the links; limiting the list of board members to the actual positions and not listing members who aren’t really active; having the current newsletter on the site. Russ will provide each member who will have an email address through the website the information on how to get that set up.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Carrie.  Russ second the motion

Next meeting will be the annual meeting on August 21, 7 PM.