SBHA Meeting Minutes Nov 28, 2012

SBHA Meeting Minutes Wed Nov 28, 2012 

Attendees:   Kelly Hart, Maris Cukurs, Victor Jacobson, Susan Jacobson, Carrie Madden, Russ Thompson


1.     Discussed homeowner dues – There are 316 homes is Stonebrook, 202 are paid in full, 47 owe 1 yr, 28 -2 yrs, 26  -3 yrs 9 -4 yrs, 5 -5 yrs.  We agreed as a board to send  two different notices about January 1st as follows:

a.     A reminder to all who owe for just one or two years.

b.     A letter to all who owe for 3 or more years asking them to pay by March 1st or pay a $50 penalty.  Also if they do not pay by May 1st we reserve the right to place a lien on their property, assign their bill to a collection agency, or take other appropriate measures for collecting.  We will also note that if they can provide documentation that they have paid, we will correct our records.

2.     Proposed that the format for future meetings include the following:

a.     Review meeting minutes

b.     Have a financial summary

c.     Review old business

d.     Discuss new business and issues

3.     Reviewed board responsibilities

a.     Board has 7 members who serve for two years - there can be more depending upon need and agreement of the board.  Member terms should be staggered so that no more than 4 are new in any year. 

b.     The president calls and presides over meetings.  Kelly said that his main responsibility is to field complaints on covenant violations.

c.     A summary of the board responsibilities and positions is in the BY-LAWS

4.     Discussed that the SBHA has liability insurance on the entryway and for the board.

5.     Selected seven board positions for 2013 as follows:

a.     President – Russ Thompson (Kelly Hart will be available for consultation)

b.     Vice President – Maris Cukurs to assist Russ

c.     Secretary – Loreta Koriwski

d.     Assistant Secretary - Georgia Haynes

e.     VP over the entryway – Richard Cullison

f.      Treasurer – Carrie Madden (Sue & Vic Jacobson will continue serving while Carrie learns) 

g.     Board Member - Sheri Lewis to finalize entry sign painting and assist on special projects

6.     Discussed and decided the following:

a.     Entryway Sign –
Kelly will send an e-mail to Sheri and instruct her to go ahead with having the Stonebrook name on the entryway sign powder coated.

b.     News Letter -
Loretta and Georgia will publish the SBHA News Letter with the new board member names and contact information.  The letter will also include season’s greetings and reminders on homeowner responsibilities – sidewalk cleaning, tree trimming, RVs not in front of homes, etc.

c.     Title Companies -
Vic and Sue will make certain that all title companies in Idaho Falls have their names and contact information to ensure that SBHA is contacted on all Stonebrook home sales or refinancing.  Title companies identified are:

                                               i.     Title One Corporation

                                             ii.     Alliance Title

                                            iii.     First American

                                            iv.     Mountain West

                                              v.     Amerititle

d.     Dues –

                                               i.     The timeline for sending dues notices is:

·      Before June – Obtain Stonebrook homeowner address updates from Bonneville County and update our list. (Maris will determine who to contact at Bonneville County for the list.  Carrie said that she will also investigate who to contact.)

·      By July – Send out the homeowner dues letters

                                             ii.     The annual dues billing cycle is July 1st to June 30th   

e.     Welcome Package -
Maris and Russ will look into developing a welcome package for new Stonebrook homeowners and finding someone to do it.

f.      Website –
Russ will setup the Stonebrook website.  Vic Jacobson will forward Barbara Kimmitt’s contact information so Russ can ask her what was done previously.

g.     FYI-  (Nov 6, 2012 Bank Statement)

                                               i.     Balance in checking  $14,222

                                             ii.     Balance in savings     $23,155

                                            iii.     Entryway light installation was paid in October