SBHA Meeting Minutes November 6, 2014

Stonebrook HOA Board Meeting

November 6, 2014 

In Attendance:  Rick Beem, Cindy Garrity, Chris Sweetland, Angela Cochran

The need to get a newsletter out with names of the new board members and positions was discussed.  Rick will work on getting a newsletter put together and send to Chris.  Chris will contact Jennifer at Rudd and Company to understand the procedure to get it out and mailed when it is typed up and ready to go.  It was determined that this needs to be a priority and done as soon as possible

A discussion was held regarding the Stonebrook website and the need to change the information on it.  Cindy had an email from NVDesign, but their exact role is not known.  Chris will contact Russ Thompson and get contact information for someone who maintains the website and determine what we need to do to change the information there.

Banking signatures need to be changed.  Cindy will get with Rudd and Company and have the names changed to Rick and Cindy.

Rick is going to contact the city of Idaho Falls to see what the guidelines are for tree trimming.  He will determine what happens if the homeowners don’t trim their own trees (does the city do it and if so, what will the charge be).  This information will be in the newsletter as well.

Cindy brought up the need to remind homeowners to make sure sidewalks are shoveled this winter with children going to and from school and for the safety of everyone.  It was discussed that this should be in the newsletter as well.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2015 @ Rick Beem’s residence