SBHA Meeting Notes November 8, 2017

Attendance: All

Location: Jamie Braithwaite House

November 8, 2017 at 8pm

November Meeting Notes:

  • Approve Minutes

  • Chauncy Sessions - Variance for Building Location

    • Finished same as house

    • Siding, color, roofing

    • Height aprox 16 feet

    • Foundation minimum 5 feet off property sideline preferred 6 feet

    • Foundation 9 feet off property back line

    • Help facilitate the relocation of the variance

    • Follow city code

  • Treasurer Report

    • Doug Talbot - Jennifer Lords

      • What they do, etc.

      • Payments, Taxes, Mailbox,

      • Before we let them go we need to know exactly what they have

      • Annual Contract? Bid currently operating under

      • Send hourly rate for the last year

    • Send Proposals with some restrictions on time. “Not to exceed”

    • Allow time to do work and evaluate the feasible hours

  • Bookkeeper Status

    • Hours 4:50

    • Waiting to get quickbook records from Rudd & Co

    • Has boxes from Treasurer

    • Emailed hours

  • Kent

    • 2013 as start point from Val

    • 6 month contract for responsibility for Patty

    • Monthly presentation of responsibilities

    • “Not to exceed”

    • Set up Post office box

    • Get Quickbook records

    • Filing income tax

    • Fiscal year July to June

  • Jamie - ask for Quickbook file and Excel document from Jen Lords at Rudd & Co

  • Josh - plug responsibilities into an agreement for

  • Real Estate Report

    • PDF

  • Doorhanger Newsletter

  • Violation Letter Status

  • Community

    • American does do snow removal

  • Fiber Internet

    • Started on a FAQ - turns out lot of info!

    • Bullet point - massive paragraphs, cost, different, neighborhood impact, why

    • Taking time

    • Jackie Flowers (idaho falls power) is aware of Fiber interest. Idaho Falls power working group get email updates - nothing as of late. Have done a study but do not have a working business model.  

    • Pilot program in Stonebrook

    • Do it quickly because if you do not the neighborhoods can afford it will get picked off by private providers. They need to make a decision because we will not wait.

  • Joni: Welcome Packets

    • Feedback suggestions for the packet:

    • Website

    • Facebook page

    • List of Churches

    • List of utilities

    • Free coupons

    • Board HOA people blurb

    • Division Leaders

    • Synopsis of protective covenants

    • 1 page summary and point to the website

    • Chamber of commerce contact info

    • Idaho Falls Magazines - monthly

  • Crossing Guards

    • Approved and paid

  • Other Business

    • Revisit Shed problem

    • Violation letter and suggestions to be mailed out

    • Where do you draw the line?

    • IN order to maintain the sell-ability of your property you ask the board to be with in covenants

SBHA Meeting Minutes October 11, 2017

Stonebrook Homeowners Association Board Meeting -- October 11, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Jamie Braithwaite, President

Members Present:

Jamie Braithwaite, President
Josh Chandler
Sally Henrie, Secretary
Joni Larsen
Michael Maloney
Kent Okeson
Vic Jacobson

Members Not Present: None


Discussion of hiring of book keeper

Discussion of Rudd & Co.

Discussion of newsletter door hanger

Discussion of fiber flyer

Discussion of bank signatures

Discussion of City of Idaho Falls code violation letter

Board member assignments given to be completed by next meeting

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

SBHA Meeting Minutes October 10, 2017

Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Josh Chandler, Garth Braithwaite, Sally Henrie, Vic Jacobson, Michael Mahoney, Joni Larsen, Kent Okeson

Location: Jamie Braithwaite House

October Meeting Minutes:

Report Business:

  • Book Keeper Situation

    • Micheal Report

      • 2013 sent to John & John accounting

      • Hours seem high

      • Talk at this meeting to discuss

      • $7700

        • Hourly rate

        • Broke down into hours:

        • 20 hours for scanning and storing deposits

        • Etc.

    • Patty Fielding

      • Six month trial

      • Written evaluation pros and cons

      • Feedback from us. Etc.

      • Documentation of why decision is made.

      • Motion (Josh) - Second Motion (Kent)

      • Look through boxes and storage unit boxes of supplies

      • Scan papers and Recycle

      • Store sign

      • Website fees

      • Schedule time to meet: Thursday at 10 am 10/12/2017

  • - Rudd & Co

    • Vote to go with a bookkeeper. We just need concrete details.

  • - Newsletter door hanger

    • Add FALL picture and print

    • Kent send check or get a debit card number

    • Contact Jen

    • Sponsor for Fall Newsletter by Michael Maloney

  • - Fiber flyer

    • Still in the brain of Josh

  • - signatures at bank transfer

  • School Zone

    • Request for Speed Radar sign

  • Joni - Thank you letter to Homeowner who fixed violation

City of Idaho Falls

  • - City Code violation letter

  • School zone signs and crossing guards

  • Police Department giving tickets

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SBHA Neighborhood Reminder October 2017

Nextdoor App Update

Thank you to those who were able to attend our Annual August Homeowners Meeting last night, August 16, 2017. If you were not able to attend we have a Powerpoint available for review (meeting minutes will be available soon). Please let me know if you are willing to serve our community or if you have someone else that would be interested. I look forward to serving, as the Board President and I believe each home owner will be a great asset in helping us move forward and improve our community!


Please take time to review our Stonebrook Division Covenants online at . The Stonebrook Community is divided into 16 divisions. Each division filed Protective Covenants in Bonneville County, City of Idaho Falls, Idaho as it was developed over the years of 1986 to 2000. On our website is the combined text of all Protective Covenants with [Division #] for the Stonebrook Homeowners Association or you can see the original files at the Bonneville County Clerk office.


We have several friendly reminders to pass along that were brought to our attention at the homeowners meeting.  Division covenants section “TREES” states “Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.”


Please take time to review, as each homeowner is required to maintain trees. If you see a tree that is not being properly maintained or in violation of Idaho Falls City Code please report using our online violation tool or by contacting Cherise Frei, Code Enforcement, Title: Code Enforcement Supervisor, Phone: 208-612-8555 , Email:


The Stonebrook Community abides by the City of Idaho Falls COMMUNITY FORESTRY (TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9) RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PRIVATE TREES: (2) Remove, prune, or re-prune any private tree located on such person’s real property in a manner that provides for vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8′) above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15′) above any public street or alley. 


On our website we have provided a quick link to The Tree Trimming Guide “How To Prune Trees” distributed by the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.


Division covenants section “LIVESTOCK and POULTRY” states No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not bred or maintained for any commercial purposes.


Please take time to review the covenants for your division as each homeowner has agreed to abide by these covenants. If you are in violation or see a homeowner that is in violation of any of our covenants please begin to resolve the violation or report using our online violation tool.

If you would like to be involved in the Stonebrook Homeowners Association please contact the HOA president, Jamie Braithwaite, and she will help you join one of our committees or become a division representative.


Henry Ford stated, "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

I look forward to working together to make a successful year.

Thank you, Jamie Braithwaite



Nominations Board of Directors

Thank you for attending our Annual August Homeowners Meeting tonight. Your name was nominated as one of the four available positions on the Board of Directors.  Please let me know if you are interested in serving our community for the 2017-2019 terms.  The time commitment is minimal and you can help make a difference! Call me if you have any questions, Jamie Braithwaite, 208-709-9164. We have been meeting monthly on the second Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm at my house, 3860 Woodhaven Lane.  The date/time/location is flexible and can be adjusted to a time that works for all seven board members if needed. Our time is valuable and we do our best to follow the agenda, communicate through email whenever possible and end the meetings on time.     


According to our By-laws all elections for directors shall be by written ballot and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. There are four open positions and four nominations.  Please let me know if you are willing before I prepare the ballots to go out in the mail.  I look forward to the unique challenges we as a Board of Directors have faced and I believe you will be a great asset in helping us move forward and improve our community!  


Thank you,

Jamie Braithwaite


Stonebrook HOA President        


Nominations Division Representatives

At our Annual August Homeowners Meeting tonight we discussed Division Representatives and your name was nominated as one of the representatives for Division #.  Please let me know if you are interested in serving our community.  The time commitment is minimal and you can help make a difference! Call me if you have any questions, Jamie Braithwaite, 208-709-9164.


The Board of Directors has been meeting monthly on the second Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm at my house, 3860 Woodhaven Lane.  We are planning on inviting the Division Representatives for the first 15 minutes to discuss violation concerns and solutions as needed in your division.  Our time is valuable and we do our best to follow the agenda, communicate through email whenever possible and end the meetings on time.    


Please let me know if you are willing to serve our community or if you have someone else that would be interested. I look forward to the unique challenges we as a Board of Directors are facing and I believe you will be a great asset in helping us move forward and improve our community!   Listed below are the suggested responsibilities of a Division Representative.

Please let me know.

Thank you,

Jamie Braithwaite


Stonebrook HOA President        



Section 2.

The annual meeting of the members shall be held during the month of August at such time and date as determined by the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the directors for the ensuing year shall be nominated, the officers of the corporation shall present their annual reports and business initially raised at the annual meeting shall be by written ballot distributed by mail.  All items of business of which the members have proper notice in advance of the annual meeting shall be voted on at such meeting.  If the annual meeting of the members be not held as herein provided, then election of directors may be held at any meeting thereafter called pursuant to these By-Laws.

All elections for directors shall be by written ballot and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.  The ballots shall be distributed by mail and shall be collected by the Board of Directors.  The Directors shall count the votes and announce the results no later than 30 days after the election.






"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry Ford

Now is a great time to get involved and help improve our community.  
The Stonebrook HOA Board has created an online violation-reporting tool. Please visit the website to report a violation in our community:


The Stonebrook Community is divided into 16 divisions. Each division filed Protective Covenants in Bonneville County, City of Idaho Falls, Idaho as it was developed over the years of 1986 to 2000. On the website is the combined text of all Protective Covenants with [Division #] for the Stonebrook Homeowners Association.

The Stonebrook Community recognizes and follows the City of Idaho Falls Code as found on the Idaho Falls website: WWW.IdahoFallsIdaho.GOV Please review the CC&Rs and City of Idaho Falls City Code of Ordinances online. Note the list of protective covenants and city violations that will not be tolerated in the Stonebrook Community. 

STORAGE OF VEHICLES, MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period. 

COMMUNITY FORESTRY; TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING PUBLIC PROPERTY: TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9. Vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8') above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15') above any public street. 

LITTER AND WEED CONTROL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: TITLE 5 CHAPTER 26. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep their property clear of litter. 

AUTOMATED GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (updated 2016): TITLE 8 CHAPTER 6. All waste must be placed in approved containers. However, grass, leaves, weeds etc. may be placed in strong plastic bags that are tied provided they do not exceed 50 pounds in weight and 10 cubic feet in volume. Brush may be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length and 50 pounds in weight. Call the Sanitation Division at 612-8491 to schedule a pickup. 

MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS (TITLE 8 CHAPTER 10). Every person who owns real property within the City shall remove any snow, ice and other obstruction or dangerous condition upon any sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his or her property.

Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 55-115, the Stonebrook HOA board is required to use the following approach in cases where violations of the covenants and restrictions have occurred: 

-- When a violation has been identified, a letter is sent to the homeowner by certified mail or personal delivery. 
-- The letter provides the homeowner with written notice of an HOA board meeting to take place 30-35 days later. 
-- At the meeting, the board will vote on whether to impose a fine for the conduct. The homeowner will be invited to the meeting. 
-- If the homeowner resolves the issue prior to the meeting, then by law the board may not impose a fine. If the violation cannot reasonably be resolved within the 30-day period, no fine can legally be imposed if the homeowner “begins resolving the violation prior to the meeting” and thereafter “continues to address the violation in good faith until fully resolved.” 
-- If the issue is not resolved and no resolution has begun by the time of the meeting, the board will vote whether or not to impose a fine for the violation.

Thank you for helping our community!
Stonebrook HOA Board


REMINDER: As stated in our Covenants for each of the sixteen divisions: Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.

On our website, we have provided a quick link to The Tree Trimming Guide “How To Prune Trees” distributed by the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. In some areas of our community there has been up to 30 years of beautiful tree growth! The main reasons for pruning ornamental and shade trees include safety, health, and aesthetics. Please take time to review your front yard and trim trees overhanging streets, sidewalks, and traffic signs. If you do not have a trailer to haul away you can call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup of your trimmed branches and shrubbery. 

Thank you for helping improve our community together!



The Stonebrook Community is divided into 16 divisions. Each division filed Protective Covenants in Bonneville County, City of Idaho Falls, Idaho as it was developed over the years of 1986 to 2000. On the website is the combined text of all Protective Covenants with [Division #] for the Stonebrook Homeowners Association. The Stonebrook Community recognizes and follows the City of Idaho Falls Code as found on the Idaho Falls website:

Please review the CC&Rs and City of Idaho Falls City Code of Ordinances online. Note the list of protective covenants and city violations that will not be tolerated in the Stonebrook Community. 

COMMUNITY FORESTRY; TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING PUBLIC PROPERTY: TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9. Vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8') above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15') above any public street. 

STORAGE OF VEHICLES, MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period.

LITTER AND WEED CONTROL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: TITLE 5 CHAPTER 26. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep their property clear of litter.

AUTOMATED GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (updated 2016): TITLE 8 CHAPTER 6. All waste must be placed in approved containers. However, grass, leaves, weeds etc. may be placed in strong plastic bags that are tied provided they do not exceed 50 pounds in weight and 10 cubic feet in volume. Brush may be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length and 50 pounds in weight.

Call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup.

MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS (TITLE 8 CHAPTER 10). Every person who owns real property within the City shall remove any snow, ice and other obstruction or dangerous condition upon any sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his or her property.


SBHA Email Regarding Fall Newsletter

Past & Present Board, 

  1. Jen Bank Signatures

    1. We are transitioning - Jen please get in contact with Kent in order to get his signature at the bank. We need to sign a few checks and send a check to the printer for the door hanger. Here are the notes from the meeting to use at the bank.  Or the email from Jen with the ballot results should work. 

  2. Everyone - please send approval for newsletter below.

    1. I have put together the following information for our Fall Quarterly Door Hanger Newsletter. The focus of this newsletter is to introduce the new board and emphasizing tree trimming. Please let me know if you have any comments, concerns, questions, or changes. See the file attached. It costs approx. $96 to print the door hangers and is free to deliver to 316 homes. Please send your email thumbs up approval and we will get them ordered as soon as possible so they are available to hand out at the October Meeting. 

  3. Vic & Michael: Book Keeper Contract & Scope of work 

    1. - please report Vic & Michael or be prepared to report at the October Meeting

  4. Josh: Fiber Internet 

    1. - please report Josh - do you need help making a brochure? Let me know

  5. September Minutes - Sally please have an official copy ready for Oct meeting

Jamie Braithwaite

P.S. The emails will be updated soon! Erin, Garth, Jen, Marius, Thank you for serving on the board. It was a pleasure working with you over the last year! 


President - Jamie Braithwaite

Vice President - Josh Chandler

Treasurer - Kent Okeson

Secretary - Sally Henrie

Welcoming & Event Committee Chair - Joni Larsen

Architectural Control Committee Chair - Michael Maloney

Board of Director Member - Vic Jacobson

REMINDER: As stated in our Covenants for each of the sixteen divisions: Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.

 On our website, we have provided a quick link to The Tree Trimming Guide “How To Prune Trees” distributed by the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. In some areas of our community there has been up to 30 years of beautiful tree growth! The main reasons for pruning ornamental and shade trees include safety, health, and aesthetics. Please take time to review your front yard and trim trees overhanging streets, sidewalks, and traffic signs. If you do not have a trailer to haul away you can call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup of your trimmed branches and shrubbery.

 Thank you for helping improve our community together!


The Stonebrook Community is divided into 16 divisions. Each division filed Protective Covenants in Bonneville County, City of Idaho Falls, Idaho as it was developed over the years of 1986 to 2000. On the website is the combined text of all Protective Covenants with [Division #] for the Stonebrook Homeowners Association. The Stonebrook Community recognizes and follows the City of Idaho Falls Code as found on the Idaho Falls website:

Please review the CC&Rs and City of Idaho Falls City Code of Ordinances online. Note the list of protective covenants and city violations that will not be tolerated in the Stonebrook Community.

COMMUNITY FORESTRY; TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING PUBLIC PROPERTY: TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9. Vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8') above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15') above any public street.

STORAGE OF VEHICLES, MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period.

LITTER AND WEED CONTROL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: TITLE 5 CHAPTER 26. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep their property clear of litter 

AUTOMATED GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (updated 2016): TITLE 8 CHAPTER 6. All waste must be placed in approved containers. However, grass, leaves, weeds etc. may be placed in strong plastic bags that are tied provided they do not exceed 50 pounds in weight and 10 cubic feet in volume. Brush may be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length and 50 pounds in weight.

Call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup. 

MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS (TITLE 8 CHAPTER 10). Every person who owns real property within the City shall remove any snow, ice and other obstruction or dangerous condition upon any sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his or her property.

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SBHA Treasurer Report September 27, 2017

Hello Board Members,

Here are the reports for August.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Jennifer Lords

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Thank you Jennifer.

I appreciate the Balance sheet and Ageing summary.
Can you please also attach an updated Customer List sheet with addresses and payments exported from Quick Books so I can compare records of new move-ins and outs. We are also gathering email addresses for residents for quick contact ability.

Thank you!

SBHA Contact with Rudd & Co on Tue, Sep 26, 2017

Jen Lords, 

Do you have the ballot results for the election? I would like to move forward as an executive board.
First item of business is getting the new treasurer, Kent Okeson, in place in order to sign checks.
Please let me know.
Thank you, 
Jamie Braithwaite

P.S. I have attached an excel file with all of the online payments. 
Can you please send me an updated customer list reflecting payments when you get a chance. 


Hello Board Members,
Here are the ballot results for this year: 
There were 86 postcards returned out of 317 sent out. 

Kent Okeson      77
Joni Larsen          74
Vic Jacobson      73
Michael Maloney 65 

Write ins were:

John Stenquist
Holly Dickson
Jim Kurtz
Lee Dayton 

Please let me know if there is anything else you may need concerning the results.

Thank you,

 Jennifer Lords

SBHA Meeting Minutes September 13, 2017

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

September 2017 MEETING MINUTES

Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Josh Chandler, Garth Braithwaite, Sally Henrie, Vic Jacobson, Michael Mahoney, Joni Larsen, Kent Okeson

Date: September 13, 2017 at 7:30pm

Location: Jamie Braithwaite

7:30 Welcome

7:35 Division Representative Introductions

7:45 Division Representatives Responsibilities, Concerns, Questions & Answers.

7:50 Division Representatives are excused.

7:55 Executive Board Transition. Outgoing Executive Board are excused.

  • Legal advice by Josh Chandler

  • Fiber Internet update by Josh Chandler

  • Delete outgoing Board Members signatures at Bank of Idaho

    • Delete Sally Henrie and Jen Keathley from signature card

8:00 New Executive Board Business

  • Treasurer Report

    • Accounting by Rudd & Co

    • Bookkeeper interview

  • New Executive Board Positions

    • Joni Larsen - Welcoming Committee

    • Val Jacobson - Board Member with responsibility of entry

    • Michael Mahoney - Architectural Committee and information

    • Kent Okeson - Treasurer

  • Replace new Treasurer Board Member signature at Bank of Idaho

      • Add Kent Okeson on signature card

8:30 Dismissed.

Approved Meeting Minutes Signatures by Jamie Braithwaite, Josh Chandler, & Kent Okeson

Homeowner Confrontation Notes August 16, 2017

Please review when you have a chance. I want to keep everyone informed and updated regarding the homeowner on *** Brookside.

August 16, 2017 

11:43am Confrontation with Dave S****** and Jamie Braithwaite on my front lawn. 2 children were present for part of the time. The majority of the time I was alone with him. 

6:58pm Dave S****** approached Jamie Braithwaite at the entrance of the HOA Annual Meeting requesting his newspaper article. I returned and introduced him to Garth Braithwaite and Josh Chandler. 

7:35pm During Josh Chandlers presentation regarding Idaho Stature 55-115 he continually interrupted. Josh gave him a chance to take the floor. He shared his thoughts. Members asked questions and asked for his solution. He expressed his complaints and left the meeting by 7:50

August 17, 2017

7:12 am Jamie Braithwaite contacted Karl Casperson, at the Idaho Falls Sheriff's Department.  He gave great advice as follows:

  • voice recording future interactions with Dave Shipman

  • If I feel threatened in any way report immediately

  • Do not attempt contact alone and always have another person present.

  • Contact the City Councilman over our area and bring this issue to his attention.

  • Can pursue a restraining order if needed for my personal residence that will not impact the attendance at the HOA Board & Annual meeting.  

  • Can pursue a do not contact if needed    

  • Apologized and thanked me for my service in helping our community

  • Will get me contact information for the city code violation office

8:35 am Jamie Braithwaite contacted City Councilman John Radford. He gave me great advice as follows:

  • voice record any future interactions

  • Contact the City Code Violations in the Building Department

  • Have the City send violation letters if code is being broken

  • Always approach the subject/violations as a body or entity of the "Board of Directors" not me as an individual, Jamie Braithwaite

  • Seek legal advice as stated by Joshua Chandler to make sure we are doing our part

  • Apologized for the situation and thanked me for public service

8:51 am Jamie Braithwaite contacted Cherise Frei, the Code Enforcement Officer Supervisor

  • I reported the situation.

  • She will drive by this week and review items we discussed such as tree violations, run-down truck, trailer, dirt pile, carpet, trash, weeds, liter, nuisance, etc.   

  • She is familiar with the property of 160 Brookside

  • She has been approached over the phone in a similar manner by Dave Shipman.

  • We went over his file with pictures from 2013, 2014, and 2017. He has improved the dirt pile. With no evidence of arial shots of improvement for the back yard which was his reasoning for the dirt pile. 

  • Gave me a 21 - tri fold brochure and green sheet of paper that discusses the violations that are frequently enforced by the City. I am planning on distributing these flyers to residence on Brookside with a Division 1 Representative. 

  • Email and Phone Number to follow up on any future interactions. 

Thank you for participating on our Board of Directors, being willing to be a nominee, and serving as a division representative for the Stonebrook HOA. I fully intend to abide by our By-laws and Covenants filed with the City of Idaho Falls and in accordance to Idaho Statue 55-115.

I plan on encouraging our community to be friendly law abiding citizens of the Idaho Falls City Code. If you have any notes or information to add to the discussion please share. I am preparing the paper ballot to go out as soon as possible for our new Board of Directors. I am hoping the Board of Directors and Division Representatives will be able to meet Wednesday, September 13 at 7:15pm. Thank you for your time, energy, and effort in improving our community. If you have any interactions with Dave S****** please record audio if possible, take notes, and help us document every interaction with a Board Member, Rep, or Homeowner.

Thank you,

Jamie Braithwaite

Stonebrook HOA President

SBHA Board of Directors Nominee Letter

Dear Board of Directors Nominee,

Thank you for attending our Annual August Homeowners Meeting tonight. Your name was nominated as one of the four available positions on the Board of Directors.  Please let me know if you are interested in serving our community for the 2017-2019 terms.  The time commitment is minimal and you can help make a difference! Call me if you have any questions, Jamie Braithwaite, ********. We have been meeting monthly on the second Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm at my house, *******.  The date/time/location is flexible and can be adjusted to a time that works for all seven board members if needed. Our time is valuable and we do our best to follow the agenda, communicate through email whenever possible and end the meetings on time.     

According to our By-laws all elections for directors shall be by written ballot and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. There are four open positions and four nominations.  Please let me know if you are willing before I prepare the ballots to go out in the mail.  I look forward to the unique challenges we as a Board of Directors have faced and I believe you will be a great asset in helping us move forward and improve our community!  

Thank you,

Jamie Braithwaite

Stonebrook HOA President        

SBHA Meeting Notes from November 2016 to July 2017

July 2017

Jamie Volunteer time to create online Payment options using Stripe Software provided by Manwarring Web Solutions

July 2017 Report from Rudd & Co

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July 2017 Agenda

Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Josh, Sallie, Jen, Marius, Erin, Crystal Wilkerson, Patti Fielding, Ted Heckathorne,

  • Approve Meeting Minutes from June - wait on Josh

  • Division Reps

  • Treasurer Report

  • Rudd & Co

  • Bookkeeper Options

    • $15 hourly rate

    • 10 hours a month. $150 per month. July $250.

    • Straighten out for $300 to get things in order.

    • Requirements for Position

    • Continuity - one place from year to year to year

    • Two signatures from the board.

    • Jen suggests Bookkeeper does not pay the bills. She tracks the assessments and violations.

    • Have Rudd run it. Have scope. Take time to figure it out.

    • Seeking a part time bookkeeper.

August Meeting Agenda

    • Welcome

    • Annual Board Business

      • $40 annual assessment

      • Idaho Statute 55-115

      • Seeking part time bookkeeper

      • Division representatives

    • Treasurer's Report by Jen Keathley

    • Online tools by Jamie Braithwaite

    • Fiber Internet presentation by Josh Chandler

    • Stonebrook Property Values presentation by Maris Cukurs

    • Board Member Nominations

Annual Meeting

  • Division Leaders attend. Encourage Attendance.

  • Josh explain the investigation of FIber Internet

  • Agenda

    • Fiber Internet presentation Josh Chandler

      • 3 approaches

        • Nothing

        • Company that does it all for us

        • Lay our own fiber and maintain

    • Budget & Assessments

      • Treasurer Report

    • 3 New Board Members needed

      • 2 year terms

      • 1 year as officers term

        • President

        • Vice President

        • Treasurer

        • Secretary

        • East Representative

        • West Representative

        • Architectural Committee Director

    • Division Representatives

      • 1-16 Division

    • Violations

      • Josh Presentation Idaho Statue 55-115

      • Trees

      • Trailers

June 2017 Notes:

Location: Jennifer Keathley

July Meeting will be on July 12 7pm at Jamie Braithwaite

August Meeting will be on the Aug 16

  • Approve Meeting Minutes from May

  • Reading Free Library - Presented by Katie Stokes APPROVED

  • Treasury Monthly Report

    • RUDD & CO

      • Voted in May to go to $40 annual.

      • Marius Concern: Hourly Payment vs. Annual Contract. A piece of paper signed by both parties.

        • One of the arguments is the same place and same billing system

        • Advantages of the 3rd party system

      • Josh Suggestion:

        • We need a scope of work - a proposal for the assessments and the increase.

        • Erin would like to avoid the conflict of interest, understandable sensitive.

      • Sally suggestion: Handle it on our own. Section leaders in each district to help follow up, gas syphoning, hand deliveries.

    • Funding

      • How much money do we need in our bank?

        • Sprinkler System in Lots A&B

        • Tree replacement

        • Weed Spray $100 per application for 4 per year

        • Tree Bug Maintained

        • Reservoirs and how much?

      • We need a discussion of why

  • Newsletter & Door Hanger Sponsors - presented by

    • August Meeting $40 Assessments

    • Sally will find a location.

  • Entry Violation

    • Tree Trimming Pricing/Quotes

    • Weeds Pricing/Quotes

  • Crossing Guard City Traffic Meeting

    • June 13 @3pm

    • 740 Park Ave, Idaho Falls, ID

  • Architectural Committee Report

  • Violations

    • Steve Martinson

      • Abandoned car on Haven Lane

    • Geri Stenquist

      • House on Brookside

    • Christine Fortner

      • Tree on Brooskide broken branch repair

    • Crotens

      • On Arden, the neighbor tree cut down. Is there a requirement to maintain the tree in the easement.

      • Is the obligation to maintain?

        • The language is not clear to replant the tree.

        • It is not obvious from the covenants that you have to replant. We can take the position.

        • 250 Arden Drive - Josh will contact.

  • Online Reporting Tool


    • Need Letter wording for:

      • Trees - Reminder letter - no threaten

      • Trailers $50 for 7 days

      • Shrubs on sidewalk - Reminder letter - no threaten

      • Trash & Visual annoyance - nuisances - Call the city phone number

    • Josh & Marius:

      • Law says. We do it.

      • If we have the issues. Come to the next board meeting in 30 days. Or Correct it. Or we will have a vote. And fine you.

  • Online Payment Tool

  • JOSH:

    • Come up with very specific for August Meeting

      • Fiber Internet

        • 3 approaches

          • Nothing

          • Company that does it all for us

          • Lay our own fiber and maintain

      • Budget & Assessments

      • 3 New Board Members needed

        • 2 year terms

        • 1 year as officers term

          • President

          • Vice President

          • Treasurer

          • Secretary

          • East Representative

          • West Representative

          • Architectural Committee Director

      • District Representatives

        • 1-16 districts

      • Violations

        • Josh Presentation Idaho Statue 55-115

        • Trees

        • Trailers

      • Online Payment

      • Guest Speaker?

      • Real Estate Market Analysis - Marius

      • City Council - John Radford - Hot Topics in the city.

      • PTO President - Nikki to address the neighborhood regarding crosswalk

May 2017 NOTES

Stonebrook HOA Board of Directors Meeting May 3rd 7:00pm

Attendance: Maris, Erin, Jen, Josh, Sally, Jamie

Location: Jennifer Keathley

  • Treasure Concerns regarding budget & Rudd Co

    • Last invoice from Rudd & Co

    • $80 for general bookkeeping is steep.

    • Ideas: Monthly? Hourly?

    • Problems? Delinquencies

      • - Dave and Carol Shipman have been divorced

      • Curtis - Curtis Stewart

      • Carol Coach

      • Boon, Woodworth, Wilkerson,

      • Old Information, Not kept up, 3 year

      • HOW DO WE KNOW?


        • Compare the city records every year

      • Recommendation to have Doug Salbot come to the next meeting?

        • 529-9276

      • Josh’s weird idea:

        • Doesn't it seem that we really need one really good full time person.

        • We can’t afford. We dont want to pay. We dont need a full time. 1 - 8 hour a week a week at most.

        • Went to other HOAs and Waterford, Bristle Heights, South Pointe, HOA Manager Co-op. If we have enough people to manage all of us.

        • Depends on the sides

        • Letting HOA know

        • Violations notices

        • Issues with Continuity.

      • We have 2 jobs going on.

        • 1. Financial side - Rudd & Co is great

          • What was the original contract that Rudd & Co was asked to do.

        • 2. Management side - We need to find this missing piece.

          • Audit Position

    • Budget for 2016 to 2017

      • Costs and readjust the assessments.

    • INSURANCE quote: $325 per year if paid in full discount ($361)

      • same policy, canceled.

      • General liability commercial property

  • MOVE FORWARD send email to Jamie:

    • As a board, make a list of the concerns, have them address each item on the list.

    • Make a list of division of labor

      • Specifics of what Rudd & Co does

      • Specifics of what needs to get done but we do NOT want Rudd & Co to do.

      • Part time Book Keeper or Co-Op

  • We need to have Meeting Minutes, 1st item to approve minutes from last meeting.

    • What are we going to say “in the witness chair”

    • Josh: meeting minutes opinion: all it needs to say is discussed, x & y, less detail better, votes and decision are important, leave it flexible, if you want a record - or is not a record - make them flexible/maluable.

  • Violation letters & associated fines


    • Violations:

      • Very important piece of the management

      • Criteria for violations change

      • Menu of Violations fees

        • Trees - Reminder letter - no threaten

        • Trailers $50 for 7 days

        • Shrubs on sidewalk - Reminder letter - no threaten

        • Trash & Visual annoyance - nuisances - Call the city phone number

  • Newsletter & delivery options

    • Change due to assessments

    • Weeds trees dandelions

    • Review before it is mailed

    • Contact information

      • By laws for our community

    • Parking

      • Last sentence misleading

      • If either of these city ordinance violations exists please contact dispatch

    • Trees & Shrubs

      • Pedestrians (sp)

    • District reps out of the newsletter and into the agenda for the meeting

    • Suggestions - for newsletter deliver and mail to owners

  • Architecture committee concerns regarding roofing and future exterior renovations

    • 2 that just came in

      • New roof - let them do whatever they want.

      • Shed - Blue shed approved with vote.

        • City ordinances so many feet from property line

        • in harmony.

  • Fiber internet update

    • Josh update:

      • So many ways to go

      • At this point

      • Either

      • 1 option we have talked about

      • 1 option frozen by indecision of other ways to think about it and other possibilities.

      • Evolving science going on and forward

      • The city is in the same position - they honestly do not know what to do.

      • The other thought - wonder if we could go to the city and ask them to help us and test out this concept. Like you to help us offering a guarantee on loans for utilities providers or those building the lines.

      • Big concern: specific IPS provider

      • Still raise dues financially

      • The community is “not like us” we do not know what will happen with the vote.

      • Push the city harder.

      • I would like to see the city, build it, own it, bond it.

      • The only people that can get fiber in ammon or people with money.

  • May yard sale

    • May 20 - Rain or Shine

    • Real Estate agent sponsor a door hanger on Cedar Ridge

    • Tree Trimmer sponsor maybe?

  • August annual meeting & gathering

    • August 16 Meeting

    • Budget get done on June

    • $30 now

    • $35 Josh proposed

    • $40 Erin Proposed

June Meeting June 7th at 7pm at Jen’s

April 2017 MEETING Agenda

Stonebrook HOA Board of Directors Meeting April 5th - 7:00pm Representatives & Enforcement committee invited

Location: Jennifer Keathley

  • District Representatives and Enforcement committee welcome

    • Type Form website/violation reporting

    • Fiber Internet Discussion

  • Calendar & Newsletter

    • Stonebrook Community Yard Sale - May ___, 2017

    • Annual HOA Meeting - August ____, 2017

    • Stonebrook Community Block Party - August ____, 2017

  • Website cost

    • March 9th - $71.76 for hosting annually

      • Paid

      • Domain name? Who is paying

    • March $350 Type Form cost

      • Manwaring doing the payment and invoicing

    • Stripe Service - Payment Security

      • Add on fee for online payment $1.00 convenience fee

  • Rudd & Co Confusion

    • Master List - still need a solution

    • Lots - Charging per lot for HOA fees

    • Online Payments - still in the works

      • Marius - only bill once a year. Is it going to get more complicated

    • Insurance Policy & $700 Line Item

    • NV Designs Invoice returned and check voided

April 2017 MEETING Agenda

Stonebrook HOA Board of Directors Meeting April 5th - 7:00pm Representatives & Enforcement committee invited

Location: Jennifer Keathley

  • District Representatives and Enforcement committee welcome

    • Type Form website/violation reporting

    • Fiber Internet Discussion

  • Calendar & Newsletter

    • Stonebrook Community Yard Sale - May ___, 2017

    • Annual HOA Meeting - August ____, 2017

    • Stonebrook Community Block Party - August ____, 2017

  • Website cost

    • March 9th - $71.76 for hosting annually

    • March $350 Type Form cost

    • Stripe Service - Payment Security

  • Rudd & Co Confusion

    • Master List

    • Online Payments

    • Insurance Policy & $700 Line Item

    • NV Designs Invoice returned and check voided


March 1, 2017 from 7-8:00pm Attendance @ Josh’s house: Erin, Sally, Josh, Jamie, Garth, Jen

  • To-Do: Garth online payment for HOA dues

  • To-do: Josh letter for liens of HOA dues and late payments $1.00 per month delinquent

  • To-do: Sally hand deliver the letters

  • To-Do: Jen update the public list database of persons check against the assessor's list.

  • To-do: Josh Contact the other utilities companies to run infrastructure

  • To-Do: Jamie online report and violations Type Form

  • To-do: Rep from each district


Community Information Gathering discussion about FIber Optic Lines in Stonebrook

April 5th - 7:00pm Representatives & Enforcement

May goal is to be at Sunnyside.

Next Meeting: April

  • Finance Update - Jen

    • Treasurer Report - handout

      • Insurance - covers liability or maintenance issue, etc, legal bills

      • To-Do: Website contract for Manwaring

      • All American Yards - snow removal, trees, etc

      • Rudd & CO - what we have done from July to December and then projected. If we continue as we are going it will cost more than that for future

      • Do we know if anyone has done anything about any other delinquencies?

      • DO we know if lots are charged or household?

      • RIght approach to collecting delinquent?

      • For reference - Southpoint is $350 per year

      • Taping to the front door?

      • Recording Lien to the county cost $10  

    • DONE - Electronic Bank access

    • Aging Document for overdue HOA

    • Figure out how to pay HOA online?

  • Fiber Update - Josh

    • Education Update - Short of Long Story.

    • Some may love the idea. Some will hate it.

    • Say we are not like Ammon. They can choose to have it to your house. You can decide who will they choose.

    • IF we own the lines we can be closer to ammon - we are not planning on owning the lines.

    • Do you Dont you - trying to see both sides.

    • Things to think about:

      • Thought I would put it out and see what people would say

      • Not sure how strong this is what we want to do.

      • Understand there are lots of ages, incomes, etc. to consider

      • Not sold on what is the right approach

      • We do not have a lot to do, people just say yes and then it gets done.

      • Read in more detail on city Fiber report and they have studies that one of the problems is that people that want to wire for fiber they want to cherry pick in the high income areas like Stonebrook, Canterbury, Southpoint. The Density is more important per number of houses on the line.

      • John Radford -

      • Josh thinks maybe having the city do it is the better idea.

      • Once they lock us in there is no competition - how long is the contract - what point do we have access to change -

      • Infrastructure in place becomes tricky part, guarantee 5 years and then it is over.

      • We have not explored creative financing.

      • Infrastructure is 5 to 6 years for $900K to wire up the neighborhood

      • $3000 a month in Ammon vs $100 per installation

      • HYPOthetically $3000 over $20 years. We are raising dues by $150 per year to make the $3000 over time.

      • HOW THEY DO IT. HOW WE DO the education of Fiber.

      • How is the HOA involved in this? The only we can do it is

      • We can negotiate something if we are unsatisfied with their service. Pay for breakup fee. THen get a new service provider. Who owns the lines? Once they have the wire they will have the wire.

      • John Radford - cherry picking problem - force it upon you - what model will it cost and be? Get an idea from the city of what the cost will be. The city coming in a buying the lines or leasing the lines. Josh suggested to do it to John everyone pay a small fee to get the entire city done. Pay for it. You have to because there is no other answer.

      • Property Value related in getting the lines to the houses. Part of the infrastructure to the community. It improves property value.

      • It is just pipes!

      • If we own the infrastructure - it bugs people if they do not own it to run their information on it.

      • Connect into 96 dark fiber on Sunnyside road. Once you connect you have lite your neighborhood up.

      • We need a builder and financier. We need a financial plan. Could be done. Long road. Pretty doable. A couple of local banks that would consider it as a real estate dues.

      • We like raising it to $200 vs. raising it to $600.

      • Ammon provided packet from Erin. Choices. Education.

      • Ask Centurylink, if we had our own network would you be willing?

      • New neighborhoods are running fiber instead of copper.

      • EDUCATION: Look at this opportunity. Do you want to Opt In?

      • WOrth exploring the option of calling Cable One and Century Link and saying if we had our own fiber network would you give us Fiber internet? Concern is that they would say no.

    • Representatives

      • District 1: Matt Larson and Kent Oakeson

      • District 4:   

      • District 6: Andrew Bennett

      • District 9: Jason Simmons

      • District 10:

      • District 12: Jeff Boag

      • District 14: Jarom Manwaring

      • District 16: Jen Keathley

  • Newsletter Update

    • Calendar:

      • May Garage Sale: Third Saturday in May

    • Sunnyside Elementary School Crossing Guards - concerns - liability issue

    • Drones letter - you can do illegal things with it

    • Good Neighbor!

  • Property Management Update - Erin

    • Update with Rudd&Co Doug

    • Neighborhood Watch update


February 8, 2017 from 7-8:00pm Attendance:



Decide as an HOA - Neighborhood watch program.

Budget “Story” presented for the fiscal year

Standard Letterhead for violation letters

Management company?

Bristol heights using a company in Bosie and it is terrible

FAA and Drone Laws

--Josh write paragraph for newsletter

--Jen go to bank and get electronic access

--Erin approach with Doug

--Josh put together the education for FAQ regarding Fiber Internet

--Garth contact Manwarring about mailing from the online app

--To DO: Division Advocates: 16 people

Next month meeting March 1, 2017 @7pm

At Josh’s house


  • Fiber Internet

    • To-Do: Josh present Fiber options as discussed in January Meeting

    • Maris Note: For your information. – one of the HOA’s that I have a property, they are installing fiber with a bandwidth of 100 to 200 mbps.  The cost is $15 per unit the first year and $20 per unit the next four years of a five year contract. This is for 117 units.

  • Newsletter

    • To-Do: Sally putting together

    • To-Do: Erin get articles to Sally

    • *Drone laws

    • To-Do: Jamie write a President welcome letter

    • Jen: over $500 whenever we have Rudd & Co do a mailing

  • Website & Welcome

    • To-do: online FAQs, online Newsletter, Welcome folder & new move in information.

    • DONE: Type 16 CC&Rs and put on website with City Code

    • DONE: Jamie update emails, 1993 Amendment,

  • Rudd & Co

    • To-Do: Jen get report from Rudd&Co of $3,000+ fees

      • Jen: over $500 whenever we have Rudd & Co do a mailing

      • Jen: Missing October

    • To-Do: Bid for clinical tasks for Violation Letters & follow up visits.

  • Budget:

    • Maris Note: All of our expenditures should be according to a budget.  I presume that the last board made a budget before keeping the assessment at $30.00.  If they did not, we need a budget before we decide on newsletters or other expenditures.

  • Question

    • Jennifer Lords forwarded message from Pam Shearer :

Jennifer Lords gave me your email.  I have buyers that are moving into Stonebrook and they have a lot of HOA questions I was wondering if you could help me out answer some of them.  I sent them a link for your website but they still have a few.

They were looking for the HOA Rules & Regulations

Have there been any "Special Assessments" and if so for what when and how much.

Architectural Committee Guidelines

Any Pending Law Suits against the HOA

If you could just let me know if any of this applies and I will forward your answers onto them.

Thanks for all your trouble.



  • FYI


Meeting NOTES January 4, 2017 7-8:00pm

Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Garth Braithwaite, Jen Keathley, Josh Chandler, Maris Cukurs, Sally Henrie

February 8, 2017 from 7-8:00pm

Internet: Josh Chandler

To-DO: Full model for February meeting

  • Improve home values

  • Options on how to structure to get it into the neighborhood

  • OPTION 1: As a group create a neighborhood service provider. Everybody is able to pay dues and get fiber included in the dues. Dark fiber goes to both schools. Buy internet wholesale and then sell it retail. Formula to sell - 100 people, 100 megabits service, need pipe ratio correct.

  • OPTION 2: Get a partner to help do it.

  • OPTION 3: Get the city to do it.

  • Discussion: Centurylink has quoted for high speeds through the telephone wires. What if city wants to do it? Can our neighborhood be a starter community for the city? There are going to be certain people that do not want High Speed Internet. 55-115 Legislation regarding HOA. Sell at different tiers of participation. What about owner or rental properties?

  • In 2016: 316 house paid, 60 unpaid. Canterbury participate? Watorford participate?

    • Need a separate LLC to avoid the nightmare.

    • Before we do it we need to find out what Century Link is going to be presenting.

    • CableONE is claimed to be slow. Too many pigs at the trough.  

    • Incentive for early pre registrations for getting in early.

    • A lot in how we package and pitch the idea

      • An investment in this neighborhood for houses will increase.

  • Real Question: Is raising the dues ACTUALLY something we can do? What is your minimum participation to make it? i.e. 300 of 350 homes.

  • If voting takes place in corporate level. Usually it is a 50% member with a written consent. A meeting could be easier if you get a quorum to vote.  

  • LEGAL QUESTIONS: What are procedures to change? How much will it cost - per house - and upfront investment. Permitting for the city of Idaho Falls.

  • Our job as an HOA is to maintain our position as a desirable neighborhood to move into instead of the new neighborhoods. Combat it with something that they don’t have - Fiber internet.

Mailbox: Jamie

Taken out by the snow plow. Fixed with calls from Jen Lords to the City and Post Office. HOA owns the actual boxes. Post office owns the key & space inside each box. Brenda Jamison *** East Harvest Run Drive reported issue. Mailbox located directly between 172 and 168 Harvest Run Drive.

Brenda asks “How can we upgrade to rectangular boxes instead of square?”

See google picture

Violations: Jamie

Website demonstration. Moving forward with


Review Assignments from December meeting: January 4th

    • DONE: Garth Form and Josh letter, then Jamie contact Rudd & Co

    • Work In Progress: Consideration of Tree fine and Trailer fine

    • Work In Progress: Erin Newsletters and FAQs articles

    • Will do in Spring after snow melts: Sally will find and talk to her :) about Christmas Lights

    • TO-DO: Yard Sale dates

    • DONE: Jen Signatures with Cindy at Bank of Idaho

Meeting: December 7th @ 7-8pm
Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Garth Braithwaite, Jen Keathley, Sally Henrie, Josh Chandler,


Old Business

Review December Assignments

Old Business

Review November Assignments

  • Done: Josh Chandler: Writing up legal explanation of responsibility of members of the covenants, management & obligations for website. Legal letter for violators for architectural control committee

  • DONE: Jamie Braithwaite updated website with original 7-14-1992 By-Laws

  • DONE: Jamie Braithwaite updated map & 16 division CC&Rs

  • DONE: Maris Cukurs will email Jamie Braithwaite the covenants on file for all 16 sections

  • Architectural Control Committee Responsibilities

    • Property management company

    • TO-DO: Form and letter, contact Rudd & Co

    • Violations

      • Letter

      • Reasonable Fines  

    • Future Communication

    • ***Entry-way trees discussion

    • Wall and Stone wall on Sunnyside

  • Welcoming & Event Committee Responsibilities

    • Christmas Lights at Entry

      • TO-DO: Sally will find and talk to her :)

      • Sherian Lewis contacted me (Maris Cukurs).  (She is a former board member, an artist, and was involved with the new signage at the entrance)( She lives at 277 Brookside)  She volunteered to show someone how the holiday lights have been installed at the entrance and she also said that there are provisions of how to hang banners at the entrance.

    • Welcome Packet

      • For current homeowners

      • For new move-ins

    • Contact homeowners

      • MailChimp?

      • Next Door App?

      • Facebook

      • Website

    • Upcoming Events

      • May 2017 Community Yard Sale

        • 3rd Saturday in May

      • August 2017 Annual Meeting

        • Suggested date 2nd Wednesday in August

      • Community BBQ?

        • Suggested date 2nd Friday in August

      • HOA Board Meetings

        • 2nd Wednesday each month as needed

      • Semi-Annual Tree Trimming Community Service Project?

  • Neighborhood Improvements

    • Entry Way

    • Semi Annual Tree Service Project?

      • Contact local scout troops

      • Send postcards for those who would like to Opt Out of project

    • Fiber Optic Neighborhood Improvements


  • Previous Meeting: November 9, 2016

    • Attendance: Jamie Braithwaite, Josh Chandler, Garth Braithwaite, Erin Dupree, Jennifer Keathley, Sally Henrie, Maris Cukurs, Richard Beem

  • Website updated by Jamie Braithwaite

    • Idaho Falls City Code added for reference on website by Jamie Braithwaite

    • Added DUES page

    • Added CC&Rs page

    • Seeking contact information for Calendar

    • Seeking forwarding information for emails

  • Rudd & Co contact is Jennifer

    • Seeking new move-in list, current HOA members

  • Future Contact for welcoming committee

  • Property Management Company

    • Vic Jacobson - Daughter with property management company contact?

  • Officer Election/Group Decision & Positions:


Jamie Braithwaite,

**Vice President

Josh Chandler,

*Welcoming & Event Committee Chair

Garth Braithwaite,

**Architectural Control Committee Chair

Erin Dupree,


Jennifer Keathley


Sally Henrie

**Board of Director Member

Maris Cukurs

Meeting Adjourned 7:45pm

SBHA Meeting Notes November 9, 2016

Stonebrook HOA

Board of Directors November 9, 2016 Meeting



·      Review Role of Board of Directors

·      Officer Appointments & Positions

*President, Welcoming, Secretary appointed on even years (2016, 2018, 2020, etc…)

**Vice President, Architectural Control, Treasurer, Board Member appointed on odd years (2017, 2019, 2021, etc..)

New Business

·      Bylaws & Convents

o   Approve Website content update

§  Bylaws

§  Covenants

·      Clarification in the following areas from City Code:

o   8. Temporary Structures & Trailers

o   10. Garbage and Refuse Disposal

o   13. Trees

§  Maps

§  Update Calendar

·      Trash/Recycling

·      Street Sweeper

·      Yard Sale

·      2017 Annual meeting

·      Board of Director Meeting Schedule

·      Architectural Control Committee Responsibilities

o   Property management company

o   Violations

o   Future Communication

·      Welcoming & Event Committee Responsibilities

o   Contact homeowners

§  Mail Chimp?

§  Next Door App?

§  Facebook

§  Website

o   Events

§  May 2017 Community Yard Sale

§  August 2017 Annual Meeting

·      Community BBQ?

§  HOA Board Meetings

·      Fiber Optic Neighborhood Improvements

 Old Business

·      Bylaws & Covenants cleaned up by Jamie Braithwaite

·      Idaho Falls City Code added for reference in Covenants by Jamie Braithwaite

·      Rudd & Co contact is Jennifer

o   Out of the office until November 14, 2016

o   Seeking new move-in list

o   Future Contact for welcoming committee




Stonebrook Map 2016-01.png
Stonebrook Map 2017 Divisions.png

SBHA Annual Members Meeting August 31, 2016

Stonebrook Homeowner’s Association (SBHOA)

Annual Board Meeting 8/31/2016

In Attendance - Rick Beem, President was called away for a work emergency and unable to attend.  Ted Heckathorn, Vice President, conducted the meeting in his place.  All other board members were in attendance.  There were approximately 15 other homeowners in attendance.

NEWS/ACCOMPLISHMENTS – Ted updated on garage sale turnout and new signs that were purchased. 

TREE TRIMMING - The issue of untrimmed trees was brought up.  Vick Jacobsen suggested we work with the City to help get residents to keep their trees trimmed.  Garbage trucks, sweepers and plows cannot do their jobs with trees that are not trimmed to appropriate heights.    

NEWSLETTER SUGGESTIONS – Lee Dayton suggested adding to the newsletter consequences of violations and how many homes are in Stonebrook

RENTERS – There was a brief discussion on how to handle renters.  It was suggested that we look at hiring a management company to enforce policies.  A management company would know what we can do legally and they will ensure follow up is made on violators.  It was brought up that fees may have to be raised to do this.  Research will have to be done to find out what a management company would do and how much it would cost.  This company could also replace Rudd & Company.   One management company name that was given was Boardwalk Management. 

 FINANCES – Cindy gave a brief financial rundown.  It was brought up that fees may need to be raised if we hire a management company.  Those in attendance were for raising fees if necessary.

ELECTIONS – The following names were nominated and seconded for the ballot of the new board of directors:











NEW BUSINESS – Jamie Braithwaite presented a plan from Circa, a fiber network in the area that could be pulled into Stonebrook to get high speed internet to each home.

Meeting was adjourned







SBHA Meeting Minutes April 20, 2016


In Attendance:  Rick Beem, Ted Heckathorn, Chris Sweetland

 Stonebrook annual garage sale  

                  *  Garage sale will be May 21st.  We have new signs.  Chris will get rebar and rope to set them up before the garage sale.  She will put them up 3-4 days before the sale. 

*  Chris will put the garage sale information on the Facebook page and attempt to get it on the website.

* Ted will place an ad in the Post Register like last year to run the 19th 20th and 21st.


·        The trailer on Stone Run is still there.  Rick will address this in the newsletter and we’ll discuss further at our next meeting.

·       No one was sure if the chicken issue has been resolved.  This will also be addressed in the newsletter and discussed at the next meeting.


*  Rick will draft a newsletter by Wednesday the 27th and Chris will put it together and get it to Jennifer at Rudd & Co.  The goal is to get newsletters mailed out the first week of May.

Annual Meeting

·        August 17th has been chosen as the date for the 2016 annual meeting

·       Chris will call Sunnyside Elementary and reserve the building for that night.

NEXT MEETING – June 2, 2016 @ 7 p.m. – Rick’s house


SBHA Meeting Minutes September 2, 2015

 In Attendance:  Rick Beem, Cindy Garrity, Chris Sweetland, Diana Beem

INSURANCE - It was brought up through a homeowner that was trying to refinance their home that we didn’t have property Insurance.  Diana Beem works at Falls Insurance Company and found that until 2013 the Stonebrook HOA had insurance.  They requoted a board member that year.  The feedback to Falls Insurnace was that it was too high and the HOA would acquire other bids.  As far as we can tell, there were no other bids and the policy was not renewed with Falls Insurance.  It would appear this fell through the cracks with the transition of board members.  Diana brought a new quote from Falls Insurance.  It was $303 annually.  Cindy Garrity will obtain at least one other quote from an additional insurance company and report back before a decision is made.  A new insurance policy will need to be purchased.  They also quoted a D&O (directors and officers) insurance.  This covers the HOA in case of negligence due to one of the officers or board members.  This was $1200 annually.  It was discussed briefly, but no decision was made.

WEBSITE – The website is up and running, however, the officers need to be trained to maintain it.  The evening of  October 7, 2015 would work for the officers in attendance.  Chris Sweetland will get with Jarom Manwaring to see if that will work for him and report back. 

FACEBOOK – Someone suggested we have a link to the website on the Facebook page.  Chris Sweetland had put this on and it is up and running.

ATTORNEY – Rick Beem had spoken to an attorney regarding our rights to enforce our covenants.  The laws have changed that the HOA can charge fees when covenants are not adhered to.  Initial action had been taken to start a lawsuit against the homeowner at 160 Brookside who had the dirt pile in his driveway.  However, the pile is now almost gone and they have started to clean it up.  It was decided to discontinue lawsuit and see if the problem is rectified before going forward.

FORM LETTER – Rick discussed a need for a form letter gently reminding homeowners of covenants when there is a covenant being broken.  Chris will put something together and forward for Rick’s approval and use.

ADDITIONAL MEMBERS – There was a member at the annual meeting that brought up that the new officers were not put in correctly.  Different options for rectifying this situation was discussed.  They included:  putting together another meeting to do the vote correctly; do nothing; and put out letters letting the homeowners know if there were any concerns about the situation to let us know and we would address them and decide the best route to take.  It was decided to do nothing at this point but make sure next year at the annual meeting we put in new member correctly.

2 YEAR TERM – Cindy brought up the discussion that the bylaws say that term for an officer is 2 years.  She has reached her 2 years.  Rick asked that she stay longer to keep things going in the direction they are.  It was decided that we will post on Facebook asking for anyone who would is interested in serving on the board to try and get help and possibly replace Cindy.

SBHA Meeting Minutes June 24, 2015


June 24, 2015 

Covenants – The need to get a current copy of the current covenants was discussed.  Rick will call his title company and see how they get copies of the most current covenants.   We would like to have a copy of the covenants to each homeowner before the annual meeting on August 19.

Chickens – Rick spoke to the homeowner on Nathan Circle regarding the chicken complaint.  They said they didn’t have a copy of the covenants and would like one.  It was verified the city is OK with 6 chickens and no rooster, however Stonebrook HOA does not allow poultry.  Rick working on getting a copy of the covenants.

 Trees – In past newsletters, all the numbers vary on how far off the street and curb trees must be.  Ted is calling the city to verify the correct information.

 Website – Chris is researching options for getting the old website back or building a new one.  She is calling Jarom Manwaring, who owns a web design business to see what our options are and the costs.

High School – Cindy is going to call Penny Peterson from Cantebury HOA and/or the school district and find out where they are on the possibility of making Taylorview a high school.  She will report back so we can get information for the annual meeting.  Chris will also call Deidre Warden who is on the school board and see if she has any information.

Storage unit parked in driveway – Ted said someone complained to him about *** Stone Run having a large storage vehicle parked in their driveway.  He understands that the tenants are renters and not the owners.  Do we contact the renters or owners?  Rick will determine.

New Garage Sale Signs – There were several complaints about the size of the garage sale signs.  Chris is working on getting costing and information on new banners for next year.  We would like 3 new ones if possible.

Annual Meeting – Meeting is scheduled for August 19 @ 7 pm at Sunnyside Elementary.  We are going to try and pass out door flyers before.  Chris and Cindy will go to the storage unit to see what the signs for the annual meeting look like and if we can use them as well.

Newsletter – We would like to send out a newsletter the first week of August.  The newsletter should include the following. 

                  *  A copy of the Stonebrook HOA Covenants included

                  *  A reminder about cleaning up after your animals

                  *  A reminder about keeping your trees trimmed high enough

                  *  Annual meeting information

                  *  A reminder that we cannot have poultry (chickens) – against the covenants

                  *  Information on the possibility of Taylorview becoming a high school

                  *  Wesbsite / Facebook information

Chris will put it together and get Rick’s approval before sending to Jennifer at Rudd & Co.