SBHA Email Regarding Fall Newsletter

Past & Present Board, 

  1. Jen Bank Signatures

    1. We are transitioning - Jen please get in contact with Kent in order to get his signature at the bank. We need to sign a few checks and send a check to the printer for the door hanger. Here are the notes from the meeting to use at the bank.  Or the email from Jen with the ballot results should work. 

  2. Everyone - please send approval for newsletter below.

    1. I have put together the following information for our Fall Quarterly Door Hanger Newsletter. The focus of this newsletter is to introduce the new board and emphasizing tree trimming. Please let me know if you have any comments, concerns, questions, or changes. See the file attached. It costs approx. $96 to print the door hangers and is free to deliver to 316 homes. Please send your email thumbs up approval and we will get them ordered as soon as possible so they are available to hand out at the October Meeting. 

  3. Vic & Michael: Book Keeper Contract & Scope of work 

    1. - please report Vic & Michael or be prepared to report at the October Meeting

  4. Josh: Fiber Internet 

    1. - please report Josh - do you need help making a brochure? Let me know

  5. September Minutes - Sally please have an official copy ready for Oct meeting

Jamie Braithwaite

P.S. The emails will be updated soon! Erin, Garth, Jen, Marius, Thank you for serving on the board. It was a pleasure working with you over the last year! 


President - Jamie Braithwaite

Vice President - Josh Chandler

Treasurer - Kent Okeson

Secretary - Sally Henrie

Welcoming & Event Committee Chair - Joni Larsen

Architectural Control Committee Chair - Michael Maloney

Board of Director Member - Vic Jacobson

REMINDER: As stated in our Covenants for each of the sixteen divisions: Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.

 On our website, we have provided a quick link to The Tree Trimming Guide “How To Prune Trees” distributed by the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. In some areas of our community there has been up to 30 years of beautiful tree growth! The main reasons for pruning ornamental and shade trees include safety, health, and aesthetics. Please take time to review your front yard and trim trees overhanging streets, sidewalks, and traffic signs. If you do not have a trailer to haul away you can call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup of your trimmed branches and shrubbery.

 Thank you for helping improve our community together!


The Stonebrook Community is divided into 16 divisions. Each division filed Protective Covenants in Bonneville County, City of Idaho Falls, Idaho as it was developed over the years of 1986 to 2000. On the website is the combined text of all Protective Covenants with [Division #] for the Stonebrook Homeowners Association. The Stonebrook Community recognizes and follows the City of Idaho Falls Code as found on the Idaho Falls website:

Please review the CC&Rs and City of Idaho Falls City Code of Ordinances online. Note the list of protective covenants and city violations that will not be tolerated in the Stonebrook Community.

COMMUNITY FORESTRY; TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING PUBLIC PROPERTY: TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9. Vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8') above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15') above any public street.

STORAGE OF VEHICLES, MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period.

LITTER AND WEED CONTROL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: TITLE 5 CHAPTER 26. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep their property clear of litter 

AUTOMATED GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (updated 2016): TITLE 8 CHAPTER 6. All waste must be placed in approved containers. However, grass, leaves, weeds etc. may be placed in strong plastic bags that are tied provided they do not exceed 50 pounds in weight and 10 cubic feet in volume. Brush may be tied in bundles not to exceed four feet in length and 50 pounds in weight.

Call the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491 to schedule a pickup. 

MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS (TITLE 8 CHAPTER 10). Every person who owns real property within the City shall remove any snow, ice and other obstruction or dangerous condition upon any sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his or her property.

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