Protective Covenants PROPOSAL 2020

REVISED November 21, 2019Proposed covenant updates and modernization listed below with gray highlight for specific changes.

  • 1. LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE [combine 1-16]

  • 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL [combine 1-16]

  • 3. DWELLING SIZE [combine 1-16]

  • 4. BUILDING LOCATION [combine 1-16]

  • 5. LOT AREA AND WIDTH [no change]

  • 6. EASEMENTS [no change]

  • 7. ACCESS FROM ARTERIAL STREETS [combine 1-16]

  • 8. SCREENING FENCES [combine DIvisions 1-16]

  • 9. NUISANCES [no change]. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No satellite dishes in excess of 36 inches in diameter at the longest point, or radio towers of any size shall be permitted. 

  • 10. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND TRAILERS [modernize]. No structure of a temporary character shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No outbuildings may be constructed unless first approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No trailer or recreational vehicle of any kind, including but not limited to any utility, boat, RV, or other similar vehicle or trailer will be parked in front of a house, on a street or driveway, including side streets of corner lots for a period of more than 48 hours during any 72 period. The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

  • 11. SIGNS [no change].

  • 12. GARAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL [no change].

  • 13. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY [no change].

  • 14. KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS [no change].

  • 15. TREES [modernize]. The owner of each lot will be required to have  or plant one tree, of a species and size permitted by Idaho Falls, Idaho guidelines, for each ___ feet of park strip or portion thereof on the front of each lot. The owner of each lot will further be required to maintain such trees in the manner required by the city ordinances of Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Each owner shall further be responsible to replace said trees as necessary.

  • 16. SIDEWALKS [modernize] The owner of each lot shall be required to construct and maintain a sidewalk as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. 

  • 17. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE [modernize]. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of members of the Stonebrook Home Owners Association Board…

  • 18. PROCEDURE [no change].

  • 19. VARIANCES [no change].

  • 20. COMPLIANCE [no change].

  • 21. FINALITY  [no change].



  • 24. GENERAL PROVISIONS [no change].

  • 25. ENFORCEMENT [no change].

  • 26. SEVERABILITY [no change].

  • 27. AMENDMENT [modernize]. These Protective Covenants may be amended by the vote of Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the owners of the lots.


Announcing the 2019 Stonebrook Board Members: Michael Maloney, Logan King, Ted Heckathorn with continuing board members Jamie Braithwaite, Josh Chandler, Kelli Archibald, and Mark Robinson

Idaho Falls Fiber Meeting: Thursday, October 17, 2019 doors open at 5:30pm. City Council & Fiber Presentation by Bear Prairie at 6:30pm with cake & refreshment at Sunnyside Elementary School (165 Cobblestone Lane) 

Stonebrook Board Meeting:  Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 8pm (after Fiber meeting) at Sunnyside E.S.

Fall Clean-up Dates: 

  • October 19 & 26: Stonebrook Community Service Project

  • Oct 21 to 25: City of Idaho Falls “Typical” Stonebrook Street Sweeping

  • Nov 18 to 23: City of IF “Tentative Leaf Collection” Street Sweeping

Annual Community Service Project on Oct 19 & 26. Participate with your Stonebrook neighbors trimming trees, raking leaves, repairing sidewalks, and cleaning up the Stonebrook Community together. Start in your own yard, help your neighbors, and together everyone can help up and down the streets.  

LawnTech provides pruning services to assess clearance of street trees and to ensure all Idaho Falls city codes have been met, which are 8’ over sidewalks, 13’ over curbs, and 15’ over roadways, respectively. Below is the rate, Bill, the pruning department manager, is offering Stonebrook Subdivision Homeowners. This service is raising clearance ONLY. Any and all other pruning work, if requested by individual homeowners, would be extra and require a separate estimate. Thank You, Kari Atkinson, Arborist Account Rep Idaho Falls 208-523-5296

 Trunk Diameter Pricing: 0-6 inches: $50/tree       7-10 inches: $75/tree       11” + inches: $100/tree

Contact City of Idaho Falls Street Department (208) 612-8490 for more information about the street sweeping schedule and leaf collection.

Contact City of Idaho Falls Sanitation Department (208) 612-8491 to schedule your tree trimming pick-up & haul away.  The best way to take care of your branches is to tie them together with string or twine in easy to handle bundles. Make sure to tie the branches tightly, in bundles that can be easily lifted by one person.  Tree measuring poles are available for check out. Free service project string/twine is available to all homeowners at the Oct 17 meeting or contact us at (208) 718-2366.  


Help us improve our community. We want to hear from you!  CONTACT THE HOA BOARD ONLINE If you have any action items that need to be added to next month’s agenda, wish to resolve a violation complaint against your property, new to the neighborhood, need to update contact/billing information, or have questions/concerns please complete the form online. We are going digital, please check your email & the website! 

2020 Stonebrook HOA Covenants Proposal

On September 18, 2019 we held a special meeting to discuss the process to modernize and combine the 16 divisions into one unified community. This process will take time and we are working to properly proceed according to our Stonebrook HOA By-Laws. 

Why Now? 2019 marks the 20th Anniversary of the newest divisions in our community.  The HOA Board Members are working to combine all divisions into one unified neighborhood. The current HOA Covenants were created by the home builders during construction from April 1986 to June 2000 in 16 separate divisions during construction.  The covenants running with the land can be changed at two different times, with different rules as to each. First, the covenants can be AMENDED which can happen at ANY time, no matter what. That requires a 75% vote to accomplish. Second, the covenants can be MODIFIED.  The covenants were set up to last 20 years and then to automatically renew for 10 years at a time after that UNLESS a document signed by a MAJORITY (not 75%) of the current homeowners in the division is recorded with Bonneville County prior to the renewal date (the twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth anniversary, etc. of the date the covenants were first recorded).

How? Every homeowner will be given the opportunity to vote by ballot.  The ballot is separated by paragraphs needing modernizing adjustments: Paragraph 10, 15, 16, 17, 27, and all other paragraphs proposed. If you were not able to attend the meeting you can request an absentee ballot or attend our next Stonebrook Board Meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at Sunnyside E.S.

Protective Covenants PROPOSAL 2020: See for full details & presentation from Sept 18th Meeting.

City of Idaho Falls City Code Clarification for Paragraph 10
(A) It shall be unlawful for anyone to use City streets or alleys for storage of motorhomes or trailers. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period. Any person who parks or allows a trailer or motorhome to be parked upon any street or alley within the City for a period in excess of this time in the same location shall be guilty of an infraction.
(B) Any person who parks or allows a vehicle to be parked upon any street or alley within the City for a period of 48 or more consecutive hours in the same location shall be guilty of an infraction.
(C) Any vehicle, motorhome or trailer unlawfully parked or stored may be removed by or under the direction of any peace officer and may be impounded in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
(D) For the purposes of this section, a vehicle shall be considered to be parked "in the same location" notwithstanding movement of the vehicle to another location on a public street or alley within 500 feet in any direction of the original location of the vehicle. "Motorhome" is hereby defined as set forth in Idaho Code § 49-114(12). "Trailer" is hereby defined as set forth in Idaho Code § 49-121(6). (Ord. 2890, 01-22-12)


City of Idaho Falls City Code Clarification for Paragraph 15
8-9-11: RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PRIVATE TREES: (A) It shall be unlawful for any person owning a private tree or in control of a private tree to refuse or fail to take the following actions within a reasonable time after being directed to do so by the City Forester: (1) Remove, prune, or reprune any tree located on such person's private property in a manner that removes, abates or otherwise lessens the likelihood of or resolves any pest infestation, dangerous condition or circumstance located within such tree, the existence of which constitutes a public nuisance, as defined in Section 8-9-18 of this Code. (2) Remove, prune, or reprune any private tree located on such person's real property in a manner that provides for vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than: a. Eight feet (8’) above any public sidewalk; and b. Thirteen feet (13’) from the back of the curb to Thirteen feet (13’) toward the center line above any public street, alley, or right-of-way and thereafter angled up toward the center line to a height of not less than fifteen (15’) feet at the center of the public street, alley, or right-of-way. (3) Remove, control or abate any pest investing or otherwise located in or upon any private tree located upon the owner's private real property.
(4) Remove and properly dispose of all branches, twigs, leaves or other debris deposited upon public property by or at the direction of any person pruning, trimming or removing such private tree. (Ord. 2738, 2-14-08; Ord. 2877, 8-11-11; Ord. 2968, 9-10-14; Ord. 3194, 6-28-18)

8-9-14: REGULATIONS FOR PLANTING STREET TREES: Street trees shall be classified in accordance with the three (3) species size classes listed in this Chapter. Street trees shall not be planted closer together than the following: small trees, twenty feet (20’); medium trees, thirty feet (30’); large trees, forty feet (40’). No trees may be planted closer to the backside of any curb or the nearest edge of any sidewalk than the following: small trees, two feet (2’; medium trees, three feet (3’); and large trees, four feet (4’). All trees planted shall follow the Clear View Section of the City's Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1941, Sections 4-7. All distances shall be measured from the center of the tree trunk at ground level. (Ord. 2207, 8-8-96; Ord. 2486, 3-27-03; Ord. 2738, 2-14-08; Ord. 2877, 8-11-11; Ord. 2968, 9-10-14; Ord. 3194, 6-28-18)

8-9-15: TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING PUBLIC PROPERTY: All owners, or persons in control of private real property upon which a street tree or shrub is growing, shall remove or trim, at his or her expense, all limbs or foliage which overhang or project into any public street, sidewalk, alley or easement and which interfere with public travel or use of such public way or easement or which do not satisfy the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance entitled "Clear View of Intersecting Streets and Ways." All trees and shrubs planted shall follow the Clear View Section of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 1941, Sections 4-7. (A)Trees and shrubs shall be trimmed from the ground level to at least fifteen feet (15') above any public street, public easement or alley, or to at least eight feet (8') above the curb and sidewalk. (B) Clearance of the branches of a tree to a height of not less than: (1) Eight feet (8’) above any public sidewalk; and (2) Thirteen feet (13’) from the back of the curb to Thirteen feet (13’) toward the center line above any public street, alley, or right-of-way and thereafter angled up toward the center line to a height of not less than fifteen feet (15’) at the center of the public street, alley, or right-of-way. (Ord. 2207, 8-8-96; Ord. 2486, 3-27-03; Ord. 2738, 2-14-08; Ord. 2877, 8-11-11; Ord. 2968, 9-10-14; Ord. 3194, 6-28-18)

City of Idaho Falls City Code Clarification for Paragraph 16
Every person who owns real property within the City shall remove any snow, ice and other obstruction or dangerous condition upon any sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his or her property.
8-10-6: CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: The construction of all Sidewalks and curbs and gutters shall be in accordance with the City Standard Drawings and Construction Specifications. (Ord. 3177, 04-12-18)

PUBLIC NOTICE: You are responsible for the sidewalk, curb, & gutter surrounding your property. Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in the City limits is the property owner's responsibility to maintain. (City code 8-10) However, the City does offer a curb and gutter program that reimburses a portion of the cost of the curb and gutter.  The City of Idaho Falls has a limited amount of funding in the 2019 Budget to financially participate with property owners in the replacement of their deteriorated curb and gutter. This year, the City will reimburse the property owner $12.50 per linear foot of curb and gutter. To apply for this program, the property owner may come in to the CIty’s Public Works Division, Engineering Department, City Hall Annex, 380 Constitution Way, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and fill out a short application. Alternatively, the property owner may print, complete and sign the Program Application (found on the City’s home page) and deliver it to the Engineering Department at the previously stated address or email the signed form to Please telephone (208) 612-8250 if additional information is needed. City of Idaho Falls, Engineering Department Published: April 14, 16-19, 2019 (142461-42626)

Sidewalk drawi.png


Summer 2019 has been busy with City of Idaho Falls Power & Fiber conduit installation. The Stonebrook Homeowners Board and homeowners have been working with the City of Idaho Falls for several years to make fiber internet a reality for our community and together we look forward to being one of the first neighborhoods to boast 100% Fiber Internet connectivity!  
First step is Box-to-Box installation. The main infrastructure installation of conduit from Box-to-Box has been a large mandatory project required by the City of Idaho Falls. Landscape crews followed and repaired all disturbed landscaping back to its original appearance.
Second step is Box-to-House installation. This is the more exciting step as it means your home is ready for faster fiber internet!  The City of Idaho Falls will be installing the line and Optical Network Terminal (ONT) box inside your home but will not provide internet service. When you are ready to sign-up for fiber internet service you will need to choose one of the four fiber internet providers that has partnered with the City of Idaho Falls.  NOTE: Fiber internet does not provide television packages. 

CNET: Best Live Streaming Services for Cord Cutters by Ty Pendlebury & David Katzmaier SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 “Sling TV, YouTube TV, PlayStation Vue, Hulu with Live TV and others let you ditch your cable company but keep the live channels and DVR...Cable TV can seem a lot like a landline phone these days: an unnecessary expense that's shackled to outdated hardware.” Read more online CNET

How & When will Fiber go LIVE at my house?

  1. Confirm you are on the Stonebrook Pilot Program cluster box-to-house installation list by calling 208-612-8725 during business hours M-F: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. This is a great time to coordinate with your neighbors and encourage installations to happen together for crew & equipment efficiency. The walk-through site survey is free of charge during the Pilot Program.  You will schedule a walk-through site survey with a technician to discuss where the fiber line will run on your property. The technician will also determine where to install the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) box inside your home. Your wireless router or computer can be plugged directly into the ONT box for fiber internet. 

  2. Prior to installation, a utility crew will come to your home and mark the underground pipelines and facilities on your property. They will then determine the easiest path from the Idaho Falls Fiber (IFF) box to your home.

  3. Choose your fiber internet provider (see list below). Because you must select a provider during the sign-up process, we encourage you to become familiar with the individual providers.

  4. On the day of your installation, technicians will pull the fiber line from the IFF utility box into your home, typically into a room with an exterior wall near a power outlet such as the office, utility, or laundry room. Once the fiber line is in your home, the crews will assist in setting-up your fiber equipment and ensure your new fiber service is up and running. You will be connected to fiber internet service before the crew leaves your home.   

  5. Idaho Falls Fiber Infrastructure Fee: Customer signed up for Fiber will pay a $30 Idaho Falls Fiber Infrastructure Fee (this will appear on your city utility bill). This fee is paid monthly for as long as you have the Fiber service at your residence.

President Letter September 6, 2019

You should have received the following president letter in the mail:

September 6, 2019

Stonebrook Residents,

The Stonebrook HOA Board is calling a SPECIAL MEETING on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 8pm, at Sunnyside Elementary School: 165 Cobblestone Lane, Idaho Falls, ID 83404.

This meeting has been called to address the important issues with our Stonebrook Protective Covenants as discussed at the August Annual Meeting.  The attendance of every home-owner is important to collect input from Stonebrook Homeowners on how best to address outdated items and compile the 16 separate divisions into one Stonebrook Community.  

This special meeting will begin the process of modernizing and consolidating our 20+ year old community. It is time to modernize and consolidate our Stonebrook Association By-Laws and Protective Covenants to best protect our subdivision.  Some believe our current covenants leave the Home Owners Association and residents open to liability on the whole of our neighborhood. It has been brought to our attention as a result of our recent insurance policy review that we will have a significant increase in our insurance costs to cover our liability especially regarding the safety of sidewalks. We need participation from a large majority of residents to address this issue. Every homeowner should take an interest to understand and vote on the upcoming changes.

We hope you will attend the meeting and cast your vote.

Thank you, 

Jamie Braithwaite (President 2019) 
Michael Maloney (Vice President 2019 stepping up as President 2020)

Stonebrook HOA Board

---------------------------- Reminders --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trailers - We understand that trailers and motorhomes can be out temporarily while preparing for trips, but driveways or the street in front of your home is not a permanent daily or long term storage parking spot. 

Trees - Many homes in our neighborhood are missing trees in the park strip. All homes are expected to have at least one tree in the park strip or more depending on the linear feet of your property adjacent to the street. If you are missing trees or need to add a tree to your park strip, please do so in a timely manner.

Barking Dogs - Complaints are being filed about loud and constantly barking dogs. Our covenants read “No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.” If you have a constantly barking dog please remedy the situation or you may receive a violation.

Stonebrook Homeowners Association PROPOSAL

Protective Covenants PROPOSAL 2020

Brief Summary of the 5 covenants needing modernization with highlighted proposed changes.
Find the complete document online:

  • 10. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE [modernize]. No structure of a temporary character shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No outbuildings may be constructed unless first approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No trailers or motorhomes will be parked in front of house, on a street or driveway, including side streets of corner lots as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

  • 15. TREES [modernize]. The owner of each lot will be required to plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The owner of each lot will be required to maintain such trees as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
    16. SIDEWALKS [modernize] The owner of each lot shall be required to construct and maintain a sidewalk as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. 

  • 17. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE [modernize]. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of members of the Stonebrook Home Owners Association Board…

  • 27. AMENDMENT [modernize]. These Protective Covenants may be amended by the vote of Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the owners of the lots.

    Combine all division covenants with little to NO CHANGE into one unified community:

  • 1. LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 3. DWELLING SIZE [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 4. BUILDING LOCATION [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 5. LOT AREA AND WIDTH [no change].

  • 6. EASEMENTS [no change].

  • 7. ACCESS FROM ARTERIAL STREETS [combine Divisions 1-16 with no change].

  • 8. SCREENING FENCES [combine DIvisions 1-16 with no change].

  • 9. NUISANCES [no change].

  • 11. SIGNS [no change].

  • 12. GARAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL [no change].

  • 13. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY [no change].

  • 14. KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS [no change].

  • 18. PROCEDURE [no change].

  • 19. VARIANCES [no change].

  • 20. COMPLIANCE [no change].

  • 21. FINALITY  [no change].



  • 24. GENERAL PROVISIONS [no change].

  • 25. ENFORCEMENT [no change].

  • 26. SEVERABILITY [no change].

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Protective Covenants

The covenants running with the land can be changed at two different times, with different rules as to each.  

First, the covenants can be AMENDED which can happen at ANY time, no matter what.  That requires a 75% vote to accomplish.

Second, the covenants only last for 20 years.  Technically, once twenty years has passed, they automatically renew for an additional 10 years (and so forth) UNLESS at the time the 20 years (or any 10 year period passes) a MAJORITY (not 75%) of the then current owners have signed a document agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part as GENERAL PROVISIONS.  That document must be recorded against ALL of the lots but only needs to be signed by a majority of the lot holders, presumably PRIOR to the 20 year or 10 year anniversary of the date the covenants are recorded.  

DIVISIONS 1-16 SIGNED by Notary Public for Idaho

DIVISION 1: State of Idaho. County of Bonneville. On the 28th Day of April, in the year of 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared ROBERT W. UTTERBECK, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Signature. Notary Public for Idaho. DIVISION 2: August 12, 1987, DIVISION 3: August 10, 1989, DIVISION 4: July 3, 1990, DIVISION 5: April 5, 1991, DIVISION 6: November 16, 1994, DIVISION 7: August 9, 1991, DIVISION 8: September 26, 1991, DIVISION 9: November 16, 1994, DIVISION 10: November 22, 1994, DIVISION 11: March 6, 1996, DIVISION 12: September 4, 1997, DIVISION 13: September 14, 1999, DIVISION 14: October 27, 1999, DIVISION 15: February 22, 2000, DIVISION 16: June 29, 2000

2019 Annual Members Meeting

2184 Channing Way #139
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
(208) 718-2366


July 17, 2019

Stonebrook Homeowners Association President Message

Dear Stonebrook Homeowners,

I love the trees in our community. Stonebrook has the most beautiful tree-lined streets in the area. They add to the appeal and to the value of the homes in our neighborhood. These trees are a feature we all have to manage and protect. If your yard is like mine it will have one or two Ash trees.

A word to the wise, Ash trees are vulnerable to Ash Bores! These insects lay tiny eggs in the crooks of branches of your tree.  When they hatch the insects are so tiny they will not be noticed. They enter the tree and eat it from the inside out, growing as they go. If you see a borehole in your ash tree your tree has already been under attack for some time. The visible holes are where a large mature insect has exited your tree. The damage has already been done. Last year I treated my Ash tree with the insect repellant that I had leftover from the year before. I did not treat my tree with enough of the protective chemical. This spring a large branch on my tree making up about a quarter of its volume grew no leaves. I thought I had applied the proper amount of treatment this spring but, the damage my tree sustained showed otherwise.

Make sure you take care of and treat your Ash trees.  The Ash trees in many yards have died, many homeowners have replaced their trees with other species of trees. That is great! Our covenants do not specify a certain type of tree to be planted. The covenants do state the [original community] “Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on the width of the lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.” Some homes in our neighborhood have no trees on their park strip! What a tragedy. Please take a look at your property. If you have no trees, or in many cases only one tree you are in violation of our CC&R’s. Please plant a tree as soon as possible! Not only to avoid violation of the covenants but to keep our neighborhood looking stately and pristine. 

With our mature trees we have noticed many dangerous sidewalks due to root growth and uneven ground. The covenants state “The owner of each lot shall be required to construct a sidewalk that complies with all applicable ordinances at the lot owner’s expense not later than the time any residence constructed on the lot is completed and ready for occupancy.” Please beware each homeowner is liable for the sidewalk adjacent to their property.

As a member of the board, my main purpose and goal is to maintain and increase property values in Stonebrook. I would be happy to share what I have learned about trees when selecting a suitable replacement for the missing tree in my own yard so feel free to call me anytime! I look forward to meeting many more of my neighbors this coming year!

Michael Maloney, Volunteer Stonebrook HOA President

Stonebrook Homeowners Annual Members Meeting


You are invited to attend our annual homeowner’s association meeting scheduled on Wednesday, August 7, 2019, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm located at Sunnyside Elementary School Gym (165 Cobblestone Ln, Idaho Falls, ID 83404). Enter directly into the North East Side of the gym near the basketball courts using the parking lot near the playground.

 In addition to usual business, we have several matters which you may be interested in hearing.

First, we are pleased to have a guest speaker from Idaho Falls Fiber Network available to answer questions and report the progress for the Idaho Falls Fiber Network pilot program.

Second, Idaho Falls School District 91 will report findings as they are developing a 10-year Master Facilities Plan that will help guide future decisions about how to update and improve our school buildings. Ideas being developed include closing schools, new construction, renovations, and boundary changes.

Third, several of our Community Cluster Mailboxes in Stonebrook need immediate attention and the HOA Board would like to discuss the available options for replacement and/or exterior refurbishment repair costs. 

Finally, we have several volunteer HOA Board Members whose terms are set to expire.  Talk to your neighbors and come with your nominations ready. Please join us!


Jamie Braithwaite, Volunteer Stonebrook HOA Secretary



7:00pm Welcome & Annual Board of Directors Business by Michael Maloney, President

Stonebrook HOA Board Business

  • Welcome New Neighbors

  • Proposed cost to refurbish, replace existing, or upgrade Community Cluster Mailboxes

  • New assessment fees for “Transfer of Title Mortgage Requests”

  • New procedures for overdue accounts including property lien notices placed on 2+ year

·      Community Involvement: October Tree Trimming Service Project

·      Real Estate Report

7:10pm Annual Budget Treasurer’s report by Kent Okeson, Treasurer

·      Members Annual Assessment Status

7:15pm Common Violation Reminders refer to CC&Rs online at

·      Trees Maintained (Plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot)

·      Trees Violations (Clearance of 8 feet over sidewalk, 13 feet over curb & 15 feet over street)

·      Trailer Parking Violations (The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee)

·      Sidewalk Safety Violations (The owner of each lot shall be required to construct a sidewalk that complies with all applicable ordinances at the lot owner’s expense)

·      Nuisance Violations: (No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood)

7:20pm Fiber Internet Update by Bear Prairie, Idaho Falls Fiber Network President

7:35pm Community Update by Margaret Wimborne, School District 91 Communications Director

7:45pm Board of Directors Member Nominations: 7 Board of Director positions; 3 terms are set to expire

7:50pm Concerns, Solutions, Suggestions for Improvement by Members


Find more details online at or call (208) 718-2366

Safe & Happy Holidays


We wish you safe and happy holidays!

Thank you again for your response to our recent requests to address the neighborhood tree issues. A big thank you to the service provided by the Boys Scouts of America:
Mark Christofferson (Eagle Scout)
Grant Peterson (Eagle Scout)

Winter Safety Reminder:  

You are responsible for snow & ice removal on your sidewalks.  Please help maintain a safe environment in our neighborhood!

Tree Trimming Service Project 2018

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Tree Trimming Service Project & neighborhood tree trimming effort.  This project has been a great success and many people have commented about how much better the neighborhood looks as a result.

We appreciate your patience during this process.  Some have asked what prompted us to undertake this effort.  First, we were spurred into action when our HOA was cited by the City of Idaho Falls.  Because many homes in our neighborhood were not in compliance with tree limb clearance ordinances, it was difficult for public services (such as street sweeping & snow plowing) to access all parts of neighborhood roads to the curb.  Second, HOA leadership had received a number of complaints because low hanging branches over neighborhood sidewalks had created a safety hazard or inconvenience for walkers and bikers. Thanks to your efforts and those of volunteers, these issues have largely been addressed.

As you may know, the recent measuring of tree limb clearances was conducted by young Boy Scout volunteers, not professionals.  Please seek help from a professional arborist if needed for the healthy and safety of your trees. If any of you would like to measure your trees, the HOA has measuring sticks available for you to use upon request.  If interested, please call (208) 718-2366.

Thank you again for your response to our recent requests to address this neighborhood issue.  We wish you a safe and happy winter!

October 2018 Newsletter

We are going digital, please check your email & the website! The Stonebrook Homeowners Association has made a great effort to update all homeowners contact information. If we do not have current information then you can update your name, address, account status, billing information, online payments and contact form online. The Nextdoor App is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community. We currently have 214 of our 316 homes connected. This is not required but recommended for quick neighborhood communication.  If you would like to connect to those around you find our Stonebrook neighborhood at Code: KBBCMP Find out more at

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The Stonebrook community has the opportunity to become one of the first neighborhoods in Idaho Falls to have fiber optic internet lines installed in the ground by the City of Idaho Falls Fiber Network Pilot Program.  See attached Post Register Article. This is a great opportunity and will boost our home property values & real estate appeal.   Bear Prairie, The City of Idaho Falls Fiber Network General Manager, presented at our Annual Homeowners Meeting in August.  Our Stonebrook community of 316 homes has been chosen as part of the pilot program.  Join the Fiber Committee for more details. 

Why City of Idaho Falls Fiber Network?

In 2016, we approached the City of Idaho Falls regarding the Fiber Network but they did not have plans to move forward with infrastructure.  We, the HOA Board, reached out to several private companies such as TruFiber.  Summer 2018, the New General Manager of the Idaho Falls Fiber Network was appointed and he advocated for dual purpose installation during the mandatory updates being required.  This is a great opportunity for Stonebrook Homeowners! 

Pilot Program

There are 3 scenarios to the pilot program installing Fiber Internet:

1.     Homes with overhead power lines adding fiber optic lines.

2.     Homes with Idaho Falls Power conduit with open space available for adding fiber optic lines.

3.     Homes (such as Stonebrook) needing electrical conduit updated & replaced.  At the time of required construction the Idaho Falls City will include fiber optic lines in the new conduit.  Each box located in the backyards of homes in Stonebrook will be going through a mandatory update required by the city. 

 Get Involved

If you would like to get more information and are interested in joining the Stonebrook Homeowners Fiber Network committee, contact us for details. Stonebrook HOA Committees will be meeting once a quarter at the Idaho Falls City Library Meeting Room #1 on Nov 14th at 7 pm.

Idaho Falls Power will have an open house with pilot program participants and other interested parties on Oct. 23 at Taylorview Middle School.

City Council approves Idaho Falls Power fiber network pilot program

By RYAN SUPPE  Sep 28, 2018

Idaho Falls Power is moving forward with a residential high-speed fiber optic pilot program in partnership with UTOPIA Fiber, a Utah-based fiber optic network agency. The City Council unanimously approved the plan Thursday. UTOPIA Fiber will apply to Idaho Falls Power the same rates that it charges its Utah members for engineering and construction services, according to City Council documents. The program involves installing — or connecting previously installed — fiber optic cables, creating a network designed for increased bandwidth and data transfer speeds. The pilot will test and examine the cost of a high-speed fiber optic network for residents and businesses, starting with a designated pilot program area in Idaho Falls. A fiber optic line (a stretched strand of glass that transmits data through light) is a superior method of data transfer to electrical wiring because it can carry more data at increased speeds. Councilman John Radford said that, with electrical systems increasingly tied to the Internet, a fiber-optic system is a necessity for a modern public utility. ”We need to have the ability to really quickly interact with those things,” he said. According to Bear Prairie, general manager of Idaho Falls Power and Idaho Falls Fiber, the fiber network pilot program is a response to the growing need for increased internet bandwidth. ”Need and access of broadband connectivity is quickly becoming a utility-type structure,” Prairie said. “We want to make sure that everybody has access to the bandwidth that they need.” The city of Ammon built a utility-style fiber optic network in 2016, which is currently connected to 350 residential and commercial addresses, according to Bruce Patterson, technology director for the city of Ammon. UTOPIA (Utah Telecommunication Open Infrastructure Agency), a community-owned, not-for-profit agency, provides a fiber optic network for nearly a dozen Utah cities. It will help design, operate and manage the Idaho Falls’ fiber network, Prairie said. The partnership with Idaho Falls Power will be the first time UTOPIA Fiber has worked on a project outside of Utah, according to a news release from the agency. “As the largest open-access network in the country, there’s nobody else with the experience and expertise that we have,” said Roger Timmerman, UTOPIA Fiber’s executive director, in the release. The boundaries for the pilot program have not yet been finalized, but the general area includes numbered streets between 17th Street and Tautphaus Park and some residential areas south of Sunnyside Road. Residents in the pilot program area will receive a letter of notification in early October.

“The reason we picked the areas that we did is we needed an area that was close to our existing backbone of fiber rings,” Prairie said. “We need to locate near that existing infrastructure.” The city has existing fiber optic lines — used by a number of business — but those lines don’t reach residential areas. Existing lines will be connected to the new network. Idaho Falls Fiber will run new fiber lines through existing overhead and underground power lines. Using existing infrastructure allows the project to be completed at a fraction of the cost any other company would face, Prairie said. Once the system is built, Idaho Falls Power will rely on partnerships with local companies to provide services, such as internet service, on the network. Prairie stressed that Idaho Falls Power will not become an internet service provider, it is simply building the network infrastructure that private businesses can utilize. “Idaho Falls Fiber is going to be doing what we’re really good at, the same thing we’ve done on the power side,” Prairie said. “We already have hundreds of miles of infrastructure we can leverage, by also following the same paths with fiber to drive the cost down and really bring this connectivity out to the local residents.”

Idaho Falls Power officials will be meeting with internet services providers next month to discuss future use of its fiber network. Residents will not have to pay for the installation of the fiber network in their area. However, they will have to pay a fee to connect to the network in addition to the regular cost of internet service from their internet service provider. The pilot program is scheduled to end in spring 2019. At that time, Idaho Falls Power will decide whether to extend the network citywide, Prairie said. There will be an open house with pilot program participants and other interested parties on Oct. 23 at Taylorview Middle School.

Reporter Ryan Suppe can be reached at 208-542-6762. Follow him on Twitter: @salsuppe.


·       Oct 15 & 16th City of Idaho Falls Leaf Collection

·       Tues, Oct 23rd Idaho Falls Power Fiber Network Open house with pilot program participants and other interested parties at Taylorview Middle School with Bear Prairie.

·       Saturday, October 20th & October 27th Stonebrook Community Improvement Service Project & Tree Trimming Find more details being sent in email & being delivered door to door.

·       Wednesday, Nov 14th HOA Board & Committee Meetings @ Idaho Falls Library

·       Wednesday, Feb 13th HOA Board & Committee Meetings @ Idaho Falls Library

·       Wednesday, May 8th HOA Board & Committee Meetings @ Idaho Falls Library

·       Saturday, May 19th from 8:00am to 3:00pm is our annual Community Yard Sale held rain or shine.

·       Friday, May 31st from 6:00 to 8:00pm our second joint Stonebrook & Canterbury Park Community Block Party located at Sunnyside Elementary School.  More details will be available online.

·       Wednesday, August 14th from 7:00 to 8:00pm is our Stonebrook Home Owners Association Annual Members Meeting.  We will be seeking 4 volunteers nominated to serve on the HOA Board for a 2-year commitment. More details will be available online at


Thank you to the committee member volunteers who signed up at the Annual Membership Meeting in August 2018 to help with our homeowners’ committees.  The first quarterly committee meetings will be held on Wed, Nov 14th from 7:30-8:00 pm in the Idaho Falls Public Library Meeting Room #1 (457 W Broadway St., Idaho Falls, ID 83402).
All are invited to join a committee and participate.

Fiber Internet Committee
Block Party/Welcoming
Community Improvement
Neighborhood Watch Committee
Silver Seniors Social Committee

Oct 20th & Oct 27th 2018

There are services available to help residents comply with city ordinances that prescribe minimum clearances for tree limbs and branches that overhang roads and sidewalks. According to applicable ordinances1, trees are to be trimmed from ground level to at least 15 feet above public streets and 8 feet above sidewalks. During the first two weeks of October, volunteers will be measuring tree clearances in our neighborhood. If you have trees that need to be trimmed to comply with city ordinances, those volunteers will deliver a notice to you. If you have trees that need to be trimmed, you can do it yourself or hire a commercial service. See attached prices for LawnTech’s discounted rate to Stonebrook residents. If you decide to trim your trees yourself or if you hire a service that trims but does not haul branches away, you may wish to use the following free service offered by volunteer Boy Scouts. Boy Scout volunteers will be available on October 20 and October 27 to cut and tie severed branches into 4-foot bundles to be picked up by the City of Idaho Falls Sanitation Department.  If you desire to make use of this free service, please contact Jim Lea to schedule the Boy Scout volunteers. Please note that the Boy Scouts will not trim your trees. They will simply cut and bundle branches that have already been trimmed. As an HOA, we hope to continue coordinating this effort each spring and fall in coming years.

1 Idaho Falls Ordinance Nos. 1941, Sections 4-7; 2207, 8-8-96; 2486, 3-27-03; 2738, 2-14-8; 2877, 8-11-11; 2968, 9-10-14.

 2018 Stonebrook Statistics and General Information:

Total Homes: 316; Owner Occupied Homes: 301; Rental Homes: 5
Schools: Sunnyside Elementary School; Taylorview Middle School; Idaho Falls High School

Real-estate Report


Homes Sold: 22
Average Sale Price: $297,795
Average Days on Market: 61
High Sale Price: $520,000
Low Sale Price: $210,000
Average Price/Sq Ft: $73.97


Homes Sold: 23
Average Sale Price: $318,496
Average Days on Market: 57
High Sale Price: $445,000
Low Sale Price: $195,000
Market Growth: 8.38%
Average Price/Sq Ft: $78.51

Assessment for Stonebrook Home Owners Association (as of Sept 2018) has 19 accounts prepaid for 2019.  278 accounts paid in full.  5 delinquent ($100+) assessments totaling $822 delinquent assessments. 33 delinquent ($40) assessments totaling $1320 delinquent assessments.  

Note: $1 late fee per month has been applied to late accounts.  Please pay promptly online:


…the many hours of service from Vic Jacobson and Sally Henry, …the continued service from Joni Larsen, Kent Okeson & Michael Maloney, and the many who volunteer to serve & improve our community.


 Four Open Board Positions Available & Four Nominations Received at the Annual Members Meeting. Find BALLOT CARD included in the newsletter mailed to your billing address, please mark and return by Thursday, November 1st.

Nomination:      President Jamie Braithwaite (currently serving as HOA Board President)
      Vice President Josh Chandler (currently serving as HOA Board Vice President)
      Mark Robison (moved into the community several years ago)
      Kelli Archibald (original homeowner in the community)

2018 Annual Members Meeting

2018 Member Meeting
2184 Channing Way #139, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
(208) 718-2366

August 1, 2018

RE: Annual 2018 Stonebrook Homeowners Association Members Meeting

Dear Stonebrook Homeowners,

You are invited to attend our annual homeowners association meeting scheduled on Wednesday, August 22, 2018, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm located at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 455 W Sunnyside Rd, Idaho Falls, ID 83402.

In addition to usual business, we have several matters which you may be interested in hearing.

First, we are pleased to report that we have successfully lobbied for and have been chosen by the city to be part of the Idaho Falls Fiber Network pilot program!  Mr. Bear Prairie, General Manager of Idaho Falls Fiber Network, will be there to present on this exciting update for our community and what homeowners can expect during installations.

Second, after administering our HOA Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs), it is clear that several policies are outdated or vague for modern application.  We have several proposed changes to present.  If you have proposals, now is the time to make them.

Third, we have several volunteer HOA Board Members whose terms are set to expire.  Talk to your neighbors and come with your nominations ready.

Finally, we have several exciting ideas to improve our community.  We would also like to hear your suggestions. The value of your property and the Stonebrook community is enhanced through our Home Owners Association.

Please join us!

Jamie Braithwaite

Volunteer Stonebrook HOA President


  • 7:00pm Welcome & Annual Board of Directors Business by Jamie Braithwaite, President
    1. Stonebrook HOA Board Business
      1. Updating and replacing mailboxes in Stonebrook
  1. Community Involvement
    1. Report 2017: Updated School Zone Signage & Crossing Guards
    2. Proposed 2018: Plant a Tree at Sunnyside Elementary School 
  • 7:05pm Stonebrook HOA Covenants by Josh Chandler, Vice President
  1. Updating, Modernizing and Clarifying covenants
  2. Combining 16 separate building division covenants into one unified set of covenants
  3. Idaho Statue 55-115 
  • 7:20pm Treasurer’s report by Kent Okeson, Treasurer
  1. 2018 Budget
  • 7:25pm Bookkeeping and Violations Report by Jim & Joy Lea
  1. Members Annual Assessment Status
  2. Traffic Signs Visible, Tree Clearance (8 feet sidewalk & 15 feet street) Violations
  3. Trailer Parking Violations
  4. Livestock & Chickens Violations 
  • 7:30pm Fiber Internet by Bear Prairie, Idaho Falls Fiber Network General Manager
  1. Idaho Falls Fiber Network Pilot Program Information & Update
  2. TruFiber Status 
  • 7:45pm Stonebrook Real Estate Report by Michael Maloney, Architectural Committee Chair
  • 7:50pm Board of Directors Member Nominations
  1. 7 Board of Director positions; 3 terms are set to expire 
  • 7:55pm Concerns, Solutions, Suggestions for Improvement by Members
  1. Annual Neighborhood Block Party
  2. Neighborhood Watch Proposal
  3. Silver Sneakers Neighborhood Group
  4. Other ideas?

March 2018 Newsletter

2018 Internet Solutions

The Stonebrook community has the opportunity to become one of the first neighborhoods in Idaho Falls to have fiber optic internet lines installed in the ground (start date May 2018) directly to your home. TruFiber is a city utility company obtaining proper permits that will utilize the city utility easement between the sidewalks and streets in Stonebrook.  There will be very little disturbance to the surface of the easement (approximately every 10 houses will have a green flat utility box installed similar to an in-ground valve box to manage turns in the fiber optic lines). Fiber to the home (FTTH) is the installation and use of optical fiber connected into the city fiber lines on Sunnyside and Holmes, bringing the fastest internet possible (1 Gig or 1,000 MBps) directly to individual homes. This is a great opportunity and will boost our home property values & real estate appeal. Visit website for prices and speeds.  Tru Fiber’s goal is to have the most affordable internet options with the fastest speeds in our area, no internet lag time, data caps, contracts, or hidden fees. If you sign up for fiber internet through Tru Fiber while Stonebrook is being built out, they are offering FREE installation to your home. This offer is only during construction so you will need to call 208-904-4888 or go online and complete the interest form (see attached page). 


What Is Fiber Optic Internet? Fiber internet is provided through use of fiber optics. Fiber optics and fiber optic communication is when strands of fibers transmit information elsewhere by sending light pulses through a fiber optic strand. Optical fiber is used as a means to send information and is used to transmit telephone signals, provide internet communication, and cable television signals.  Many of us are stuck with slow internet speeds, high monthly costs, contracts and data caps with no other options available.  Unlike DSL phone lines, satellite, cable, and other ISP's, Tru Fiber offers a new dedicated Fiber To The Home (FTTH) connection with speeds of 1 Gigabit per second or 1,000 Megabits per second. This means you don't share your bandwidth with anyone outside the walls of your own home.

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Colorado and Carnegie Mellon University studied about half a million home sales from 2011 to 2013. They investigated the relationship between broadband connections, such as fiber and house prices. They found that access to fiber internet added 3.1% to the value of a home. A more recent study was conducted in 2014 by the Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Council. They found that there was a higher per capita GDP in communities where gigabit internet was available. They also found that homes sold for 7% more if they had access to 1 gigabit broadband. If you would like, you can read more about the two studies:

Door-to-Door gathering of TruFiber interest in 316 Stonebrook homes: 224 interested with initial survey; 34 not interested; 58 did not answer the door. As of March,117 of the 224 initially interested have completed the online form at and will have installation charge waived during construction with fiber to the home.

The HOA Board unofficially gathered information regarding available internet options and monthly cost for Stonebrook:

  • Viasat Satellite 12 Mbps for $65/month (Satellite to the home)
  • Century Link Fiber 20 Mbps cap for $45/month (currently fiber to Sunnyside/Holmes, DSL phone line to the home)
  • Century Link Fiber 40 Mbps cap for $55/month (currently fiber to Sunnyside/Holmes, DSL phone line to the home)
  • Cable One 100 Mbps cap for $55/month (Cable to the home)
  • Tru Fiber 100 Mbps for $49 per month (new installation Fiber optic line to the home)
  • Cable One 200 Mbps cap for $105 per month (Cable to the home)
  • Tru Fiber 1 Gig (1,000 Mbps) for $69 per month (new installation Fiber optic line to the home)

2018 HOA Update


·       Saturday, May 19th from 8:00am to 3:00pm is our annual Community Yard Sale held rain or shine.

·       Friday, June 8th from 6:00 to 8:00pm our first joint Stonebrook & Canterbury Park Community Block Party located at Sunnyside Elementary School.  More details will be available online at

·       Wednesday, August 15th from 7:00 to 8:00pm is our Stonebrook Home Owners Association Annual Members Meeting.  We will be seeking 4 volunteers nominated to serve on the HOA Board for a 2-year commitment. More details will be available online at


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WEBSITE & ONLINE APP has launched a new website that includes our By-laws, Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions for each of the 16 divisions, HOA Board Contact Form, Violation Report Form, assessment & online payment options, upcoming events, and an online newsletter with FAQs to help keep you informed. CHECK IT OUT!

The Nextdoor App is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community. We currently have 185 of our 316 homes connected. This is not required but recommended for quick neighborhood communication.  If you would like to connect to those around you find our Stonebrook neighborhood at Code: KBBCMP.
You may have received a postcard invitation from Jamie Braithwaite (HOA President) & NextDoor App in the mail. Find out more at

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If you have any action items that need to be added to next month’s agenda, wish to resolve a violation complaint against your property, new to the neighborhood, need to update contact or billing information, or have questions/concerns please complete the form below.  A member of the Stonebrook Homeowners Association Executive Board will be in contact with you soon.


Help us improve our community. We are continually striving to provide high quality service to every one of our home owners. We want to hear from you!
Please review our covenants, conditions, & restrictions online at for Stonebrook HOA before submitting a violation.


Stonebrook Home Owners Association pursuant to Idaho Code Section 55-115, the Stonebrook HOA board is required to use the following approach in cases where violations of the covenants and restrictions have occurred:

•    When a violation has been identified, a letter is sent to the homeowner by certified mail or personal delivery.
•    The letter provides the homeowner with written notice of an HOA board meeting to take place 30-35 days later.
•    At the meeting, the board will vote on whether to impose a fine for the conduct. The homeowner will be invited to the meeting.
•    If the homeowner resolves the issue prior to the meeting, then by law the board may not impose a fine.
•    If the violation cannot reasonably be resolved within the 30-day period, no fine can legally be imposed if the homeowner “begins resolving the violation prior to the meeting” and thereafter “continues to address the violation in good faith until fully resolved.”
If the issue is not resolved and no resolution has begun by the time of the meeting, the board will vote whether or not to impose a fine for the violation.

2018 HOA Violation Reminders


Over thirty years of beautiful tree growth is one of our strongest assets in the Stonebrook Community.  The HOA Board contracted with LawnTech to prune & spray the trees located in our entry at Stonebrook & Sunnyside. Although there is a wealth of knowledge online about caring for trees, finding the correct information for East Idaho is more difficult. In order to protect our neighborhood trees from disease and insects, Arborists have studied the science of the correct timing, temperature, and applications for more than 35 conditions unique to this area. Lawn Tech (208) 523-5296 has provided a discounted rate to raise clearance of trees for Stonebrook Homeowners in violation of HOA & City Code.  Please call today to schedule.  If you need help scheduling an appointment the Stonebrook Homeowners Association is willing to contact LawnTech and bill you accordingly for your convenience – see pricing sheet below. In addition to services, they offer Tree Appraisals and Tree Care Consultations with a limited 5% preseason/prepayment discount for Stonebrook Homeowners. Call today at (208) 523-5296 to ensure the health & prevent CC&R violation of your trees.


LawnTech provides pruning services to assess clearance of street trees and to ensure all Idaho Falls city codes have been met, which are 8’ over sidewalks, and 15’ over roadways, respectively. Below is the rate, Bill, the pruning department manager, is offering Stonebrook Subdivision Homeowners.

Trunk Diameter Pricing

  • 0-6 inches:   $50.00/tree
  • 7-10 inches:   $75.00/tree
  • 11” + inches:  $100.00/tree

This service is raising clearance ONLY. Any and all other pruning work, if requested by individual homeowners, would be extra and require a separate estimate. Thank You,

Kari Atkinson, Arborist Account Rep

Idaho Falls 208-523-5296

VIOLATION REMINDER: TREES 8' Sidewalk and 15' Street Clearance Stonebrook Protective Covenants: TREES [Division 1-16]. Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees. City of Idaho Falls City Code: COMMUNITY FORESTRY (TITLE 8, CHAPTER 9) RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PRIVATE TREES: (2) Remove, prune, or re-prune any private tree located on such person’s real property in a manner that provides for vertical clearance of the branches of such tree to a height of not less than eight feet (8′) above any public sidewalk or not less than fifteen feet (15′) above any public street or alley.


VIOLATION REMINDER: LIVESTOCK & POULTRY: Stonebrook Protective Covenants: LIVESTOCK and POULTRY [Division 1-16]. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not bred or maintained for any commercial purposes.


VIOLATION REMINDER: TRAILER PARKING Stonebrook Protective Covenants: TEMPORARY STRUCTURE [Division 1-16]. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No outbuildings may be constructed unless first approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No house trailer, motorhome, boat or camper will be parked in front of house, on a street or driveway, including side streets of corner lots. The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. City of Idaho Falls City Code: STORAGE OF VEHICLES, MOTORHOMES AND TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 (A) It shall be unlawful for anyone to use City streets or alleys for storage of motorhomes or trailers. Trailers and motorhomes can only be parked upon a street or alley within the City for the purposes of loading and unloading for a period not to exceed two 24-hour periods in a 7-day time period. Any person who parks or allows a trailer or motorhome to be parked upon any street or alley within the City for a period in excess of this time in the same location shall be guilty of an infraction. (B) Any person who parks or allows a vehicle to be parked upon any street or alley within the City for a period of 48 or more consecutive hours in the same location shall be guilty of an infraction.



Crossing Guards & School Zones: The Sunnyside Area Safety Committee was created Fall 2017 to bring awareness of the rising traffic concerns surrounding children in the Stonebrook area using Sunnyside Elementary crosswalks before and after school.  The city of Idaho Falls and District 91 are now providing paid crossing guards at the four surrounding crosswalks of Sunnyside Elementary School located in the Stonebrook neighborhood.  If you are interested in becoming a crossing guard contact Principal Lance Lindley at (208) 524-7880. The city of Idaho Falls is currently in the process of moving the flashing “School Zone” signs to their proper location as they have not been updated since 1991 when the school opened.  PLEASE TRIM YOUR TREES IF THEY ARE BLOCKING TRAFFIC SIGNS.
LawnTech (208) 523-5296 has provided a discounted rate to raise clearance of trees for Stonebrook Homeowners in violation of HOA & City Code.  Please call today to schedule.  If you need help scheduling an appointment the Stonebrook Homeowners Association is willing to contact LawnTech and bill you accordingly for your convenience.

Sunnyside School Enrollment Caps

George Boland, Superintendent, recently sent out the following: 

As Sunnyside Elementary School prepares for spring registration for the 2018-19 school year, we wanted to let you know we’re implementing new enrollment caps to ensure the best learning environment for students. With rapid growth on Idaho Falls’ south side, Sunnyside now has more than 600 students. It is the largest elementary school in Idaho Falls School District 91. It also has some of the largest class sizes in the district. We’ve been addressing this situation by providing additional aide time and other supports for teachers, but with no sign of the growth abating, it’s clear we need to take additional steps. For the 2018-19 school year: Enrollment at Sunnyside will be capped at a maximum of 26 students per class in kindergarten, a maximum of 28 students per class in grades 1-3 and a maximum of 30 students per class in grades 4-6. The only exceptions to these caps would be made to accommodate students who are currently enrolled and attending Sunnyside. New students registering for 2018-19, in excess of those caps, will be overflowed to nearby elementary schools. The siblings of children who are currently enrolled and attending Sunnyside will have a priority for kindergarten openings over new students. Students who live in Sunnyside’s boundaries, and who are currently being overflowed, will have priority over new students for any openings that become available. If openings become available during the school year, overflow students will be contacted by date of enrollment, and offered the opportunity to return to Sunnyside. As the Board of Trustees works to address the district’s long-term facility needs, including upgrades to Idaho Falls and Skyline high schools, it will be looking at a more permanent solution to address the growth on the south side of Idaho Falls. That could include elementary school boundary changes and/or the construction of a new elementary school. In the meantime, if you have any questions about these measures we’re implementing for the 2018-19 school year, please contact Sunnyside Elementary School or the district office at (208) 525-7500. Sincerely yours, George Boland (Superintendent)

2018 Stonebrook Statistics and General Information:

Total Homes: 316; Owner Occupied Homes: 301; Rental Homes: 15
Schools: Sunnyside Elementary School; Taylorview Middle School; Idaho Falls High School

Homes Sold in Stonebrook: 13 (from August 2017 to March 2018)
Average sales price: $303,351.62
Average Days on Market: 59 days.
Quickest sale 3 Days on Market. Longest sale 135 Days on Market. 
Homes currently listed for sale: 6 homes
Homes currently under contact: 5 homes

Assessment for Stonebrook Home Owners Association has 27 accounts totaling $1,734 delinquent assessments updated March 2018.
Note: $1 late fee per month has been applied to late accounts.  Please pay promptly online:

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  • Division 1: 58 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 2: 23 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 3: 15 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 4: 22 homes; 3 delinquent accounts
  • Division 5: 14 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 6: 12 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 7: 21 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 8: 18 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 9: 12 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 10: 9 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 11: 24 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 12: 24 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 13: 25 homes; 4 delinquent accounts
  • Division 14: 14 homes; 3 delinquent accounts
  • Division 15: 14 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 16: 11 homes; 3 delinquent accounts

FAQs: Building a shop in my backyard

QUESTION: I want to build a shop in my backyard. Do I need to get approval from the HOA? 


ANSWER: Possibly depending on the size, location, and building materials of your shop. Please review the following areas of the protective covenants


If you have any further questions or would like to make a request for an approval contact the HOA Board and present your proposal and building plans.

Below is a sample approval letter:

Re: Your request for approval of your plan to build a shop
Dear Homeowner:
Thank you for presenting your proposal for a new shop/garage to be built on your property at the Stonebrook HOA board meeting on [date]. After listening to and discussing your proposal, we have determined to allow the shop to be built, so long as you comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this letter.

In making these decisions, our strong bias is to allow homeowners to make the decision about their property unless the proposal would either 1) negatively affect the character of the neighborhood or 2) cause division or disharmony among neighbors. With that in mind, here are the conditions attached to our approval, most of which were discussed with you during the meeting:

  1. Your proposed shop should be the size described, [dimensions] with an exterior roofline no higher than [dimensions] at the peak, and should be placed as discussed to the property line measured from the foundation according to your division covenants.
  2. Your proposed shop should comply with relevant city ordinances and should permitted and/or inspected by all proper authorities.
  3. Your proposed shop should be finished to match the home, as discussed, both as to shingling and siding.
  4. The proposed driveway extension should be finished to match the driveway to the fence-line, as discussed.
  5. You should obtain the consent of the owners of the 4 homes which border your property.

Assuming these conditions are met, the proposal is unanimously approved. If, for whatever reason, there are concerns from the neighbors, we will be happy to meet with them and/or you to discuss and hopefully work out those concerns.

We appreciate your willingness to meet with us to discuss the proposal. We wish you well and hope you enjoy your shop.


Jamie Braithwaite, President
Stonebrook Homeowners Association Board


  1. BUILDING LOCATION [Division 1Division 2]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or a back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 3Division 4Division 5Division 7]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, 30 feet, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or a back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 6Division 8Division 9Division 10, Division 11Division 12Division 13]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, 30 feet, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or 25 feet from back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 14Division 15Division 16]. No building shall be located nearer than 30 feet to any street side property line (side or front). No building shall be located nearer to any other property line than the city code requires (side or back). For the purposes of the covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.

Below is a sample construction building plan for an approved shop location in Division 12:


FAQs: Exterior Paint

QUESTION: I’ve got a question about painting our homes. Does that need to be approved with the HOA. I can’t find anything in the bylaws that’s says I can’t. Just thought I’d ask if there’s any rules. Thanks

ANSWER: Thanks for asking!  You are correct that there is no requirement in the covenants about painting homes in Stonebrook.  However, we do encourage all homeowners to make sure that the color is appropriate and fits the character of the neighborhood.



Dear Homeowners:

The Stonebrook Homeowners Association received the attached letter from the City of Idaho Falls regarding tree maintenance within the subdivision.

Please note that tree maintenance is the responsibility of each homeowner in the subdivision.  Because the City of Idaho Falls has specifically warned the Association about tree-related issues, we expect to begin sending notices to homeowners whose trees are not in compliance with the City ordinance.  

The covenants for each division within the Stonebrook Homeowners Association contain an obligation for the homeowner to maintain the trees which were planted along the street at the time each home was built.  In general, these trees are the same trees which violate the City ordinance.  Maintenance of the trees includes, among other things, ensuring that the trees comply with relevant city ordinances.

Best wishes,

The Stonebrook Homeowners Association

NOTE: We are currently working with Lawn Tech to trim the ten front entrance trees in the Stonebrook Common Area along Stonebrook Lane.  Now is a great time to get on the Tree Trimming Schedule! Call (208) 523-5296 or visit their website for more details at

Trees overhanging.jpg

Private Online Network: NEXTDOOR

Our neighborhood is using a private online network called Nextdoor. Please join us to build a better neighborhood! Nextdoor is the free and private social network just for Stonebrook neighbors. On Nextdoor, neighbors share crime and safety concerns, local events, recommendations, items for sale/free, ideas about how to make our neighborhood better, and more.  Find out more on the Nextdoor website or reviewing the Nextdoor Neighborhood Introduction PDF 

2017 Stonebrook Statistics & General Information

Total Homes: 316
Owner Occupied Homes: 302
Rental Homes: 14
Elementary School: Sunnyside Elementary School
Middle School: Taylorview Middle School
High School: Idaho Falls High School

19 delinquent accounts updated August 1, 2017:

  • Division 1: Representative: 58 homes; 4 delinquent accounts
  • Division 2: Representative: 23 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 3: Representative: 15 homes; 0 delinquent accounts
  • Division 4: Representative: 22 homes; 1 delinquent accounts
  • Division 5: Representative: 14 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 6: Representative: 12 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 7: Representative: 21 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 8: Representative: 18 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 9: Representative: 12 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 10: Representative: 9 homes; 0 delinquent accounts
  • Division 11: Representative: 24 homes; 0 delinquent accounts
  • Division 12: Representative: 24 homes; 0 delinquent accounts
  • Division 13: Representative: 25 homes; 1 delinquent accounts
  • Division 14: Representative: 14 homes; 2 delinquent accounts
  • Division 15: Representative: 14 homes; 1 delinquent account
  • Division 16: Representative: 11 homes; 1 delinquent account

How can I get involved?

Attend the Annual Stonebrook HOA Members meeting in August.  Volunteer to be one of the seven board members (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Welcome & Event Committee Chair, Architectural Control Committee Chair, Board Member).

Or you can volunteer to become one of the sixteen division leaders (see map) in Stonebrook.  This is a list of division leader responsibilities:

  • Get to know as many of your neighbors as possible
  • Welcome new neighbors and give them information about the neighborhood, including the HOA website, Facebook page, neighborhood bulletin board on Facebook, etc.
  • Deliver newsletters or other information from the HOA board
  • Watch for problems or concerns, especially our two main problems: tree trimming above the sidewalks and streets; and trailers, etc. parked outside fences or for too long on the street. If problems arise, let the homeowner know or report online to the HOA board.
  • Encourage neighbors to get together for a block party at least once a year, if feasible
  • Find a new volunteer to take your place at the end of one year, unless you wish to continue, and let the HOA board know about the change

How do I report a Stonebrook Covenant Violation?

We have created an anonymous online reporting tool.

After a violation has been submitted the volunteer Stonebrook HOA Board will review violations and if needed a letter will be sent similar to this:

Dear Homeowner:

We write to make you aware of a potential violation of the protective covenants associated with your property located at [address]. The protective covenants provide that the Stonebrook Homeowners Association “shall have power to enforce any and all of the conditions, covenants, and restrictions set forth herein.” A copy of the Protective Covenants applicable to your property can be found at

The specific provision of the Protective Covenants about which we are writing you today is [insert provision.] This section states that [insert language from section.] In your case we noticed the following violation: [insert description.]

Idaho law requires us to use very specific procedures when dealing with violations of protective covenants. Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 55-115 we are required to hold a meeting to vote whether to impose a fine for any infraction of the protective covenants. We are required to give you thirty (30) days notice of the meeting and the opportunity to attend and explain the situation.

The meeting will take place on ________________________, at 7:00 PM. It will be held at the following address:




If you resolve the issue before the meeting, then by law you cannot be fined for the violation. If the violation cannot reasonably be resolved prior to the meeting, you can still avoid a fine if you begin resolving the violation prior to the meeting and continue in good faith to resolve it after the meeting.

If you have any questions about this issue or how you can correct it, please don’t hesitate to contact us at It is important that we all make the effort to comply with the Protective Covenants so we can maintain the character of our neighborhood and continue to support property values.


Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Bonneville County Parcel Viewer Webmap

Bonneville County Parcel Viewer Webmap

Stonebrook Homeowner names and addresses can be viewed online using the Bonneville County Parcel Viewer Webmap below  or view at URL: