Protective Covenants PROPOSAL 2020

REVISED November 21, 2019Proposed covenant updates and modernization listed below with gray highlight for specific changes.

  • 1. LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE [combine 1-16]

  • 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL [combine 1-16]

  • 3. DWELLING SIZE [combine 1-16]

  • 4. BUILDING LOCATION [combine 1-16]

  • 5. LOT AREA AND WIDTH [no change]

  • 6. EASEMENTS [no change]

  • 7. ACCESS FROM ARTERIAL STREETS [combine 1-16]

  • 8. SCREENING FENCES [combine DIvisions 1-16]

  • 9. NUISANCES [no change]. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No satellite dishes in excess of 36 inches in diameter at the longest point, or radio towers of any size shall be permitted. 

  • 10. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND TRAILERS [modernize]. No structure of a temporary character shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No outbuildings may be constructed unless first approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No trailer or recreational vehicle of any kind, including but not limited to any utility, boat, RV, or other similar vehicle or trailer will be parked in front of a house, on a street or driveway, including side streets of corner lots for a period of more than 48 hours during any 72 period. The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

  • 11. SIGNS [no change].

  • 12. GARAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL [no change].

  • 13. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY [no change].

  • 14. KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS [no change].

  • 15. TREES [modernize]. The owner of each lot will be required to have  or plant one tree, of a species and size permitted by Idaho Falls, Idaho guidelines, for each ___ feet of park strip or portion thereof on the front of each lot. The owner of each lot will further be required to maintain such trees in the manner required by the city ordinances of Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Each owner shall further be responsible to replace said trees as necessary.

  • 16. SIDEWALKS [modernize] The owner of each lot shall be required to construct and maintain a sidewalk as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. 

  • 17. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE [modernize]. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of members of the Stonebrook Home Owners Association Board…

  • 18. PROCEDURE [no change].

  • 19. VARIANCES [no change].

  • 20. COMPLIANCE [no change].

  • 21. FINALITY  [no change].



  • 24. GENERAL PROVISIONS [no change].

  • 25. ENFORCEMENT [no change].

  • 26. SEVERABILITY [no change].

  • 27. AMENDMENT [modernize]. These Protective Covenants may be amended by the vote of Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the owners of the lots.