2019 Annual Members Meeting

2184 Channing Way #139
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
(208) 718-2366


July 17, 2019

Stonebrook Homeowners Association President Message

Dear Stonebrook Homeowners,

I love the trees in our community. Stonebrook has the most beautiful tree-lined streets in the area. They add to the appeal and to the value of the homes in our neighborhood. These trees are a feature we all have to manage and protect. If your yard is like mine it will have one or two Ash trees.

A word to the wise, Ash trees are vulnerable to Ash Bores! These insects lay tiny eggs in the crooks of branches of your tree.  When they hatch the insects are so tiny they will not be noticed. They enter the tree and eat it from the inside out, growing as they go. If you see a borehole in your ash tree your tree has already been under attack for some time. The visible holes are where a large mature insect has exited your tree. The damage has already been done. Last year I treated my Ash tree with the insect repellant that I had leftover from the year before. I did not treat my tree with enough of the protective chemical. This spring a large branch on my tree making up about a quarter of its volume grew no leaves. I thought I had applied the proper amount of treatment this spring but, the damage my tree sustained showed otherwise.

Make sure you take care of and treat your Ash trees.  The Ash trees in many yards have died, many homeowners have replaced their trees with other species of trees. That is great! Our covenants do not specify a certain type of tree to be planted. The covenants do state the [original community] “Grantors will plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on the width of the lot. The purchaser of each lot will be required to maintain such trees.” Some homes in our neighborhood have no trees on their park strip! What a tragedy. Please take a look at your property. If you have no trees, or in many cases only one tree you are in violation of our CC&R’s. Please plant a tree as soon as possible! Not only to avoid violation of the covenants but to keep our neighborhood looking stately and pristine. 

With our mature trees we have noticed many dangerous sidewalks due to root growth and uneven ground. The covenants state “The owner of each lot shall be required to construct a sidewalk that complies with all applicable ordinances at the lot owner’s expense not later than the time any residence constructed on the lot is completed and ready for occupancy.” Please beware each homeowner is liable for the sidewalk adjacent to their property.

As a member of the board, my main purpose and goal is to maintain and increase property values in Stonebrook. I would be happy to share what I have learned about trees when selecting a suitable replacement for the missing tree in my own yard so feel free to call me anytime! I look forward to meeting many more of my neighbors this coming year!

Michael Maloney, Volunteer Stonebrook HOA President

Stonebrook Homeowners Annual Members Meeting


You are invited to attend our annual homeowner’s association meeting scheduled on Wednesday, August 7, 2019, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm located at Sunnyside Elementary School Gym (165 Cobblestone Ln, Idaho Falls, ID 83404). Enter directly into the North East Side of the gym near the basketball courts using the parking lot near the playground.

 In addition to usual business, we have several matters which you may be interested in hearing.

First, we are pleased to have a guest speaker from Idaho Falls Fiber Network available to answer questions and report the progress for the Idaho Falls Fiber Network pilot program.

Second, Idaho Falls School District 91 will report findings as they are developing a 10-year Master Facilities Plan that will help guide future decisions about how to update and improve our school buildings. Ideas being developed include closing schools, new construction, renovations, and boundary changes.

Third, several of our Community Cluster Mailboxes in Stonebrook need immediate attention and the HOA Board would like to discuss the available options for replacement and/or exterior refurbishment repair costs. 

Finally, we have several volunteer HOA Board Members whose terms are set to expire.  Talk to your neighbors and come with your nominations ready. Please join us!


Jamie Braithwaite, Volunteer Stonebrook HOA Secretary



7:00pm Welcome & Annual Board of Directors Business by Michael Maloney, President

Stonebrook HOA Board Business

  • Welcome New Neighbors

  • Proposed cost to refurbish, replace existing, or upgrade Community Cluster Mailboxes

  • New assessment fees for “Transfer of Title Mortgage Requests”

  • New procedures for overdue accounts including property lien notices placed on 2+ year

·      Community Involvement: October Tree Trimming Service Project

·      Real Estate Report

7:10pm Annual Budget Treasurer’s report by Kent Okeson, Treasurer

·      Members Annual Assessment Status

7:15pm Common Violation Reminders refer to CC&Rs online at www.stonebrookhomeowners.org/ccrs

·      Trees Maintained (Plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot)

·      Trees Violations (Clearance of 8 feet over sidewalk, 13 feet over curb & 15 feet over street)

·      Trailer Parking Violations (The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee)

·      Sidewalk Safety Violations (The owner of each lot shall be required to construct a sidewalk that complies with all applicable ordinances at the lot owner’s expense)

·      Nuisance Violations: (No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood)

7:20pm Fiber Internet Update by Bear Prairie, Idaho Falls Fiber Network President

7:35pm Community Update by Margaret Wimborne, School District 91 Communications Director

7:45pm Board of Directors Member Nominations: 7 Board of Director positions; 3 terms are set to expire

7:50pm Concerns, Solutions, Suggestions for Improvement by Members


Find more details online at www.stonebrookhomeowners.org or call (208) 718-2366