Safe & Happy Holidays


We wish you safe and happy holidays!

Thank you again for your response to our recent requests to address the neighborhood tree issues. A big thank you to the service provided by the Boys Scouts of America:
Mark Christofferson (Eagle Scout)
Grant Peterson (Eagle Scout)

Winter Safety Reminder:  

You are responsible for snow & ice removal on your sidewalks.  Please help maintain a safe environment in our neighborhood!

Tree Trimming Service Project 2018

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Tree Trimming Service Project & neighborhood tree trimming effort.  This project has been a great success and many people have commented about how much better the neighborhood looks as a result.

We appreciate your patience during this process.  Some have asked what prompted us to undertake this effort.  First, we were spurred into action when our HOA was cited by the City of Idaho Falls.  Because many homes in our neighborhood were not in compliance with tree limb clearance ordinances, it was difficult for public services (such as street sweeping & snow plowing) to access all parts of neighborhood roads to the curb.  Second, HOA leadership had received a number of complaints because low hanging branches over neighborhood sidewalks had created a safety hazard or inconvenience for walkers and bikers. Thanks to your efforts and those of volunteers, these issues have largely been addressed.

As you may know, the recent measuring of tree limb clearances was conducted by young Boy Scout volunteers, not professionals.  Please seek help from a professional arborist if needed for the healthy and safety of your trees. If any of you would like to measure your trees, the HOA has measuring sticks available for you to use upon request.  If interested, please call (208) 718-2366.

Thank you again for your response to our recent requests to address this neighborhood issue.  We wish you a safe and happy winter!