President Letter September 6, 2019

You should have received the following president letter in the mail:

September 6, 2019

Stonebrook Residents,

The Stonebrook HOA Board is calling a SPECIAL MEETING on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 8pm, at Sunnyside Elementary School: 165 Cobblestone Lane, Idaho Falls, ID 83404.

This meeting has been called to address the important issues with our Stonebrook Protective Covenants as discussed at the August Annual Meeting.  The attendance of every home-owner is important to collect input from Stonebrook Homeowners on how best to address outdated items and compile the 16 separate divisions into one Stonebrook Community.  

This special meeting will begin the process of modernizing and consolidating our 20+ year old community. It is time to modernize and consolidate our Stonebrook Association By-Laws and Protective Covenants to best protect our subdivision.  Some believe our current covenants leave the Home Owners Association and residents open to liability on the whole of our neighborhood. It has been brought to our attention as a result of our recent insurance policy review that we will have a significant increase in our insurance costs to cover our liability especially regarding the safety of sidewalks. We need participation from a large majority of residents to address this issue. Every homeowner should take an interest to understand and vote on the upcoming changes.

We hope you will attend the meeting and cast your vote.

Thank you, 

Jamie Braithwaite (President 2019) 
Michael Maloney (Vice President 2019 stepping up as President 2020)

Stonebrook HOA Board

---------------------------- Reminders --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trailers - We understand that trailers and motorhomes can be out temporarily while preparing for trips, but driveways or the street in front of your home is not a permanent daily or long term storage parking spot. 

Trees - Many homes in our neighborhood are missing trees in the park strip. All homes are expected to have at least one tree in the park strip or more depending on the linear feet of your property adjacent to the street. If you are missing trees or need to add a tree to your park strip, please do so in a timely manner.

Barking Dogs - Complaints are being filed about loud and constantly barking dogs. Our covenants read “No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.” If you have a constantly barking dog please remedy the situation or you may receive a violation.

Stonebrook Homeowners Association PROPOSAL

Protective Covenants PROPOSAL 2020

Brief Summary of the 5 covenants needing modernization with highlighted proposed changes.
Find the complete document online:

  • 10. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE [modernize]. No structure of a temporary character shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No outbuildings may be constructed unless first approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No trailers or motorhomes will be parked in front of house, on a street or driveway, including side streets of corner lots as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. The area next to the garage may be used for parking of such vehicles if fenced and approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

  • 15. TREES [modernize]. The owner of each lot will be required to plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot. The owner of each lot will be required to maintain such trees as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
    16. SIDEWALKS [modernize] The owner of each lot shall be required to construct and maintain a sidewalk as set forth in the zone ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. 

  • 17. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE [modernize]. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of members of the Stonebrook Home Owners Association Board…

  • 27. AMENDMENT [modernize]. These Protective Covenants may be amended by the vote of Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the owners of the lots.

    Combine all division covenants with little to NO CHANGE into one unified community:

  • 1. LAND USE AND BUILDING TYPE [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 3. DWELLING SIZE [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 4. BUILDING LOCATION [combine Divisions 1-16].

  • 5. LOT AREA AND WIDTH [no change].

  • 6. EASEMENTS [no change].

  • 7. ACCESS FROM ARTERIAL STREETS [combine Divisions 1-16 with no change].

  • 8. SCREENING FENCES [combine DIvisions 1-16 with no change].

  • 9. NUISANCES [no change].

  • 11. SIGNS [no change].

  • 12. GARAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL [no change].

  • 13. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY [no change].

  • 14. KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS [no change].

  • 18. PROCEDURE [no change].

  • 19. VARIANCES [no change].

  • 20. COMPLIANCE [no change].

  • 21. FINALITY  [no change].



  • 24. GENERAL PROVISIONS [no change].

  • 25. ENFORCEMENT [no change].

  • 26. SEVERABILITY [no change].

Stonebrook Homeowners Association

Protective Covenants

The covenants running with the land can be changed at two different times, with different rules as to each.  

First, the covenants can be AMENDED which can happen at ANY time, no matter what.  That requires a 75% vote to accomplish.

Second, the covenants only last for 20 years.  Technically, once twenty years has passed, they automatically renew for an additional 10 years (and so forth) UNLESS at the time the 20 years (or any 10 year period passes) a MAJORITY (not 75%) of the then current owners have signed a document agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part as GENERAL PROVISIONS.  That document must be recorded against ALL of the lots but only needs to be signed by a majority of the lot holders, presumably PRIOR to the 20 year or 10 year anniversary of the date the covenants are recorded.  

DIVISIONS 1-16 SIGNED by Notary Public for Idaho

DIVISION 1: State of Idaho. County of Bonneville. On the 28th Day of April, in the year of 1986, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared ROBERT W. UTTERBECK, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Signature. Notary Public for Idaho. DIVISION 2: August 12, 1987, DIVISION 3: August 10, 1989, DIVISION 4: July 3, 1990, DIVISION 5: April 5, 1991, DIVISION 6: November 16, 1994, DIVISION 7: August 9, 1991, DIVISION 8: September 26, 1991, DIVISION 9: November 16, 1994, DIVISION 10: November 22, 1994, DIVISION 11: March 6, 1996, DIVISION 12: September 4, 1997, DIVISION 13: September 14, 1999, DIVISION 14: October 27, 1999, DIVISION 15: February 22, 2000, DIVISION 16: June 29, 2000