FAQs: Building a shop in my backyard

QUESTION: I want to build a shop in my backyard. Do I need to get approval from the HOA? 


ANSWER: Possibly depending on the size, location, and building materials of your shop. Please review the following areas of the protective covenants


If you have any further questions or would like to make a request for an approval contact the HOA Board and present your proposal and building plans.

Below is a sample approval letter:

Re: Your request for approval of your plan to build a shop
Dear Homeowner:
Thank you for presenting your proposal for a new shop/garage to be built on your property at the Stonebrook HOA board meeting on [date]. After listening to and discussing your proposal, we have determined to allow the shop to be built, so long as you comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this letter.

In making these decisions, our strong bias is to allow homeowners to make the decision about their property unless the proposal would either 1) negatively affect the character of the neighborhood or 2) cause division or disharmony among neighbors. With that in mind, here are the conditions attached to our approval, most of which were discussed with you during the meeting:

  1. Your proposed shop should be the size described, [dimensions] with an exterior roofline no higher than [dimensions] at the peak, and should be placed as discussed to the property line measured from the foundation according to your division covenants.
  2. Your proposed shop should comply with relevant city ordinances and should permitted and/or inspected by all proper authorities.
  3. Your proposed shop should be finished to match the home, as discussed, both as to shingling and siding.
  4. The proposed driveway extension should be finished to match the driveway to the fence-line, as discussed.
  5. You should obtain the consent of the owners of the 4 homes which border your property.

Assuming these conditions are met, the proposal is unanimously approved. If, for whatever reason, there are concerns from the neighbors, we will be happy to meet with them and/or you to discuss and hopefully work out those concerns.

We appreciate your willingness to meet with us to discuss the proposal. We wish you well and hope you enjoy your shop.


Jamie Braithwaite, President
Stonebrook Homeowners Association Board


  1. BUILDING LOCATION [Division 1Division 2]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or a back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 3Division 4Division 5Division 7]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, 30 feet, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or a back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 6Division 8Division 9Division 10, Division 11Division 12Division 13]. No building shall be located on any lot line or nearer to the street line than the minimum building setback lines, 30 feet, as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to a side lot line or 25 feet from back lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.
    BUILDING LOCATION [Division 14Division 15Division 16]. No building shall be located nearer than 30 feet to any street side property line (side or front). No building shall be located nearer to any other property line than the city code requires (side or back). For the purposes of the covenant, said distances are to be measured from the foundation.

Below is a sample construction building plan for an approved shop location in Division 12:


FAQs: Exterior Paint

QUESTION: I’ve got a question about painting our homes. Does that need to be approved with the HOA. I can’t find anything in the bylaws that’s says I can’t. Just thought I’d ask if there’s any rules. Thanks

ANSWER: Thanks for asking!  You are correct that there is no requirement in the covenants about painting homes in Stonebrook.  However, we do encourage all homeowners to make sure that the color is appropriate and fits the character of the neighborhood.
