Mailbox Update

Postmaster Re-Keying Box Update

RE: Community Mailboxes

July 26, 2022

USPS Postmaster has approved the Stonebrook Mailbox Cluster Map as follows. Individual mailbox numbers within each cluster will be assigned and keyed by USPS. Keys will be distributed with the help of Stonebrook HOA. We are seeking Stonebrook Mailbox Representatives to help distribute keys by cluster location. If you are interested in helping please contact Logan King (385) 228-4288 or Jamie Braithwaite (208) 918-1652.   


Mailbox Cluster location is finalized, but box numbers per mailbox cluster will be determined by USPS. Working together with the Stonebrook HOA Board and USPS to create an installation schedule that will be distributed to the community. The Stonebrook HOA BOard has the final list for each address and cluster box location.  

Thank you for your patiences. If you have any questions or concerns please call/text the HOA Board (208) 718-2366 or visit the website at 

Jamie Braithwaite, President 

Logan King, Vice President