COVID 19 Annual Members Meeting

Virtual August 2020 Annual Members Meeting

Stonebrook HOA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Stonebrook Annual Members Meeting
Time: Aug 28, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 791 7739 7238
Passcode: stonebrook


  • COVID 19 In-Person vs. Zoom Member Meeting

  • Real Estate Report

  • Bookkeeping Report

  • Property Management Report

  • New Board Member Positions & Nominations

    • Taking place at the Annual Members Meeting in August 2020.

      • Board members continuing 2 year service term:

        • Michael Maloney

        • Ted Heckathorn

        • Logan King

      • Board member positions seeking nominations for replacements:

        • Kelli Archibald

        • Jamie Braithwaite

        • Josh Chandler

        • Mark Robinson


Meeting of Members

Section 1.

All meetings of the members shall be held in the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho, or they may be held at such other place as shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors, and the place at which such meeting shall be held shall be stated in the notice and call of the meeting.

Section 2.

The annual meeting of the members shall be held during the month of August at such time and date as determined by the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the directors for the ensuing year shall be nominated, the officers of the corporation shall present their annual reports and business initially raised at the annual meeting shall be by written ballot distributed by mail.  All items of business of which the members have proper notice in advance of the annual meeting shall be voted on at such meeting.  If the annual meeting of the members be not held as herein provided, then election of directors may be held at any meeting thereafter called pursuant to these By-Laws.

All elections for directors shall be by written ballot and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.  The ballots shall be distributed by mail and shall be collected by the Board of Directors.  The Directors shall count the votes and announce the results no later than 30 days after the election.

Section 3.

Each member entitled to vote may be represented at any regular or special meeting of members by a duly executed proxy which shall be in writing and properly signed, but shall require no other – attestation. No proxy shall be recognized unless executed within eleven months of the date of the meeting at which it is presented.

Section 4.

Special meetings of the members may be held whenever called by the Board of Directors, or by a majority of the members thereof, or by the President, and shall be called by the President of Vice-President upon the request in writing by ten percent (10%) of the members.  Calls for special meetings shall state the time, place and object or objects thereof, and no business other than that specified in the call shall be considered at such meeting.

Section 5.

A written or printed notice of every regular or special meeting of members stating the time and place, and in case of special meetings, the objects thereof, shall be prepared and mailed by the Secretary, postage prepaid, to the last known post office address of each member at least ten (10) days before the date of any such meeting, or delivered in person at least ten (10) days before the date of any such meeting.

Notice of the time, place and purpose of any meeting of the members shall not be required to be given to any member who shall attend such meeting, in person or by proxy; and if any member, in writing or by telegraphic wire, filed with the records of the meeting, either before or after the holding thereof, shall waive notice of any members’ meeting, notice thereof need not be given to him.  No notice of an adjourned meeting of the members need be given.

Section 6.

Except as may otherwise be provided by law, or in the Articles of Incorporation, a quorum at any annual or special meeting of members shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the members represented either in person or by proxy.  When a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the members represented thereat shall decide any question brought before such meeting, unless otherwise expressly provided by law.  In the absence of a quorum, those present may adjourn the meeting to another day, but until a quorum is secured, no business may be transacted; provided, however, that in case of any meeting called for the election of directors, those who attend the second of such adjourned meetings, although less than a quorum, shall nevertheless, constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing directors. At any adjourned meeting when a quorum is present any business may be transacted which would have been proper at the original meeting.

Section 7.

The President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the members. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, those present and entitled to vote at the meeting shall elect a presiding officer.

Section 8.

Any action required to be taken at a meeting of the members, or any other action which may be taken at a meeting of members, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the members entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Idaho Code.