President Letter February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013

To Members of the Board of the Stonebrook HOA:

My name is Lisa Moss.  I have lived in Stonebrook for over a decade and have a Bachelors Degree in Accounting.  I passed the CPA exam and have 18 years experience working with various businesses to help them run better and more efficiently. 

Vic & Sue Jacobsen asked me to meet with them briefly about the HOA and write my recommendations to them in an email.  I recommend the following:

First and foremost, I want the HOA to be treated as a business.  I think Board Member’s time should be spent on important decisions and issues.  I want predictable, routine tasks to be handled by others that we all, collectively, pay.  I think the accounting information should be input into Quickbooks and not kept on an Excel spreadsheet.  The accounting records should be kept in a consistent and accurate way.

Second, I recommend we hire an accountant to handle the following duties:

  • Produce and send annual bills to HOA members

  • Track payments and follow established collection procedures if no payment is received (including filing liens if necessary)

  • Annually update addresses from county records

  • Pay bills and give to President/Treasurer for signature

  • Send annual newsletter

  • Send standard covenant violation letters if board deems necessary

  • Present quarterly financial reports at Board Meeting

  • Check mail weekly

  • Answer calls/respond to requests from homeowners or title companies as needed

  • File an annual tax return

Third, I recommend we only allow the President and Treasurer to sign checks.  The person we hire should not have any access to our cash/savings accounts.  I recommend the bank send a copy of each monthly statement to the President and the accounting hire.

Cost info:  I asked Kendra Moncur who is an accountant at a small accounting firm downtown (JF Bell) to give us a basic bid of cost.  Her firm handles a number of water districts which she assumes would be similar.  She would guess it would be $200/250 month.  I also talked to Brandi Newton who has roughly my same experience and educational level.  She estimated an individual would be willing to do the work for around $50 - $75 hour.  (If we estimate an hour a week, I think it would cost about the same).  I estimate it will take about 10 hours to sort out the records and set up the HOA in Quickbooks.  I think it would take about an hour a week onging.  (However, it is difficult to estimate until you dive into the process)

 I appreciate the time you, as a Board Member, give to our Homeowners Association.  I want to keep you all from burning out in your service and being overwhelmed by small things that others could handle.  I think other homeowners are willing to pay their fair share of costs incurred to run this HOA.  We all benefit from a happy board and a beautiful sub division.       

I’m planning to come to the next board meeting on March 6 to discuss this letter.  If you have any questions, you can email me.


Lisa Moss