Newsletter December 2013

The Winter season is upon us and with that, the busy Christmas holiday. Stonebrook is a great place to call home and it is because of you, our neighbors and the care you show to your homes and properties. Thank you for making Stonebrook warm and inviting. I know my children will always remember how our neighborhood looks when the snow is fresh and the Christmas lights are shining bright. On behalf of the Stonebrook homeowner’s board, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

President—Russ Thompson                                       

Vice President—Ted Heckathorne

Treasurer—Cindy Garrity

Secretary—Carrie Madden

Member—Qun Shi, Sheri Lewis

 Tree trimming regulations mandated by the City of Idaho Falls have changed.  Street trees and shrubs shall be trimmed from the ground level to at least 15’ above any public street, public easement or ally, or at least 12’ above the curb and sidewalk.  Homes that are not in compliance will be reported to the City of Idaho Falls.

The city will then hire a contractor to trim the trees according to the regulations and bill the homeowner for the expense.  Please make sure your trees are trimmed for the safety of those walking or riding bikes and so that snow plows, garbage trucks and street sweepers can access our streets and keep them maintained.


 As temperatures drop and the weather changes, a reminder to make sure your pets have a warm, dry area to stay if you keep them outside.  Your pets should have an ample amount of food and water as well.  If they are left outside for a length of time,  you can get a heated water bowl to keep their water from freezing up.  

Please be considerate of both your dog and neighbors and don’t leave dogs unattended for long periods of time outside as they sometimes become barkers.  If you have any concerns over an animal’s safety, please call 529-1200 and they will send and Animal Control Officer to check on it.