SBHA Meeting Notes February 21, 2019


Budget meeting notes

Feb 21, 2019 8:15pm

Location: Sunnyside Elementary School

Attendance: All board members.

Future plans:

  • Property value

    • Fiber internet

    • Entry community property

      • Yard work

      • Snow removal

      • Trees

      • Stonebrook sign

    • Tree Compliance

      • Tree trimming

      • Tree replacement

      • Front entry tree

      • Sunnyside field tree

    • Trailer compliance

      • Behind fence adjacent to garage

      • Street parking city code

    • Other Neighborhood CCR compliance

      • Rundown (Mr. Shipman)

      • Sheds

      • Sidewalks

    • Mailboxes

    • Front entry

  • Community relationships

    • Mailings

      • Invoices

      • Newsletters

      • Welcome

      • Holiday greetings

    • Block Party

    • Welcome packets

    • Garage sale

    • Service Projects

    • Holiday decorations

  • HOA Function

    • Bookkeeping

    • Taxes

    • Website w/ Online payments

    • P.O. Box

February 2019 Board Meeting Notes

Meeting Minutes:

Approval of November and AUgust Meeting Minutes.

  1. Approve November 2018 Meeting Minutes

  1. Approve August 2018 Meeting Minutes

  2. Bookkeeper Report (20 overdue accounts  | $1,337.00 USD)

    1. Binder will be added to the minutes

    2. Taxes will be added to the minutes

    3. Discussion of combining 16 divisions into one division.

      1. Decided to wait to pursue with lots of work and little outcome.

  3. Taxes Update

    1. Attach Stonebrook HOA Bookkeeper Responsibilities.

    2. Kent Okeson helped file.

    3. Accrual Basis of Accounting method for taxing.

    4. Revenue $316x40=

    5. Expenses per bill as recorded in Xero

    6. Proposal for responsibilities of the Bookkeeper

  4. Discussion of pursuing our own snow removal on streets with permission from the City of Idaho Falls

  5. Financial Discussion

    1. Debate about spending money

      1. Save money for sprinklers

      2. Save money for Lawsuit

        1. Homeowners association can pursue an insurance policy that will cover lawyer fees. For a defend and indemnify clause

        2. Mark contact EmmaLee Robinson for quote.

    2. What are your thoughts?

      1. Proposed

        1. Feb 21 Thur

        2. Mar 6 Wed

        3. Mar 7 Wed

      2. Spending vs. Keeping

        1. Block party spending. Get people to come.

        2. What do we need the money for?

        3. The value of our homes.

          1. Snow removal would add to the value too

      3. Wish we could get everyone together for the meeting

        1. Emphasis we don’t miss this one.

      4. Two schools of thoughts

        1. HOA involved: writing people up, cutting trees, moving trailers, very active in covenants enforcement

        2. HOA not involved: do not harass people

      5. Realtor Eyes:

        1. I don’t notice trailers, sometimes they are out but not always. Ammon all have trailers, all have boats, narrow streets, it helps everyone.

        2. Nudge for the trees

          1. Helping get trees lining the streets

        3. Nudge for the trailers

        4. Width of streets is great for our neighborhood too!

      6. What happened regarding trees:

        1. Utterback was giving out trees but as they were building he did not continue giving them out.  Dont know why they put in Ash Trees

    3. Budgeting Meeting with everyone in attendance.

      1. What things matter

      2. What is a priority for the HOA

  6. Future Planning

  7. Committee Reports & Updates


February Committee Updates:

November 14, 2018 7:30-8:00pm

Fiber Internet Committee

  • Update

Block Party/Welcoming

  • Welcome Packet

  • Block Party Date: Friday, May 31, 2019 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

    • Location: Sunnyside Elementary School Field

    • Details: Wristbands & Invitations

    • Events:

      • Tree Planting

      • Bounce House

      • Welcome table

      • Field Games

      • Ice Cream & Snow Cones

      • Sponsors

Community Improvement

  • Fall Tree Trimming Service Project (October)

  • Spring Tree Trimming Service Project (April)

  • Plant a tree (donation) to Sunnyside Elementary School Field

Neighborhood Watch Committee

  • Nextdoor App

  • Neighborhood Watch Signs

Silver Seniors Social Committee

  • Social get together