Welcome to Idaho Falls, Idaho
Stonebrook Community


Stonebrook Residents,

The 2024 Stonebrook HOA Member Meeting will be scheduled in August. Date, Time, Location to be announced. The meeting will be recorded and placed on the website to view later if you are not able to attend. 

Topic: Stonebrook HOA Annual Members Meeting
Time: TBD

As HOA Board Members we continue to pursue our number one priority of maintaining and increasing home values in our community. I have been serving on the Stonebrook HOA since 2015. We are looking for volunteers to join the Stonebrook HOA Board. We will be accepting nominations at the Annual Members Meeting. You may also email your HOA Board Member nomination to stonebrookhomeownershoa@gmail.com.  

Thank you, 
Jamie Braithwaite
Stonebrook HOA Board 

Do you want to get involved?

Seeking Board of Directors Member Nominations. Current Board Members:

  • Felicia Wright

  • Jamie Braithwaite

  • Madonna Bishop

  • Vic Jacobson

    Watch the 2023 Board Meeting below:



Our neighborhood boasts many beautiful fall leaves every year. Get outside and serve our neighborhood by trimming your trees to the correct height off the street, curb, and sidewalk. According to applicable ordinances*, trees are to be trimmed from ground level to at least 15 feet above public streets, 13 feet above curb and 8 feet above sidewalks. If you have trees that need to be trimmed to comply with city ordinances October is the time to get it done. You can do it yourself or hire a commercial service. As an HOA, we hope to continue coordinating this outdoor service project effort each fall in coming years. *Note 1: Idaho Falls Ordinance Nos. 1941, Sections 4-7; 2207, 8-8-96; 2486, 3-27-03; 2738, 2-14-8; 2877, 8-11-11; 2968, 9-10-14.


  • Patmore Ash

  • Autumn Blaze Maple

As a reminder Homeowners can plant any other tree in their front yard, but for the Stonebrook HOA Sidewalk easement park strips you must use the permitted trees only for HOA uniformity.

The owner of each lot will be required to have or plant one or two trees on the front of each lot depending on width of lot with a maximum of four trees per park strip. No tree may be planted in any park strip area (located between the sidewalk and the curb) unless the tree is of a species that can be found on a list of acceptable species that is to be created and maintained by the Board.

The Association may require that trees disturbing the sidewalk be replaced and that the sidewalk be repaired. The owner of each lot will further be required to maintain such trees in the manner required by the city ordinances of Idaho Falls, Idaho.  Each owner shall further be responsible to replace said trees as necessary.

If you have a tree of a different variety grandfathered in please register your tree with the Stonebrook HOA Board. If you would like to replace a tree that is not on the permitted list contact the Stonebrook HOA Property Management via our website at www.stonebrookhomeowners.org/contact and you will receive a planted 25-gallon Ash Tree(s) on the front or side of your lot (depending on the width of lot) with an approximate 2+ inch trunk and 15-foot height, however, you will be required to maintain the tree.

Trees purchased at R&D Wholesale Nursery. Trees planted by Underground Landscaping. 

Stonebrook Community Yard Sale

Annual Tradition on the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays in May depending on weather and home owner travel schedules.

Q&A: Building a shop on my property in Stonebrook

QUESTION: I want to build a shop in my backyard. Do I need to get approval from the HOA? 
ANSWER: Possibly depending on the size, location, and building materials of your shop.
Please click here for more details and review the article.

Stonebrook Entrance Logo